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Ask Pinny Something

Princess Pinny

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Aw, come on.  I already knew that :P  


Seriously, I'd love to know why :D   I always enjoyed learning why people do the stuff they do.

I'm serious. That's the only reason I have for changing it

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I know this is probably a bad time to ask this, but what do you think about the Over Tracks ship?





It'll never pass the WindPoint ship In all seriousness, I think it's a great ship (it also cute FTW :wub:)
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It'll never pass the WindPoint ship In all seriousness, I think it's a great ship (it also cute FTW :wub:)

Again, not trying to be insensitive, but doesn't it kinda look like they belong together?

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what would you like to be? pegasus, unicorn or earth pony?

I would be a tree I would be an Alicorn :squee:

Overdrive: What do you think of me?

Pin Point: I think you're a funny, smart, and nice-looking pony. You're also an awesome friend :squee:
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