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  • "Burning" H Bastion


    • Age: 22

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: A pony with white fur and black hooves, mane is long and tied back with a pony tail to keep it clean as is the tail, both the tail and mane is black, Hyper's coat is a shade of white darker than his fur with the outlines of the coat grey to match the inside, as a pyromancer the mark of the flame is presented on his left arm. Wrapped around the coat is a red dyed rope which is bow tied; this also holds Hyper's primary tool, his Katana, the handle and sheathe is black, tipped with gold while the blade is a classic folded Tamahagane steel, carefully polished and sharpened; the fine polish reflects sunlight perfectly when exposed which is useful for blinding opponents in combat. His eyes are very distinctive, Hyper has green eyes and a scar down his left eye, the close hit allowed him to keep his eyesight In his left eye. However if you was to meet Hyper, your attention would be drawn to his right eye for this eye has no white nor green, but instead entirely red with the exception of his black pupil, this problem is down to a backfire effect on experimental medical magic, which in most days now is either never used or very rare however his mane is quite handy to cover over this eye giving ponies a chance to approach and chat to Hyper before noticing.

      Cutie Mark: Because his family was very strong with the Samurai culture, Many of his family members would have their cutie mark in the form of Symbols instead of Images which does make it difficult to understand what their cutie mark represents for those who do not live in their culture but the mark is one large symbol with a red circle to outline it, Hyper will not tell you what it means if you ask him, he believes that you should understand the culture to understand the pony and just saying it's meaning would negate that but of course other ponies just believe that he does not know either. Only Hyper and those who understand the culture and language know it's meaning.

      Personality: Hyper is polite and well spoken, being very calming with his tone, this gives the ponies he encounters a feeling of safety when they speak to him despite the fact he carries a katana that is ready to strike when he requires it, his training in both the Samurai class and Pyromancy gives him a clear state of mind and quick thinking is possible for when the situation is important. <br />Publicly he is very relaxed, talkative and enjoys the highlights that Equestria offers. <br />professionally Hyper is a strong leader, his smart actions can keep many people safe or guard the item he protects, when he is guarding he prefers to have a small team but when offensive, he just prefers to work with his best friend Eice, who was ranger, living in northern Equestria.<br /><br />But like all ponies he is not perfect, Hyper has specific noises and actions that can just tear his mind apart with whispering being the biggest agony, the fact that he cannot hear the words that are spoken is the problem its not about being out of the conversation, its down to the fact that he does not know what is going on, and in his military life, being unable to understand the situation has almost killed him countless times so its mainly down to a sort of paranoia; his life as a soldier takes a toll on other things as well, Hyper is a insomniac, unable to sleep for most of his off time and when he does sleep, he will usually experience nightmares, being a soldier, this was not to be unexpected, the lack of sleep can sometimes make him lose focus and be very anti-social.

      Backstory: Born outside Equestria but to a Island colony miles away from the eastern coast, Hyper was raised in a family of samurai tradition, learning to control state of mind and how to effectively wield the katana in order to follow his family in protecting their homeland this training had begun when he was able to stand on his own four hooves and had been training, his entire childhood. <br /><br />He had a fascination with arts of magic, something that was mainly shunned upon in his family line. <br />however due to being a earth pony, he would not be able to learn the more commonly known magic that unicorns can perform, but there are alternatives; one of these was the art of pyromancy, while more difficult to learn and master for a earth pony, Hyper still pushed himself to learn, such a artform took years to complete, under limited resources and being in secrecy, training times were restraint.<br /><br />By the age of 18 he had excelled his abilities in pyromancy and by the age of 21, he was granted with the rank of samurai, following the honour of his family, while hiding his ability with pyromancy from his superiors.<br /><br />At the age of 23 one of his samurai comrades discovered his pyromancy abilities, Hyper was taken from the line of defence and was ripped out of his family line, claiming that his magic ability was a disgrace on their tradition, threatening on his life, Hyper left Eastern Equestria and found a place under the command of Princess celestia, with his training, discipline and knowledge Hyper was enlisted as a royal guard but he refuses to wear the armour that most guards use as they weigh him down and restricted his movements, Celestia and the other guards have little issue with this, the change in cultures would make him less effective if it was forced onto him, however Hyper does have a minimal set of armour that he sometimes wear during the major events, such as royal meetings, weddings ect.<br /><br />After the attack of Discord, Hyper became fascinated with Chaos, different from magic, he began to study what it was, how it was done and who could use it, fascination quickly turned to hate as he discovered more of the effects chaos and corruption brings.<br /><br />He desires to find the primary source of chaos, but one should be wary of contacting the source of chaos and corruption, nopony knows the effects of pure chaos or corruption.<br />

    "Burning" H Bastion

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