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  • Solaire Of Canterlot

    Strong Copper

    • Age: 26

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Solaire is a Knight of Celestia and a devote sun worshiper. The armor that covers his body completely and the tabard of a single sun that he wears almost at all times signifies this to all who meet him. <br /><br />On the very rare occasion that his helm is removed and his face visible, Solaire has beautiful blue eyes, a golden mane and a lovely light brown coat. Once upon a time he was a very handsome stallion and the left side of his face is evidence of that. <br /><br />The right side of his face looks, for lack of a better word, melted and allowed to harden like plastic. The area around his right eye (As well as the eye itself, thank Celestia) appears to be unaffected by whatever had eaten away at his face, but most of his right cheek and muzzle was nothing but unnaturally thin, clearly damaged skin. It was possible to see the teeth in his jawline through his skin while his mouth was closed. <br /><br />Rather strange for a Knight of Celestia, Solaire bears a straight sword into battle instead of a morning star. His shield (A large circle of metal with a picture of the sun imprinted on it) is also custom made.

      Cutie Mark: A large circle shield with a picture of the sun imprinted on it. <br /><br />

      Personality: Solaire has always been rather soft spoken and very selective with his words but the burn on his face enforced his speaking habits; Yelling would not only aggravate his old burn but risk tearing the skin on his muzzle and cheek. The only time he will yell is if something was more important to him then the pain that doing so would cause him. <br /><br />Despite his often silent nature, to the world at large he is simply a friendly pony who helps his comrades when they are in need. He will protect anypony in House Moon and Star with a level of zeal and determination that is both inspiring and horrifying in equal measure depending on which side of him you are on at the time. <br /><br />While there is no doubt in anypony's mind that Solaire would stand between House Moon and Star and their enemies, he is not popular with the slave masters of the house due to standing between them and their hapless charges on a number of different occasions. The inquisition has an eye on him for these events, but despite at least two attempts to ferret out heresy from him Solaire remains a true paragon of the teachings of Princess Celestia.<br /><br />Despite his less this hospitable stays with the Inquisition, Solaire still treats them in a respectful and friendly manner; a fact which confuses and unnerves them.

      Backstory: When Solaire was ten years old, his school class took a field trip to Canterlot Castle to take a tour and meet the Princesses. During the tour, the young colt Solaire was forgotten about while the group was having a bathroom break and they left to continue the tour without him. <br /><br />Lost and alone, Solaire wandered around for a little while trying to find where the group had gone when he encountered Princess Celestia. Offering the lost colt a warm smile and after a small explanation about why he was there, the Princess of the Sun invited the young colt to join her and her sister Luna in the throne room to wait for his group to come there at the end of their trip to meet the Princesses. Overjoyed, Solaire accepted the offer. <br /><br />For the next few hours Solaire sat next to the Princess of the Sun, a creature who made his heart run wild yet somehow kept him calm and at peace with himself and the world around him while she and her sister dealt with matters of court as fairly as they could, regardless of whom came before them. <br /><br />When the day came to an end and Solaire rejoined his school tour, he knew in his heart then and there that he would dedicate his life to protecting the Princess that he loved. It was only when he got home did his mother point out to him that he had earned his cutie mark. <br /><br />When the Princesses vanished a year later, Solaire was shattered. The world just wasn't the same without her there. However, from what he knew of Celestia he could tell that she didn't seem the type of pony who would just up and leave her subjects willingly. This belief that the Princesses were in danger fueled his desire to become a guard pony, since only a pony who could fight would have a chance at going to their aid. <br /><br />Once Canterlot became the seat of House Moon and Star, Solaire became a devote follower of Celestia. His desire to be a simply guard pony changed to becoming a Knight of Celestia, because nothing less than the best would be worthy enough to aid their Princesses in their time of need.<br /><br />His short time with the Princess of the Sun had given Solaire a very firm picture of what his Goddess was like, which at times put him at odds with other members of the house who were trying to push values onto him that he knew for a fact she would hate. <br /><br />This standoffish behavior resulted in not one, but two different questioning sessions by the inquisition in an attempt to uncover heresy. Despite their efforts, they found none. <br /><br />During the second questioning session, one of the younger inquisitors (An proud and arrogant mare) lost herself to frustration at being unable to find anything that could be used to brand the young recruit as a heretic and smashed a vial of acid she had on her body into Solaire's face. Thanks to the actions of one of the older inquisitors, Solaire was able to keep the use of his eye while the damage was contained. <br /><br />Unable to uncover anything but a truly devote pony to the Goddess of the Sun, Solaire returned to his training and despite his burn completed it. Once he took to the field of battle he proved his devotion time and time again, mostly against the few pockets of Cultists of the Laughing Mare that could be located within the House's boarders.<br /><br />After a recent raid on one such hide out, the pony that had been unofficially labeled 'The Paladin of Celestia' requested an audience with Archmage Twilight Sparkle, wishing to discuss a piece of information that he had uncovered from a cultist warlock (Or demon summoner. But warlock just sounds better) during the raid.<br /><br />He is currently on his way home to Canterlot with his new task in mind.

    Solaire Of Canterlot

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