Appearance: <p>
She sounds and looks exactly like a palette-swap like Trixie, with blues and whites swapped out for browns and reds.
Cutie Mark: <p>
A star-capped wand and a swirl of magic. Just like the other one.
Personality: <p>
Megalomaniacal and treating everybody around her as slaves or servants, fixated almost exclusively on the notion that she will someday "rule all" with unflappable certainty.
Nopony knows where this deranged mare came from, and despite the mathematical impossibility, even fewer care. She swaggered into Ponyville one day proclaiming to everypony in earshot how she will rule, although she's rather vague about the particulars - whether because she's keeping it secret or she doesn't have a clue is anypony's guess beyond her claiming that Discord somehow promised she would.
Additional: Twenty oldschool points to anyone who recognizes the basis for this character.
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