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Why I want to live in the X-Men universe.


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Unless I'm mistaken, there was (semi-) recently in existence here a topic similar to this asking which Marvel or DC universe you'd like to live in. I'm sure it was pretty successful. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a hot topic.


The reason I would have picked the X-Men universe is that it essentially divides the world into those with powers and those without, but it also emphasizes that there's more to life with superpowers than "Dude, I have superpowers! Awesome!"


It's the little things that make a difference. Getting wings stuck in sweaters, being the air conditioning or heater in the room, constantly being asked for a light, or a ride/teleport, or being used as a tool. You have to combat long glances from across the room, potentially frightened children or adults, rampant discrimination and fear, and occasionally, heaven forbid, an onslaught of autographs that you can't sign because the pen keeps melting.


But it's more than that. It's because of those little details that nobody really thinks about too much that I would be proud and honored to live life within that setting.


It would be a constant test for me. Or us. I would be "ungifted," just as we all are now. We are given no super-special superobvious abilities short of what we develop ourselves through practice and hard work. (and technology, I suppose, but anyone can get that, so...)


Look at it this way:


The Equestrian universe has three primary races of ponies:


Unicorns, which are capable of utilizing the magic that permeates the air. Their lack of hands and fingers is not as much of a problem due to very simple telekinesis. They can learn to manipulate the very fabric of reality, should they get good enough.


Pegasi, which are capable of the ever-so majestic quality of freedom of motion through the air, which honestly brings a tear to mine blissful eye. They can control the weather, walk on clouds, and help influence the outcome of a harvest.


Earth ponies, which have the special ability to ... uh ... ... ... farm. Oh did I say special ability? I meant obligation. Or something like that. I really don't know why a Unicorn or Pegasus can't till the land and put seeds in the ground, but apparently (and I am going out on a limb here) Earth Ponies have that special unique earth magic to sprout life. Though I've never actually seen that happen via magic.


So after all that, when Earth Ponies all over Equestria are stuck without hands, without magic, without flight, and without the obligation to create food for everyone else, they don't seem to care. They don't start wars, they don't harbor grudges, they don't isolate themselves into cliques and exclude those with greater physical or magical abilities than they do. They cooperate. Easily. Immediately. Happily! They don't even seem to notice the racial differences.


Everypony is a different color, and every pony has a unique cutie mark as a talent, which supercedes their own worldly obligations as an individual. It's brilliant and amazing, and to say that I am envious is an understatement.


Imagine such a concept in the X-Men universe, where mutants and non-mutants didn't give a damn about differences. We are who we are: individuals, all trying to be happy, and hopefully, to make each other happy because it's what we would want ourselves. Yeah.


Okay, so, does this sound like a good reason to live in the X-Men universe? Or is there more to it. Or less. I'm unsure.

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Sounds ok. I wouldn't live there for other reasons, but this is your opinion. I like it.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Sounds ok. I wouldn't live there for other reasons, but this is your opinion. I like it.

You're more than entitled to your own opinions, and if you don't mind, I've love to hear about them, if they're worth discussing, in your opinion. *shrug*
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I don't know. I'm pretty happy in my un perfect world were people get mad over tiny things.

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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I think everypony has a passive magical potency.
They just can use it differently.


According to the EU - Cadence was a Pegasi, she made it up to Alicorn.



Not to mention many earth ponies do things that are not farming...

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