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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky

planning Sacrilege


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Were do I begin, Well for starter's hello I'm a tabletop gamer and have not really tried to do text based roll plays like this or "Play by post" if you prefer, but that's besides the point because I have a game for us to play. First off I have this world and it's got a lot going on in it and in your small town there just happens to be a few people missing and it was all just seemingly random occurrences until one of the council members was killed one David Varm he was the voice of the common man in the council along with the royalty Earl Von Nigel of house Raven , the three members of the three churches, The church of light Johnathan Makindly, The church of law Judge Christen and the church of natural order Sir Coren of Riven deep, one member of the military Captain of the guard Drunum of the north and the guild Caravan prince Harkon Of the guild of trade.

The man's murder would of gone unnoticed if it weren't for the fact that it was quite messy in execution the door was broken down, and the house ransacked but what really was interesting was the method of killing him, Poison was found on a wound on his arm which was identified as a type of animal venom And this is were you stand as of now.

In this game I wish for people to not only solve this case but not all of you to do it the same way, poison maybe he got it from someone in the black market, maybe there's a group who uses such things to silence those that get to close to something that they don't want talked about. All this and much more are in this world that's just the tip of the ice burg so to speak but all that I have to ask is, Do you wish to play?

If so no problem the games real easy to learn and most of it is rollplaying unless we get into combat or you decide to pick a lock or fool a guard those things are left up to the all mighty dice. we shall get more into detail as I get more people or people ask questions, for one yes this is a system game which means there are rules to run by people .

One:There are stats and they are randomly generated, this also means there can be death.

Two:Nobody can pick the same class as another person Excluding clerics seeing as there are 9 of those that can be played.

Three:Have fun, if you want to get a buddy and go slay monster's out in the wilderness and run a muck in monster caves and whatnot You can... just don't go alone.

four:Ask questions don't be afraid to ask me stuff like "What happen's if we reach level 10?" well in the book if you are a fighter you can go build a fort and lead an army, go hog wild with the end game I don't care.


The system is Hackmaster for anyone who cares


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