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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  • Zatiko

    . eris .

    • Age: 18 (depends on RP)

      Gender: Male

      Species: Non-Pony

      Appearance: Zatiko is a strong, well-built Zebra with dark stripes and slanted golden eyes. His mane is streaked a variety of grays, and often hangs spikily into his eyes. He's solidly-built and just plain strong looking, with wide haunches and broad withers. He also has stubble peppering his jawline. Zatiko has an earring on his left ear and usually wears a soft blue hoodie. He's unused to the colder temperatures of Equestria and usually has to wear scarves or jackets to keep warm.

      Cutie Mark: Zatiko has an odd cutie mark, a twisted tangle of gray tribal markings. He hasn't revealed the story of his cutie mark to anyone in Equestria, and often pretends it isn't there.

      Personality: He's quiet and rather bookish, and it's a strange sight to see him curled up amid stacks of books, his narrow golden eyes avidly pursuing lines of text. When he does speak, he has a weird, rounded accent that ponies either find intriguing or off-putting. <br /><br />Some ponies have accused him of having no sense of humor, which is dangerously close to being true; party animals and class clowns irritate him, and nobody's ever seen him laugh at a joke. He smiles rarely, but can hold serious conversations for hours once he gets going; however, finding the right topic to engage him in is difficult, as pointless small chat bores him. <br /><br />He's mysterious for the most part, and ponies seem to be content enough to leave him alone, although there's been one or two mares who go ga-ga over his exotic looks; for the most part, Zatiko seems completely uninterested in friends or mares.<br /><br />He's fascinated by politics and history, and is quite adept at writing. He has his own brand of Zebra magic, which he doesn't perform in front of other ponies since it frightens them; Zebra magic is very different from pony magic, and seeing him perform tasks without the benefit of being a unicorn has taken many ponies aback.

      Backstory: Zatiko grew up beneath burning white suns and amid dry red clay, living in the far-away plains where almost all Zebras are born. He remembers grazing with his mother and sisters, and galloping with his herd, following behind his father's hoofprints. Back then, while he was still a young colt, he was wild and had "the sun in his blood", as his father put it. Never again has Zatiko felt that kind of burning fire, the kind of feeling that made him want to gallop in unison as a herd. That kind of belonging has vanished from his life, and Zatiko thinks of the pridelands as rarely as possible. <br /><br />Just before Zatiko entered into stallionhood, there was a famine that swept the land. His herd was extinguished, all except for him and his sister. The two of them dragged themselves to the ocean, where they waited for days looking for any survivors of the diseases. After nearly starving to death themselves, they begged passage on a ship and landed in Equestria. <br /><br />For years, he tried to contain his accent and his stripes, going so far as to roll in gray dye to mask his race. His sister fared no better, the two of them being subjects of extreme prejudice and bigotry. Their appearance was treated as some kind of bizarre infection, and for the most part, they were shunned by other ponies. <br /><br />Occasionally, an employer took pity on the bedraggled pair of Zebras, and would offer Zatiko short term employment. His sister, Zaffura, grew rebellious and strange, shirking responsibilities at every opportunity. Finally, they parted ways, and he has not heard from her since.<br /><br />Fighting tooth and nail to be accepted by popular society, Zatiko finally pulled his way from the gutter and is now enrolled in a University. Even there, he suffers at the hooves of small minded professors and students who shove him aside because of his looks.


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