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  • Stardust Nicole Silvermane

    • Age: 605

      Gender: Other

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Stardust appears to be a normal Unicorn colt, with a white coat pink mane and tail. He usually wears a matching pink ribbon in his tail that long ago used to belong to his sister. He has a Blue and Green eyes. His Cutie mark a clock face with a wedge in it between the 5 and the 6 represents his curse.

      Cutie Mark: A Clock face with a wedge jammed between the 5 and the 6.

      Personality: Stardusts personality is mercurial as his mind is often influenced by his young body and he often finds himself slipping into child like behavior as a result. He is terrified of storms and will often try to hide from them as a child would. He is friendly and loyal though to those he calls friend and is always willing to lend a hoof to help others. He is also not quite sure about his gender often preferring to look cute rather then in his words coltish

      Backstory: At the Age 5 long ago, Stardust was just a normal Foal. But one day a Mage appeared in the town he grew up in seeking a bride. The mage set his sights on Stardust's mother who turned the mage down. The mage in anger placed a curse on young Stardust that he would never age or grow old. The mage then stormed out of town never to be seen again. A few years later Stardust's sister would be born, but that is a story for another day maybe. Years would pass and while he remained young, and childlike he family would grow old..soon the inevitable happened and his mother and sister eventually passed leaving Stardust alone in the world. He decided to travel then and eventually at the age of 300 came across a former residence of the very mage that cursed him and discovered something about it that shook him to the core. Should any pony try anything to try and remove the curse, all the years would suddenly flow back to him killing him almost instantly, the only one who could safely remove the curse was the mage himself, whom he had learned died long ago. Upon learning this Stardust resumed his travels settling down here and there from time to time before moving on.

    Stardust Nicole Silvermane

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    Spurned by the mother, curses the son.

    I'd say that was shortsighted of him, but it IS magic after all. Bad aim is sort of a mainstay of it, especially in moments of anger.

     Its not a bad basis for a story... just I get the feeling that's what most usually ask a mage to cast on them intentionally, only to realize how much of a curse immortality can be. Put that way though, its a lot more cliche so think you found a good clever storytelling niche!


      Oh, and if your worried about not having a picture to go by, what I do is to just try and be as overly descriptive as possible!

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