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  • Silver Wing


    • Age: Around the same age as the Mane 6

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Silver Wing (since im not done with the image ive provided) has an almost snow white coat with a green and black mane and tail. He has a single silver streak through his mane and tail. His wing tips are also a silverish color. His hooves are a bright yellow. He also loves to wear his Wonderbolts jacket that he got at one of their airshows.

      Cutie Mark: Silver Wings cutie mark is a dark cloud with a silver feather. He discovered his cutie mark when he was out cloud bucking one day after school. He would go out every day after school to cloud buck to help him relax, but the more he did it, the faster he got. He eventually started having a green streak with a central silver stripe follow him as he sped through the clouds. Thats when he saw a flash on his flank, and there sat his cutie mark.

      Personality: Silver Wing is a rather distant type of pony. He was never able to make friends when he was little and was even picked on for his wings, seeing as they where larger than everyone elses wings. He is very shy around others, but when hes alone he is quite outgoing. Were he was picked on for his wings, he often keeps them closed, even though he has since grown into them. <br /><br />Even though he's shy, he is very friendly and likes to make new friends. Once he gets to know the pony and becomes more comfortable around them, he will open up to them in hopes of making a new friend. <br /><br />

      Backstory: Silver Wing is a fast and agile Pegasus. He loves the Wonderbolts and hopes that one day he will join them. He is a relatively shy Pegasus who stays to himself and keeps the weather in check. Because of his shyness, he never really made any friends in his hometown of Cloudsdale. He was the last in his class to earn his cutie mark, which is a dark cloud and a silver feather. He would often get picked on for being so quiet and shy and not having a cutie mark when he was in class. Every day, after school, he decided to fly around to let off some steam and to try and relax. Once he was way out of cloudsdale and alone, he began cloud bucking, getting faster and more agile with every passing day. After several months, he eventually got so fast that as he flew, a green streak with a silver stripe in the middle began to follow him. One day, he realized just how quick he had become and decided to take a rest on the only cloud left in the sky at the time. Just as he landed to marval at his accomplishment, he noticed a flash on his flank, and there rested his cutiemark! He was so happy, that he nearly shouted in joy and raced home as fast as he could to show his parents. <br /><br />A few years pass and Silver Wing decided that cloudsdale just isnt the place for him. He still had no friends, and was to shy to really speak to anypony to make any. So after looking for a new place to call home, he stumbles across Ponyville. He found the perfect little home and moved in right away. He now works as a weather Pegasus and has even made some new friends, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. When hes not hanging out with his new found friends, hes out busting clouds back in his old hangout spot from when he was little.<br />Fluttershy and Silver Wing hang out quite a bit. <br />They relate to each others shyness and difficult schooling experience. Being around Fluttershy, Silver Wing feels he can be himself and not worry about being picked on or laughed at. He will usually visit her cottage about once a week when he gets a break from weather patrol. <br />Silver and Rainbow Dash share the same shifts being weather Pegasus'. They often race to see who can clear their side of the sky first. Rainbow Dash wins almost every time, but that doesnt stop Silver from trying.

    Silver Wing

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    A few things to say:

    1.This screams like a male Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy got together to make him.

    2.All of the Mane 6 have different ages. Fluttershy even mentions that PP is older by a year. So be more specific with his age.

    3.How does someone relax by doing something as physically engaging as cloud bucking?

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    I adjusted his age to a more hard number. I am aware that the mane 6 are different ages, and actually Fluttershy is older than pinkie pie by a year.


    His personality is more based on my personality than anything. Like when i get upset or something, i usually go for a run, bike, or something similar. Thats how i am able to relax. I have always been a rather shy type of person, never had many friends except those who accepted me. I was always a fast runner and was one of the best soccer players in my grade through my school years. I only felt at home when i was out on the field playing soccer with my friends or riding my bike alone. I didnt mean to try and make Silver Wing just like any mlp character. If i did, it was by accident.

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