Appearance: A changeling with his father's mane style, but has blue and green stripes. He has a slightly unique sleek - muscular build that in combat, he is threatening. Despite his young age, he and his sister have the combined IQ to surpass the Doctor and the Master together. He also has a scar on his front right leg, due to an encounter with a Changeling dragon, a rare but very powerful hybrid changeling created by Chrysalis herself.
Cutie Mark: Despite being a Changeling, he's one of the very few Changelings to actually get a cutie mark, that being of a spell book with a void in the center, symbolizing his natural affinity to space and darkness, and his studies to master his affinity.
Personality: He shows many qualities of his father, Eternal Nature, including his compassion, his love to defend what he loves with his life...including if it's on the line. He shows his mother's courage, drive and determination in and out of battle. He is a genius, his strategy is unrivaled...and has saved Equestria on a numeral occasion.
Backstory: VoidWisdom was born on Eternal Nature's his wife's third anniversary, along with his twin sister, Pandora. He started out as a target for most of the villains that Eternal Nature faced. In time, when he reached his age for the Nature's family rite of passage, he excelled in every test, making Void Nature surpass his father in every way. His first assignment was with his father on a mission to correct a timeline that became off course, and was collapsing. There he fought against his first threat, a dragon who controlled the very fabric of time at that current moment, and learned of his affinity over space and darkness, making him known to the Nature family as a "Reverent", or a pony who's abilities can surpass an Alicorn, given the right training. There is a drawback, for having this power can get out of control, and causing serious damage to anything around him. He is also Prince of the Void, keeping tabs on the alternate universes, and correcting any timeline that corresponds to them.
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