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  • Starlight Sky

    Starlight Sky

    • Age: 21

      Gender: Other

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Starlight is a slender unicorn who’s mane and coat colors are of the day and night sky. His golden-yellow glasses and hoof-wear represent light.

      Cutie Mark: A Star Cluster; representing his outlook on life. Although they appear isolated, the light connects them through any divide; and it's this synergy of starlight that illuminates the sky.

      Personality: Starlight loves the light. Not just the bright side of things, but all sides of them. The search for answers sent his mind through tough times, but the journey opened his world. More than anything, Starlight wants to connect with others and enjoy life.

      Backstory: Raised in the calm countryside, Starlight enjoyed a carefree childhood. Quickly clearing school work for more free-time with friends and family.<br /><br />There wasn't much happening around their home, but every day shone brightly as ponies pursued their passion. <br /><br />Just watching them sparked something in his heart. Something strong, yet so subtle that it was long overlooked.<br /><br />As the years went by, students began cultivating their talents through clubs and events. And although Starlight's parents enrolled him in many activities, they just became another form of fun for him.<br /><br /><br />Worried for their carelessly content colt, they soon set out for the city of Phillydelphia! Holding out hope that something there would help him find his way.<br /><br /><br />Within a month, they settled into their new community. It took time adapting to the fast paced lifestyle, but everything was soon underway again. Starlight resumed school while bouncing through the extra lessons his parents planned. It wasn’t something he sought out, but continued for their happiness. And also because he had no other desires.<br /><br />As years went by though, his parents saw a change…just not the one they were expecting.<br /><br />The city bustled with life just as the country did, but the disconnected atmosphere slowly sapped the light from Starlight - sending him further inward than ever before. <br /><br />No one knew how far it went; especially Starlight, who simply walked through life without wondering where it led.<br /><br /><br />Yet life carried on. Moving through classes, completing assignments, and whiling away the days.<br /><br />After sitting through another discussion, listening to ideas fly between his classmates, the professor offered their thoughts to conclude the lesson; but something sounded strange to Starlight.<br /><br />As he finished, Starlight found himself motioning to respond. <br /><br />He’d quietly listened for years, but something about that sentence stood out.<br /><br />It was a subtle implication, but pointing it out turned the view on its head. <br /><br />Without warning, the discussion sparked back to life, and the professor sat there - smiling in thought.<br /><br />The response left a deep impression on Starlight. Something he said impacted the class. Sharing his thoughts had value! Processing all this, he stuttered out a few more ideas, but they were lost among the now animated crowd.<br /><br />Leaving class that day, he felt the desire to form complete ideas and share them again; yet, it wasn’t long before inspiration became addiction.<br /><br />Questioning everything around him, showed how little he actually knew- about himself and the world.<br /><br /><br />Instinctively, Starlight sensed the change taking hold. Yet it wasn’t something he could cast away, nor did he want to. For the first time in his life, he felt a fire in his heart. <br /><br />It began with soul searching, and soon spiraled into a ceaseless stream of speculation - from critiquing thoughts about thoughts to contemplating contingencies for every scenario. <br /><br /><br />Losing himself to these intense impulses, his mind began to control him. Every emotion amplified by an incessant imagination.<br /><br />Most never recognized this shift though. He remained as courteous and caring on the outside as fear flourished on the inside.<br /><br /><br />Now submerged in a new world, Starlight began extracting every idea he could manage. <br /><br />It was liberating, yet at the same time…consuming. The light in his eyes flickered fiercely.<br /><br /><br />By time his mind tired out, three years had passed - and his path remained unknown.<br /><br />For all the answers found in that time, there was nothing beyond them. He saw where things stood, but had nothing to do with them.<br /><br />Rationalizing feelings before they fully transpired stopped him from really experiencing them, and apathy had steadily taken root- stealing the light from all parts of life.<br /><br /><br />Alone and empty, Starlight tried to motivate himself with future accomplishments - imagining how fun it’d be to acquire new skills. But each wave for change toppled within the same week.<br /><br />As nice as the idea sounded, Starlight couldn’t find value in the present.<br /><br />After successive failures to spark change, apathy finally took its hold. <br /><br />As he lay in bed that night, there was nothing left in his eyes. No sadness, worry, or fear. Just a blank stare.<br /><br />With only sleep remaining, he closed his eyes. <br /><br /><br />That next day, Starlight followed the typical pattern. Class, study, and then…nothing.<br /><br />Just time.<br /><br />Without a much thought, Starlight searched for a book. One he’d recently finished, but would now read again. To complete the pattern.<br /><br /><br />Pulling all his novels into the air, Starlight glanced around for the day’s filler.<br /><br />In a few moments he found it, but something else was in the mix. A novel he’d never seen before.<br /><br />“The Journal of Friendship”.<br /><br />With nothing to lose, Starlight opened its pages, and entered the minds of six historic heroes.<br /><br />Their battles were great. Their challenges fierce. But it was the way they lived that gave life a new light.<br /><br />Starlight always knew ponies were as close as you let them be, but now he could feel it. A desire to connect with others, and a spark that would mark his own journey.<br /><br />Right then and there, seven stars took their place as Starlight’s cutie mark.<br /><br />With eyes shining brightly, Starlight set out. To see all he could see, and all he might do.

    Starlight Sky

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