Cutie Mark: <p>
A pair of wings attached to a gear with a unicorn horn on top.
Personality: <p>
Windshear is fairly shy and reclusive, preferring to spend her time alone reading or working on her next contraption rather than socializing. She has a lot of difficulty communicating with ponies she doesn't talk too often, but she is kind of a goofball around her close friends.<br /><br />
She has a rather odd sense of humor that neither she nor anyone else really seem to understand. Windshear also has a fondness for sarcasm.
Backstory: <p>
Windshear is a unicorn who was born into a family of pegasi living in Cloudsdale. Fortunately the clouds around the hospital she was born in were enchanted so unicorns and earth ponies can walk on them without falling through in case of the rare occurance of a non-pegasus pony being born in Cloudsdale<br /><br />
Very soon after she was born, her family was forced to leave Cloudsdale, as it is not a safe place for a unicorn filly to grow up. Her family ended up settling down in Ponyville, and she has lived there ever since.<br /><br />
Having grown up among a family of pegasi, Windshear has always had a fascination with flying, but as she is neither a pegasus, nor particularly gifted with magic she has always been grounded. Due to her inability to fly like the rest of her family, Windshear has become somewhat obsessed with the idea of developing a flying machine so that she too can take to the skies.
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