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  • Sky Night

    Alex Night

    • Age: 26

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Cutie Mark: Sky's Cutie Mark is that of a shooting star. He isn't quite sure yet why his Cutie Mark is like that. He first discovered it when he witnessed his first shooting star back when he was a colt in Cloudsdale.

      Personality: He is a serious Pegasus that lives a sort of a distant life. He doesn't normally speak unless he is spoken to or when he has very important things to say. Even as he acts like distant and anti-social, he will always stand fast in the face of duty and his fellow ponies.

      Backstory: Sky Night was born on August 13th in Cloudsdale. He grew up with only a father as his mother passed away from foalbirth. Growing up, he mostly kept to himself with the other colts and fillies back in flight school. Secretly, he was a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, especially Sonic Stream. He knew that he wouldn't be fast enough to make it onto the Wonderbolts, but he still dreamed about it. One day as he and his father took a visit down to Canterlot, he happened upon one of the patrolling Canterlot guards when he was just fifteen years old.<br /><br />He had a conversation with the guard, asking about life as a Canterlot guard from the training routine to living a daily life as one. After that, he started to feel interested in becoming a Canterlot guard out of everything else. He figured that he was perfect for it since he was one of the fittest colts in flight school.<br /><br />Jump forward to age 26, he is now a Sergeant in the Canterlot guard. He had done everything to ensure the safety of Canterlot and its fellow ponies. It wasn't a very fun or happy life, but it fits in his life since he didn't have friends growing up. The only ponies that he does warm up to is his comrades within the guard.

    Sky Night

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