Appearance: <p>
He has red fur and cyan eyes with a blonde mane, he wears a grey coat to hide his partially destroyed body, his back leg, and front right leg, missing their bottom half. He can still stand, using magic to help him do so.
Cutie Mark: <p>
A sword with magic smoke around it, representing his fighting and his magic talents.
Personality: <p>
Deceitful, narcissistic and has a desperation for power. Prideful, tends to ignore when he has a disadvantage and always assumes he has a way out, even if he's already lost. He likes to put himself into a leader position no matter the scenario. Refuses to forget his goal of resurrecting his family, preventing him from letting go of them.
<span style="font-size:16px;">Originally named Chariot Iron Heart, he was an earth pony, within a family of almost entirely unicorns, excluding himself of course. As he grew up he didn't make many friends, moving out to his own home to do research on a goal he set for himself; becoming a guard, since he found himself wanting to protect Equestria, he decided to get into the royal guards, hoping he could prevent ponies from getting hurt, although while he found himself progressing rather well through this, it distracted him from his family, and he wasn't there as they ended up getting killed in a fire, which spread through Canterlot.</span>
<span style="font-size:16px;">Now motivated to get them back instead of being a guard, he tried to find a source of magic to resurrect his dead family in secret while working as a guard, so that way he could be in Canterlot while searching through the archives, he eventually uncovered a book, available at a library in Canterlot oddly enough.</span>
<span style="font-size:16px;">He learned all he could from it, finding that it never included a resurrection spell, but learning all the other spells in the book. And while training as a guard and using magic, he ended up getting a cutie mark after several years of not having one, but that didn't distract him from his goal. His desperation grew as none of the spells he had learned could help him bring them back, his need to bring them back grew. Finding a resurrection spell, over looking that it required a sacrifice.</span>
<span style="font-size:16px;">Chariot cast it, his body mutilated during the spell, as it tried to take his body as the sacrifice. He broke the resurrection circle but not before his leg, and most of his body, was disintegrated, claiming it was an accident when ponies found him, and then took care of him, and got him enchanted metal legs as a replacement as he went up the ranks of guards. Being known as "Warlock" as guards noticed that he used spells in battle, which not many guards had done</span>
<span style="font-size:16px;">Instead of just wanting to bring his family back, Chariot now also wanted a way to reconstruct his body. Unfortunately, as no wizard had survived what he had, nopony ever made a spell to fix it.</span>
<span style="font-size:16px;">Chariot broke into the forbidden Canterlot archives using a portal spell in hopes of finding more spells to rebuild his body, he found hidden there was an Element of Disharmony, putting it on in hopes of enhancing his power so he would not require a sacrifice for a resurrection, instead, as it was the Element of Greed, which consumed magic around him as he had been the destined bearer for a long time, but greed overtook him quickly as he got more magic. Shortly after he tried to take over Equestria. </span>
<span style="font-size:16px;">His conquest of Equestria had resulted in his armor being lost in the battle, along with a group of powerful sorcerers and Celestia herself imprisoning him in stone. His destroyed body remaining unaffected from the transformation into stone. The element of greed taken off of the statue, and sent off. All use of magic by any other than the unicorn or alicorn races became mostly taboo, and eventually assumed banned. Chariot's real name was eventually lost to time as it was replaced by "Warlock" although Chariot had adopted the name long before. The statue would sit in the Canterlot gardens for years to come, but eventually his prison would break down enough for him to be free.</span>
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