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  • Steampunk Gear

    Little Snowdrop

    • Age: 28

      Gender: Male

      Species: Earth Pony

      Appearance: <p> Steampunk Gear is a tough-looking stallion with orange fur, pretty scruffy brown hair and a quite bushy tail. Tiny eye rings tell stories of late nights yet his green eyes, the left one with a touch of yellow, look verry awake and curious about new stuff to discover. On his back he carries the masterpiece of Anima Factus's work: fully functioning, pony-made wings whose color is a bit lighter than his fur is. The artificially created muscles however are pretty weak, so even though the wings are supported by mechanic parts Steampunk Gear added to them, he only can fly verry short distances. </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> <a href="http://go.redirectingat.com/?id=99788X1555371&site=mlpforums.com&xs=1&isjs=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.directupload.net%2Ffile%2Fd%2F4806%2Fvoah4w7d_png.htm&xguid=4f3090f573c13d5b92f32fc289566839&xuuid=1f05e011efbd1c82b97ee07e2647ae9d&xsessid=c96ae43f2241c41ffb21aede59c809ba&xcreo=0&xed=0&sref=https%3A%2F%2Fmlpforums.com%2Froleplay-characters%2F%3Fdo%3Dform%26d%3D3&pref=https%3A%2F%2Fmlpforums.com%2Froleplay-characters%2F&xtz=-120" rel="external nofollow">http://www.directupload.net/file/d/4806/voah4w7d_png.htm</a> </p> <p> His cutie mark shows three gears within a bigger gear. You can look at it from different perspectives, so it doesn't only represent Steampunk's talent for technical stuff, but also shows his interest in experiencing everything on multible ways and from several perspectives. Also noteworthy are the numbers of teeth every of the three little gear has. The first has 7, the next 3 and the last one 1, so together they build the number 731. </p>

      Personality: <p> Steampunk Gear is enormously curious about everything and he wants to try out as much as possible. As already mentioned, he likes to see things from multible perspectives, and he doesn't judge things without knowing enough about them first. Mostly he loves to discover many new informations and experiences in a short time, so he gets bored easily. From time to time however, he has some phases in which he just likes to read, to think about stuff or to tinker with one of his inventions. </p> <p> He is highly interested in and talented with logical and tecnical stuff like machines, riddles, mechanics and so on. He Also likes to invent new machines or improve older inventions. </p>

      Backstory: <p> Steampunk Gear was born in a little earth-pony-village. Since the inhabitants of the village couldn't use magic or change the weather, they tried to figure out how to make their farm life a bit easier. The Gear family once started to create some simple devices and later some basic mechanisms out of wood and some metal a few of the inhabitants found in a cave not far from the village. Soon the other families started create and use such devices, too, so the devices got more and more complex and usefull. When Steampunk was born, they even started to use gears and V-belts. Steampunk's parents tought him everything about the technical devices and took notice about his talent verry early. He learned fast, so soon his parents tought him everything they knew. But for Steampunk it wasn't enough. He started to invent his own devices and got his cutie mark by that. He tested around with stuff and finally found out about the forces steam and pressure can have. But soon he felt that all that wasn't enough for him. He wanted to explore the lands beyond these fields he was looking at every day, beyond the routine of creating, testing, fixing and improving. </p> <p> About a year after he discovered the forces of steam and pressure, Steampunk Gear created a steam engine that was able to turn pressure into a circular motion. He wanted to explore the world beyond his home, and built a special vehicle that basicly was a carriage that got driven by a steam engine. He just drove through equestria and visited many spots and cities, making many new experiences and discovering more knowledge. One day however, his vehicle had some problems and Steampunk had to stop. While he was searching for the problem, the sun was slowly going down. Steampunk Gear looked over the flat landscape and saw how the horizon was slowly absorbing the sun. While he was standing there looking at the first stars to appear on the nightly sky, he came up with a new wish. He wanted to fly since he was born, but before everybody just said it would be impossible. But what if there was a way to realise that dream with a special mechanism? He already made it possible to make a carriage drive on its own, so why shouldn't it also be possible to fly? Pegasi can also fly after all. While he was still dreaming about flying, Steampunk Gear heard a noise behind him. He turned around and saw a grey pegasus with purple hair trotting towards him. That was how he met Floating Matter. </p> <p> After Floating Matter noticed Steampunk's trouble with his steam vehicle, she offered him to be her guest for the night, since he wouldn't come far this night anyway. She took him to a little village whose inhabitants are all trying to find out how this magical world they life in works. Steampunk got interested into all that stuff, too, so he desided to stay there while he was fixing his steam vehicle. While his stay he met Anima Factus, a pretty megalomaniac unicorn biologist. He experimented around alot with organic stuff and body parts, using his magic to let them mutate or to fit them together diferently. He helped Steampunk letting his biggest dream come true and created the wings he carries today. After that worked so well on Steampunk, Anima made some wings for himself, too, so that he would be just like an alicorn. This was his own big dream, and he almost made it coming true, but that is another story. </p> <p> While Steampunk Gear was still fixing his vehicle, he started having a crush on Floating Matter. He also started to be verry interested in what the inhabitants of this village do and what they try to find out, so he asked if he could stay there. Floating Matter, who also fell in love with Steampunk Gear and whose guest he still was, helped him finding his place in the little yet a bit complicated society of the village. Today he drives around collecting all kind of information that could be interesting or helping to find the functioning of their world from time to time. Often Floating Matter comes with him. He also tries to combine machines and magic to understand it better and to make it useable for everypony. </p>

    Steampunk Gear
    • Brohoof 2

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