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the oncomming darkness


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the oncomming darkness


Twilight Sparkle was returning home after doing some errands when the post pony arrived.

"Twilight Sparkle, a package for you."

Twilight turned to the post pony and took the package from her.

"thank you" said Twilight Sparkle.

the post pony nodded to twilight then continued with her deliveries.

Twilight took the package inside and opened the box, inside was a book, but it was in a strange magic field.

"hmm" Twilight thought for a moment, "I think I read about a field like that before."

She bagain looking through the other books until she found the book she was looking for.

fliping through the pages she found the spell that discribed the field that surounded the book from the package.

"Stasis field: used on books to preserve original copies to prevent damage from age so a scribe can copy them later."

"wow, this spell hasn't been used for a very long time."

Twilight wondered who would have sent her such a book.

She double checked the box but 'to: Twilight Sparkle' was all it had on it.

"I wonder if Princess Celestia sent it to me?" Twilight shook her head "no she would have put her name on it"

Twilight though for awhile but soon gave up on who would have sent her suck a book.

she read more about the stasis field spell and soon she used her magic to break the stasis field on the book.

it was an original copy of 'history of equestria' and it was dated from the first one hundred years.

fliping the cover open some loose pages fell to the floor.

she quickly picked them up and saw these pages were not part of the book.

the fisrt page read 'hoping this book finds you well Twilight Sparkle'.

the she begain to read the pages.


the cold...

the darkness...

and nopony else was around...

that is where HE found me,

told me I'd be safe,

but HE lied.


HE is the only one I remember,

untill HE showed me you Twilight Sparkle.

and around you stood five other ponies,

a pegasus the color of a sun beam,

another the color of the sky,

a unicorn white as snow and two ponies,

one pink and one orange.


Twilight stoped reading, spooked by what she had read.

was it a warning, but who was warning her and what about.

it also contained her name and a some what vague description of her friends.

so she decided if it was a warning she had better read it through.


HE is part of me now.

wispering dark secrets to me

I am corupted,

but when I return there...

to the cold and dark I am alone,

free from the coruption,

but the cold and the darkness are hard to endure.


but I must endure it, for you must know of the danger you will face.

you must know of the oncoming darkness.

HE has a plan, but the process will take a long time to complete.

then HE will be strong enough to counter your magic,

something called 'the elements of harmony'

what ever these elements are it is the only thing HE fears.

HE has shown me you and the five others have them.

and I had found a vission HE has of your destruction.

beware the dark unicorn with the blood red eyes.


A sudden bright flash outside made Twilight look up from the note.

It had come from out side towards ponyville park, and a sudden feelling of unease fell over her.


Moments ago in ponyville park Pinkie Pie was bouncing and skipping along when she saw somepony she never saw before.

the pony was a black stallion, with an orange mane, and was holding a hoof to his head.

"Hi there" she said to the unknown stallion, "I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your name"

the stallion looked at Pinkie Pie with his turquoise eyes and said "I am not here to make friends"

"aw, come on everypony likes making new friends..."


Oh everypony likes new friends

yes everypony likes new friends

big or small,

you got to love them all!

everypony likes new friends.


the stallion shook his head at the impromptu song that Pinkie Pie had begun as he walked away.

"hey where you going?" ask Pinkie Pie "I'm not finished with my song yet."

"you have sang more than enough for me" replied the stallion.

"but you haven't even given me you name yet, how..."

"I can't give you my name" interrupted the stallion as he turned to face her.

"aw how can we become friends if you dont give me your name?"

"I told you I am not here to make friends"

"but making friends and making them happy makes me happy, it's the bestest thing ever."


above on a cloud Rainbow Dash had heard the song Pinkie Pie had started and looked down at the two.

the stallion had stoped and turn to face Pinkie Pie, but something was wrong with him.

'what is going on down there' she thought as she watched from her couldy perch.

there was a bright flash of light and the stallion turned and walked away.

Pinkie Pie was standing still with a blank experesion, not happy not sad, just nothing.

Rainbow Dash knew Pinkie Pie was never still like that, well maybe when she was about to surprise somepony at a party.

but never has she ever had such a blank look on her face as she did.

'that flash was magic' thought Rainbow Dash 'that stallion must have done something to Pinkie Pie!'

Rainbow Dash lept from the cloud and stoped the stallion.

"what did you do to my friend!" she said in an accusatory tone.

"I think it would be best if you get out of my way" replied the stallion.

Rainbow Dash rushed over to her Pinkie Pie and waved a hoof in front of her eyes but nothing.

Pinkie Pie remained still and experetionless.

Rainbow Dash zipped back to the stallion, "you did that to her" she said, "now undo it!"

The stallion narowed his eyes then asked "and how did I do that?"

"uh... well..." Rainbow Dash stammered, "you just did is all!"

