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  • Smoky Gears

    • Age: Young adult

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: [img]http://oi66.tinypic.com/6fxmow.jpg[/img]

      Cutie Mark: The cutie mark of Smoky Gears is Three Gears, a Crystal a Wrench and a Lightning Bolt. This cutie mark represents that magic can be combined with science to develop new technology.

      Personality: Smoky Gears is a pony who loves science and innovation. This drives him to constantly be working on mechanical inventions. Jealous of the Princesses such as Twilight and Cadence who were able to become Alicorns Smoky Gears wants nothing more than to be one one day. But he knows the chances of this are slim to none. <br /><br />It is for this reason that he constantly pushes himself to work on mechanical devices. Around other ponies he'll be mostly friendly. Yet when he is around the Princesses he'll be uptight as he has a lot of respect for them. This often causes him to be overly formal when around any member of Royalty even though he didn't live in Canterlot. <br /><br />

      Backstory: From an early age, Smoky Gears has always had a desire to experiment with mechanical devices. Given one of his parents was a fairly wealthy Unicorn, Smoky Gears was humored most of his life. It was one day during school that he actually discovered his cutie mark. For it was the day of the science fair and there during the science fair, an invention of one of the ponies there went haywire, a laser that was powered by magic infused crystals. Leaping into action, Smoky Gears was quickly able to disable the object with a few well placed blasts of magic from his horn. Even though he was unable to win the science fair as his project had been destroyed, Smoky Gears managed to convince the pony to allow him to take the device home and learn exactly what had went wrong with the device. The device had been meant originally as a way to focus magical light until it's untimely malfunction.<br /><br /> <br /><br />With the device at his house, Smoky Gears studied it for weeks after school and learned about how said device worked. But when he remembered it had destroyed his science fair project, he got himself a couple of ideas that such a device could be useful, if the beam of energy it shot was more controllable. Such a device could possibly be used for demolition, as well as a whole host of other applications, including shaving off mustaches and stuff like that. Modifying the device until it was able to be saddle mounted, Smoky Gears worked on the device after school, and on vacation days.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Earning his cutie mark one night, when he finished the device Smoky Gears went outside of Canterlot onto a different mountain, where a boulder sat. Testing out the invention upon the boulder, Smoky Gears managed to punch a hole through the boulder. Once this test had been successfully done, Smoky Gears returned home, impressed with his invention and the power it held. But it wasn't done... at least not yet anyway because he hadn't found a successful way to power it without magical light or in areas where there was minimal light.<br /><br /> <br /><br />Once he graduated from school, Smoky opted not to go off to a university but instead to study on his own and learn from experience. Buying a mobile home to live in, with bits he earned from destroying old buildings with the laser, Smoky's been traveling the world, trying to come up with new ideas for mechanical devices, and perhaps one day become a master of science.

    Smoky Gears

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