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  • Script Chime

    Script Chime

    • Age: 16

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: <p> She is a dark blue unicorn with a long red and purple mane and tail. She's kind of short in stature and stout. She has purple eyes and bracelets on her hooves that she uses too cast spells on and temporarily charm </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> A bell consumed by shadows with a silhouette of a music note </p> <p>   </p>

      Personality: <p> She is elegant but still has the ability to be energetic and social and might participate in activities as long as she feels it doesn't make her look stupid (In her opinion) making her more suited for talking in events rather than participating. She at times takes hits at more "dirty humor" but that's usually with those she's close with. She has an intolerance for people that don't take her interest seriously or make things a joke as a result she can be quie intolerable during events or preparation for performances or when she's doing art even at points when everyone is joking. </p>

      Backstory: <p> She learned to love preforming from a young age. Her mother and father were great dancers and her brother was well on his way. She on the other hoof was often unbalanced or lacked rhythm. As well, due to her weight, she often wasn't suited for it or was too embarrassed. </p> <p> She mastered unsteady ballroom dancing but she found her real talent where her family could not. She had an amazing voice. Granted it wasn't anything drop dead stunning she worked to perfect it . She found the best ways to create music and other works by looking at the reviews of critics and using the criticism to improve her own work. She also found love is doing voice overs but typically finds it too hard to find roles and continues to work on her voice. However it wasn't enough for her. </p> <p> The career paths she aimed for were stagnate and she had no back up. As a result she began dabbling in shadow magic. She manipulated shadows and dark magic and when in use she made herself almost siren like. It all came crashing on her when she tried casting a spell meant to send you to another realm. The spell almost completely failed, but she seemed to earn her cutie mark but it just so happen she summoned a demon along with it . A demon that was a counterpart to her. Everything she wasn't in terms of personality and mannerisms. This hellspawn haunted her mind and seemed to be the very core of her self doubt. But after a long period of time she went silent. The demon was no longer speaking to her. she had assumed it was because she had ignored it. Besides she had continued to experiment with Shadow Magic even after she went silent and nothing happened. </p> <p> She soon went deeper into her shadow magic studies while attempting to balance other studies. One stressful night she attempted to kill two bird with one stone and tried summoning another demon to help her with an assignment. This is what the previously needed and she broke free from Script's mind into the world. </p> <p> She called herself Elusive Shadows. She was sarcastic, annoying, and she mocked Script a lot. But rather than being the vicious voice from before she was more of an irritating older sibling. As infuriating as she was to Script in off moments she seemed to find this affection with her. When bullied, even if Script objected to any action taken before, Elusive would force a fusion with her and find some way to make Script retaliate. She would afterwards separate from her as if nothing had happened returning to her sarcastic bitchy self. Script has at times looked to her when she felt hurt and alone and for many of the times that she came to her she wasn't helpful but there were the moments where the embodiment of her self doubt and misery forced her to be and do better. She would batter her forcing her to reflect and take action on the reflection and revelation she came to. </p> <p> Script Chime now a teenager continues to study and aspire to her dreams as well as dealing with this demon she let out. She, on occasion, has summoned other demons to speak to when bored who have felt similar to annoying unhelpful friends. </p>

    Script Chime

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