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  • Star Keeper


    • Age: 23

      Gender: Male

      Species: Pegasus

      Appearance: Rough Blond Coat<br />Greyish Blue Mane<br />Average in build

      Cutie Mark: Mark of Libra: A sign of justice, equality, knowledge and understanding.

      Personality: Star Keeper suffers from a fear of social interaction along with a mild case of OCD. He spends his days often at home looking over old scrolls and tomes. His interaction with other ponies is rather clumsy and nervous, so he tends to avoid socializing when possible. As a result there are few in Ponyville who know the stallion very well.<br /><br />Star Keeper’s personality is defined by his passion for History. His love of the subject has compelled him to delve deeper and deeper into unknown periods of time, looking back and speculating events and occurrences. Another thing that seems to be most prominently shown is Star Keepers personality is his unstable curiosity. If he doesn't know the answer or he wants to find out then he will by any means necessary. However this only seems to extend to academic matters, his curiosity to explore the world around him somewhat dulled over time.

      Backstory: Star Keeper is a very secretive pony, never giving away too much about himself or his past. Therefore there is very little to say about him other than he would rather not talk about his early life. He grew up in a normal family, was accepted into a gifted school in Canterlot, lived a fairly normal life by many standards. What defined him from the crowd was his love of history. It was a passion that saw its way through his studies and into his life today. He took up many side projects including herbal lore, but always found himself wandering back to ancient history.<br /><br />Then one day he came to Ponyville, although the reason why is still unclear. After flatting with a rather arrogant mare for a month or so, Star earned enough bits to rent his own home. He now lives near the local market to the east of town, a small little cottage with a precariously placed observatory on the side. Here he forwarded his research and took on the job of Town Record Keeper for the mayor’s office. That was nearly 4 years ago, since then he has done little else, his reclusive behaviour meaning that he barley ventures beyond his own home, the only exceptions being for errands and the occasional catch-up with friends.<br /><br />Star Keeper wouldn't leave Ponyville if he had to. He's grown to enjoy the comforts of the small town, often spending afternoons just enjoying the warm summer sun. It’s these small comforts he enjoys most. For now he is contempt where he is.

    Star Keeper

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