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  • Raspberry Drizzle

    Victoria Sponge

    • Age: 47

      Gender: Female

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: <p> Raspberry Drizzle is a yellow pegasus with a curly pink mane, that covers part of her face, decorated with white streaks. She has pink eyes and always wears a butterfly pin in her hair. </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> Her cutie mark is a jar of raspberry jam with a raspberry floating inside of it. </p>

      Personality: <p> Raspberry is normally a gentle and cute pony who tends to smile a lot, however she loves to perform aerial tricks and when she does so successfully she can be a little boastful. She's also a perfectionist and loves to do things to completion, this can make her slightly bossy at times. </p>

      Backstory: <p> <span>Raspberry grew up in Trottingham with her younger, by five years, sister Lemon. Raspberry loved her sister a lot and was always there to look after and care for her, which was helpful because their parents were often out working and did not have much time for their fillies. Despite this, Raspberry's perfectionist and boastful nature led Lemon to believe she was inferior to her older sister, and while Raspberry often assured her otherwise Lemon was driven into her shell and became rather reserved, something that passed on to her daughter Battenberg. Lemon's intelligence was unaffected by her self esteem however and so she gained quite a talent for giving advice and was even able to help Raspberry a number of times when she was down.</span> </p> <p> <span>Raspberry discovered her talent whilst trying to bake a birthday cake for her sister, as her mother was a baker she wanted to follow in her hoofsteps. Unfortunately the cake wasn't great, that was with the exception of the raspberry jam in the middle of the sandwich which was amazingly tasty. She gained her cutie mark when Lemon told her how great the Jam was to reassure her after she watched the faces of her family as they attempted to eat her less than perfect cakes. From this point on she specialised in jam, though she was able to develop her baking skills and can make relatively good cakes. This also brought on her perfectionist attitude, wanting everything she creates or does to be perfect to avoid seeing more disappointment. </span> </p> <p> <span>Raspberry realised that she was able to create masterpieces when she combined her jam with Lemon's cakes and so the two sisters baked together for a long time, eventually the pair took a holiday/business trip to Manehattan where they were able to sell their craft to a very big, very grand wedding for a couple of rich celebrity ponies. They produced all the cakes/jam for this wedding including the wedding cake and were paid handsomly for it. Lemon found that Manehattan had a taste for cake, quite the sweet tooth, and made plans to move to the city. A couple of years later she realised her plans and made the move, Raspberry decided to stay in Trottingham to look after their widowed mother and said a tearful farewell to her sister.</span> </p> <p> <span>Raspberry remained in Trottingham, making homemade jam for the local community and making a small amount of money from doing so. While selling her jam she helped a shy stallion by the name of Cirtrus Orange grow his business and the two eventually fell in love, the pair eventually had a daughter, Red Icing who would grow up to become Red Velvet who was then followed by two twin girls Heather and Caramel Fudge. Eventually Lemon and her new husband moved back to Trottingham and lived with her once again along with their two fillies Battenberg and Victoria. When her mother passed on she decided that remaining in Trottingham was too painful due to the memories and moved to Cloudsdale to train her flying skills, leaving Citrus alone since their daughters moved to various districts of Manehattan. She gave most of the money from the will to Lemon and her twins to help them pay for a house and two apartments in a Manehattan before she left. She also signed up to work at Cloudsdale Catering where she produced both cakes and jam, this is her current profession. </span> </p> <p> <span>She currently lives in Cloudsdale so she can get to work easily, but she is still the rightful owner of her family home in Trottingham and occasionally takes holidays to her old hometown. Raspberry tends to visit Manehattan to see her sister and her nieces and daughters. She is thinking of buying a new house in Ponyville so Citrus can live with her again.</span> </p>

    Raspberry Drizzle
    • Brohoof 1

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