Appearance: Syo is a golden Russian Blue cat that wears a pair of winter goggles either over her eyes or strapped to her head. She also wears an elegant metal ring on her tail which is locked with a silver lock. Depending on availability and comfort, Syo may be seen wearing dresses or other form of light clothing. When using her magic, she may be seen wielding her massive magical key staff.<br /><br />Syo is as tall as spike and normally walks biped or quadraped, depending on comfort.
Cutie Mark: Syo does not have a cutie mark as she is not a pony but she owns her own special mark: a 7 pointed star. The 7 pointed star is also known as the elven star and it is given to Syo due to her spiritual nature, which is that of an elf. The mark is Syo's brand on those who uses her power and representing the importance of the unity of all 7 directions: north, south, east, west, above, now, below.
Personality: Syo has a double sided personality and she transitions between them through her goggles. When Syo has her goggles on, she become more proactive, brave and audacious. Syo always uses her magic with the goggles on and without it, she would be too frightened to do any magic. Without the goggle over her eyes, Syo is a gentle, caring and careful soul. She also become frail and more emotive. The aspect of her that does not change is that she has a heart of gold and loves to explore. She can be be rather naive but overall, seeks to make everyone around her happy. She's can be oversensitive and easily offended but is quick to forgive and forget. Syo's approach to problems is just trying anything and everything until she finds one that works.
Backstory: Syo is a Navitus, born on March 15. She lives a rather happy life with her older brother, Io and getting along with others. Syo loves to explore, even as a child. That has often time cause trouble for the people who care about her and she seems to have boundless energy as a child and would love to seek out new places and see new things. Syo lost her explorer spirit once when she unknowingly led a group, who was following her out of concern, to a cliff. She barely managed to save them with her power but that event made her really scared and fearful of her own magic that she stopped exploring and just spent her days at home. She eventually picked up a new hobby of dance, particularly, ballet. Her brother noticed his sister's change and decided to help her get over this fear. Io gave her the goggles and told her that a real explorer is one who loved the risks and a regular person is one who cares about other and Syo is both. Those words reignited her spirit but at a limited extent but Syo does not see this as a bad thing, rather it is the only way to contain herself. Syo's exploring have took her to a new level with her magic and soon she was experimenting with ways to visit other dimensions.<br /><br />As she was still experimenting with dimensional travel, Melke suddenly paid her a visit and he was crying. Syo, seeing Melke crying so hard for the first time, let him in and tried to find out what happened. Melke didn't tell her much, except that he wishes to leave. Syo then thought about her dimensional travel experiments and was about to tell Melke about it but then a part of her held back as maybe he just needs some time to think about what has happened.<br /><br />Over the next few days, Syo continued to work on her experiments and to her surprise, Melke caught on to what she was doing and volunteered to be her first test subject. Syo was really worried about him but Melke was adamant in getting away from this place. Reluctantly, Syo let Melke help her with her experiments. It was not long until Syo opened her first Grand "Gate" and they both traveled to Equestria.
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