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  • Princess Mi Amore Snowwie

    Princess Snowwie

    • Age: 19 (human years)

      Gender: Female

      Species: Alicorn

      Appearance: Snowwie is an alicorn who has her short violet hair always covering her left eye for different reasons that she wishes not to talk about. She is Aquamarine like the sky when is snows sometimes and her cutie mark is a snowflake.

      Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is a snowflake due to the fact she was always interested and great at making them from scratch when she used to be a pegasus filly. As soon as she found out her cutie mark was a snowflake she was excited because now everyone knew that she was one of the few ponies who could make snowflakes without machines.

      Personality: Snowwie is shy and more quiet than other ponies since she was sheltered in Cloudsdale most of her life. She loves to draw when she is not making snowflakes and she loves to hang out with other ponies like Rainbow Dash and Trixie whenever she is off duty and out of season. Even though she is shy, she is quite friendly once you get to know her.

      Backstory: Snowwie was originally from Cloudsdale. She was not born a princess but she loved to create snowflakes as a pegasus. As soon as she turned 18, she became an alicorn due to her amazing abilities to create snowflakes and make them each look different. Everypony thought that Snowwie would love doing this and dreamed of creating snowflakes as a living. She created snowflakes by hoof before they created the machines. When the machines for snow were created, Snowwie became the manager/ creator of that weather department. When Snowwie spent all year creating snowflakes by hoof, she would load her snowflakes into the machines then go to the clouds and then downward. The truth is that Snowwie always wanted to be a Wonderbolt on a parttime during summer fall and spring. So she applied to the Wonderbolt academy as a student and as soon as she was accepted she flipped. One of the best things that ever happened to her was finally coming true. As soon as she told her parents, they supported her the whole way through being proud that their daughter could follow her real dream in life. So, now she is here at the Wonderbolt academy not only to meet Rainbow Dash and Derpy but here to find out who she really is. Finally, Snowwie always wanted to be treated like an average pony so she totally hates when people bow to her just because she is a Princess. When Snowwie isnt doing Wonderbolt shows or creating snowflakes, she is also an apprentance of the Great and Powerful Trixie. The reason Snowwie is doing this is because she wants to perform like Trixie and do birthday parties with Trixie for little fillies who aspire to be like them.

    Princess Mi Amore Snowwie

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