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  • Shadow Beam

    Shadow Beam

    • Age: 22

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Coat: Dark grey with a painted white mark on his face and other on his chest.<br /><br />Mane: White<br /><br />He's bigger than most of the stallions, this being due to living in harsh conditions since his early years. The hard work and diet he had to go through end up giving him a remarkable size.<br /><br /><br />Aura: White and black<br /><br />The white simbols on his coat are "warpaint" he used during his time in the Everfree Forest to appear more threatening to the beasts that lived there. After finally getting out of there, he kept using it.

      Cutie Mark: A black mark with 3 white curved simbols forming a triangle around another square white mark with triangles on its sides and middle.<br /><br />It represents the darkness of night and his aura. His special talent during night is that his mind and magic start working more efficiently just like if he was meant to be nocturnal.

      Personality: He's proud of his skills and intellect, still, always willing to improve himself.<br />Very "closed" when it comes to meet new ponies. Learning to take care of himself at a short age gave him a lot of self confidence on his abilities, which a lot of times shows as a weakness, making him think that he can defend himself against any possible danger.<br />He loves being with his friends and is very protective with them. Even then, he also likes being alone with his thoughts from time to time.<br />He can get very emotional, but usually tries to hide it.<br />Obviously, he loves the night. And usually takes strolls during it, which makes him sleep a lot during most of the day, and staying up until the dawn. <br />During day most of his behaviour changes. He gets irritated very easily and gets very distrancted. This affects his magic heavily, making him act without previous planing. His magic gets affected by this too, giving him lots of troubled when trying to cast spells.

      Backstory: Born in a small and traditional community of unicorns, so small in fact, that it didn't appear in maps.<br />Being born in a family of pure unicorns, he always had the pressure of heavy studies on his shoulder. Sadly for him, he never was quite the student. He was always pretty irritable during the day, and had lot's of problems with his studies thanks to this. <br />But he wasn't always so grumpy, there was something that always made him happier. The night. For some reason the night turned him to a whole new pony. It fulfilled him. It made him feel happy, feel like himself. And who would've thought that it wasn't just a reaction to it's beauty, no, it was more...<br />He finally discovered his special talent when he decided to slip off his house to enjoy the wonders of night. He felt completely energized and happy. He realized that he was able to pick more things from the ground as usual, it was too easy actually. He suddenly found himself being able to perform the spells he had so many troubles with before. That's when he realized the night for him was something more. That's when he realized that he was meant for it, as his cutie mark finally stood proud on his flank.<br />After discovering this ability, Shadow's life changed drastically, he slept during most of the day, and stayed up during night to train and study. In no time he found himself being the best student there.<br />One night on his 15's, while practicing teleportation, something went wrong. He didn't study the spell enough, he wanted to prove himself. Surprisingly, it worked, but not as he wanted to, he found himself appearing in random places without any control over the spell, he couln't stop, and he felt how his magic was being quickly drained as sights of placed he didn't even knew popped in front of him every second, until the spell stopped and finally fell to the ground exhausted, realizing that he was in a forest. Sudden noises began to be heard around him, so he ran and decided to use a cave as his refuge, making it his new "home". He wanted to look for his family, but something about this forest wasn't right. There were no ponies around, controlling or directing the weather and growth of the plants. Strange monsters he haven't heard about before lurked around the threes and bushes. <br />For several days he made every kind of signal, wishing for somepony to notice them. He tried and tried, but no one came. He could try to make his way out, but what if he got even deeper? What if there were beasts waiting for him? He couln't take the risk and he knew it. One day he finally realized something, now it was just him against the world, and he wasn't going to give up, he was going to survive, even when being by himself.<br />The years passed and passed. He used the time he had to improve himself, training, trying to keep himself on his hooves and avoid going nuts with the loneliness. <br />One night (Shadow being now 22 years old), that oddly appeared to be longer than usual, he spotted them. 6 ponies, all of them mares, walking through the forest. He followed them, not being able to belive his own eyes, even to the point of depriving him to even spare a word or show himself to them, so he just followed. After some time, they found what seemed like ruins of a castle. He stayed watching from a far distance as they went inside. After what seemed like hours, they returned, not alone, but accompanied by Princess Celestia and a smaller, beautiful alicorn mare. Oddly, he felt like he knew her, like she was no strange at all to him, even if he was sure that he never saw her before. Once he finally broke the gaze at this odd alicorn mare, he followed them once again.<br />The group finally led him to a little village, he was utterly astonished. He realized that those days of pure loneliness might've come to an end. But something was bothering him. Still, after so much time without having contact with other ponies, the thought of interacting with them overwhelmed him. He stayed several days in the outskirts of the village getting courage and trying to remember how to deal with them to finally make his acquaintance.<br />The day came, and he finally decided to confront them, he had to, he NEEDED to do it. And for sure it was the best decision he ever made. Even though he had some problems at first after all the years of exclusion from society, he finally, with a little help of the good willing ponies of Ponyville, was able to actually get himself a place on the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, which apparently was the place where he was living all along (Being pretty embarassed of not realizing earlier). And actually he managed to get a job too: As he lived in the forest for so long, he uses his knowledge of the place to watch over its borders, help ponies in troubles and collect ingredients or rare objects to find and sell them.<br />Having now friends and being with other ponies surely made him happy. But he found out that sometimes a lot of social interaction (Specially with ponies he doesn't know)can overwhelm him, being alone for so many years took a toll from him, making very easy for him to feel uncomfortable. To take a break he usually takes strolls alone during night and stargazes after some training. Even after years of loneliness, he found out that sometimes he was happy by himself, of course knowing that even when no one is around, he still had friendship, and those ponies would never dissapear. <br />The tought of his family still lingered in his mind, until one day he decided to find them again.<br />After a long time of research(As his community didn't appear in maps), he finally found them. <br />The day of the meeting came and he was instantly recognized by his parents, soon the entire community found out he came back, and made a celebration for it, the joyful memory of his reunion will stay with him forever.<br />The stallion who was lost in the forest, in the purest state of loneliness, the one who had nothing but himself, suddenly had everything.<br /><br />

    Shadow Beam

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