Appearance: Quasar is a light red pegasus mare, her youthfulness and athletic build symbolizing her energetic and unusually cheerful personality. Her wings are a bit longer in proportion to her body, and she is a bit shorter than the average mare. <br /><br />Her eyes are a dark navy blue color – for a mare her eyebrows are shorter than usual. Quasar visibly has a chipped, canine tooth and a distinctly rounded jaw. She has a dark orange (like marigold) mane with mahogany stripes on the front of her mane, and her tail is wildly unkempt and has a somewhat wavy shape; the mare is almost always seen with her welding goggles on her forehead. She sometimes wears a headset around her neck.
Cutie Mark: Her cutie mark is that of a spiraling quasar, hence her name. Before she had mostly taken to messing around as an aerial courier, her talent lay in general astronomy; even after being assigned into the mercenary team, she still appears to like star-gazing and making notes of things beyond the skies.
Personality: Being the speedster of any group she's in, Quasar also happens to be the one that's loud and irritating. She is a fast talker...and a restless one, too. It doesn't matter what situation she's in, she will always find a way to annoy someone, somewhere, and make sure she gets the good laugh after their humiliating defeat. <br /><br />Quasar can be unusually cheerful and sometimes even appear as sociopathic, though her presence is thankfully amusing enough that if she isn't whacking others with her trusty smooth wooden bat (or golf putter, croquet mallet, hockey stick, whatever she could get her hooves on). Other than that, she is rude and has a lack of a language filter and has a surprisingly good sense of humor. <br /><br />However, she maintains empathy to whoever she works under as long as they prove to be reasonable and helpful to her, although Quasar doesn't usually show it openly. After all, her type of empathy involves bashing heads in, stuffing fast food, and trying to pick up hot stallions.<br /><br />As much as she is fast on the field, she is also fast in mind; while Quasar may not be the most intelligent pony on the team, she is one that can improvise and make herself unpredictable. Other than that, Quasar tends to stargaze (the only "educated" thing she does), eat lots of fast food and drink lots of soda, play the electric guitar, and sing bad karaoke.
Backstory: Quasar was born to a unicorn mare and pegasus stallion on the coast of Horseshoe Bay, having a younger brother with her as she grew up. She was seen as a fairly typical filly in a slightly chaotic and weird family of hers, though her weirdness began to show up over time as well.<br /><br />But before she became the punk she was, Quasar liked sticking together with her parents, a slight habit of hers that still lingers in her even today. She didn't like going out and she certainly didn't want to make friends and be seen. Her parents were concerned, and promptly went out...and returned with a telescope for her to use, hoping that they have given her an excuse to at least go outside and do something rather than remain the introvert she was at home.<br /><br />The idea worked...but it gave Quasar something more. She became interested in looking beyond the skies, and went out more consistently to do so. And finally, one night Quasar sneaked out of her bedroom with the telescope behind her wings, and trotted out to the hill nearby her home. There she lay for hours, hoping to see something special, before suddenly the sky had a meteor that lit brightly in the sky. Before crashing down nearby her, it had a flash as it disintegrated. After the flash, she looked around...before noticing a cutie mark on her flank.<br /><br />The rest of her life was relatively uneventful; she worked as a paper-mare for some time before she got into university. She initially was asked to take on civil engineering, but quickly got tired with it and during the night would work as a aerial courier, flying around the Horseshoe Bay metro. Quasar eventually made a name for herself as just not a quick messenger, but also a stuntsmare and loudmouth fighter.<br /><br />She caught the attention of RED, however, a corporation known for its "demolition services". Attracted by the prospects it offered her, she gladly accepted...before being caught into a shocking mercenary program with the freedom of stamping on faces and zipping around battlefields.<br /><br />So begins Quasar's new life – messenger mare by night, and RED mercenary by day.
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