Appearance: Solidly built with a jolly face, pale white skin and a short, messy, red mane.
Cutie Mark: A walking stick, representative of his love of travel and desire to explore every corner of Equestria.
Personality: Free-spirited, likes to travel, generally friendly and outgoing. Sometimes reckless and often irresponsible, but tries to make up for his mistakes. His sense of humor can be offensive to some people as can his tendency for wild revelry. Has no real desire in life but to wander and see everything the world has to offer. <br /><br />As his name implies, rambler has spent his life drifting from place to place and has accumulated countless stories over his travels, which he enjoys recounting to anyone who will listen.
Backstory: Countless things have happened to Rambler during his travels, and everyone who asks him about his past hears a different story. He was recently run out of town for nearly burning down city hall (to be fair, it's not like he did it on purpose).
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