Appearance: Stargazer is an average sized stallion with a dull brown coat and navy blue mane and tail that are somewhat messy. He wears a pair of quite thick glasses to compensate for his nearsightedness. <br />
Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark is an ebony telescope with a tripod of dull grey. Surrounding the telescope are three five-pointed stars of a light blue hue. <br />
Personality: He's mostly a quiet stallion. He doesn't stand out in a crowd, and he's perfectly fine with that. He can get quite awkward in group settings and doesn't quite connect very well with other ponies on an emotional level, but will always be there to help when needed. Being a pony who cares deeply about the wellbeing of all, he is decently interested in political conversation, but his true passion is Astronomy, as his cutie mark shows. He loves science, especially space and physics. All in all, he'll be a good friend, even if he doesn't seem to quite understand other ponies sometimes.<br />
Backstory: Born in the outskirts of Fillydelphia to a contractor and nurse, he was raised in a small community, and never really made a big impact in the social world as he grew up. He noticed that later on in his childhood his parents weren't getting along as they suffered from the economic hardships that were hitting Equestria. Though this affected him a bit as he tried to rush through his last years of high school, he never let the problems hurt his disposition. He was rather laid back and never had problems in school, getting great grades and never really having to try too hard. His biggest problem as he prepared to graduate and head to University was his work ethic... which was less than optimal. His science studies were the clear exception as he always went above and beyond in those classes. Now, turning 19, he is heading off to West Manehatten University to pursue his degree in Astronomy, and only time will tell where he goes from there.
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