"do I look like a magic weilding unicorn to you young pegaus?" the stallion contiued.

looking at the stallion and noting the lack of a unicorn horn made her accusation seem hollow.


the noise, or perhaps it was the flash, had brought several other ponies to the area.

this included Twilight Sparkle.

seeing Rainbow Dash yelling Twilight galloped over to see what was going on.

"what's goin on here?" asked Twilight, "oh my gosh what's wrong with Pinkie Pie?"

Rainbow Dash turned away from the stallion and towards Twilight, then pointed at the stallion.

"ask him HE did it!" she said.


HE! the word from the note echoed through Twilights mind.


Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash, "what did you say?"

"huh?" Rainbow Dash blinked afew times then continued "I said it was him."

Twilight looked where Rainbow Dash was pointing but nopony was there.

"no you said..." begain Twilight.

Rainbow Dash looked around but the stallion was gone.

"hey where did HE go?"

"The oncoming darkness?"

"the what now?"

"Oh my gosh we need to get Pinkie Pie to a doctor right away"


Twilight recalled the last thing she had read before the flash had made her leave the libray and go to Ponyville park.

'beware the dark unicorn with blood red eyes.'

if this was the oncoming darkness she and the others would need the elements of harmony, but how could they use them without Pinkie Pie.


once Pinkie Pie was in the Ponyville clinic Twilight rushed home to read more of the note she had recieved.

the others arrived at Ponyville clinic but could not see Pinkie Pie until she had been checked over.

they questioned Rainbow Dash about what had happend and she tried to explain as best she could, but how an earth pony could do magic and stun Pinkie Pie she could not explain.

"wait a minute y'all, where is Twilight?" asked Applejack.

"hey yeah where did she go? she helped bring Pinkie Pie here" said Rainbow Dash.

"It's not like Twilight to abandon one of her friends" said Rarity.

"Abandon! no way! that was magic I know it was but I just dont know how he did it." said Rainbow Dash.

"I bet she knows of a spell or something and is researching it right now" she added.

one of the nurse ponies told the others Pinkie Pie was not well enough for visiters and they should come back tomorrow.

"well lets go find Twilight" said Rainbow Dash, then added "If she doesn't know what's going on we can at least ask her why she ran off."

with that the group walked to the library to find Twilight.


once there they found her reading a book.

"what'ch reading there Twilight?" asked Applejack.

Twilight put down the book, then turned to her friends, then said "I think we are in serreous trouble here girls."

"We are going to need the elements of harmony"

"but how will we ever use them without Pinkie Pie?" asked Rarity.

"I dont know, but we must prepair of the oncoming darkness" said Twilight.

"we need to get the elements of harmony"

"then lets contact Princess Celestia" said Applejack


the stallion stood looking at his reflection in one of the ponyville lakes, when his eyes turned blood red.

"what have you been up to?" HE asked.

"hmm a concealment spell hiding your horn"

countering the spell his horn appears on his head.

"it is almost time" HE looked around then adds "and it looks like you have been so kind as to bring us to Ponyville"

"now to find Twilight Sparkle and her friends"


Princess Celestia arrived soon after Twilight had contacted her.

she had brought the elements of harmony with her as requested.

soon they all had thier element pendants on, other than Pinkie Pie on account of her being absent.

when they were approched by a black unicorn with blood read eyes and an orange mane.


"well well well, if it isn't Twilight Sparkle and friends." said the black Staillion.

he counted her friends, "one, two, three, four..."

"missing one it appears, but what do we have here? Princess Celestia this is some what unexpected." HE continued.

"who are you!" demanded Princess Celestia.

with a quick spell HE imprissoned Princess Celestia in a cage of dark energy.

Twilight gasped and said "beware the dark unicorn with blood red eyes."

"well I guess I never did introduce myself to you back then Princess."

"What is this!" demanded Princess Celestia.

"the dark energy tends to sting those with pure hearts" HE replied.

"It's been over a thousand years now since I last saw you Princess, back when a gave your sister a little taste of my darkness."

"you didnt really think it was all your sister did you."

"you mean..." said Twilight.

"It was so easy to push her to become Nightmare Moon, but then you had to go and imprison her in the moon for a thousand years." laughed the stallion.

"you monster!" said Applejack.

"why thank you."

"that weren't no compliment!"

"It really doesn't mater if it was or not, the fact is you are missing one of your friends, meanning you can not use the elements of harmony against me."

"I guess I'll just have to find your pink friend and destroy her later."

"what are you talking about?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"to pay you back for destroying the darkness that I gave Nightmare Moon!"

"with that power I could have already blaketed Equestria in darkness."

HE turned away from the group and continued.

"not that it maters now, I have absorbed more then enough magic from this pony to exceed the power I would have gotten."

HE turned back to face the ponies again.

"and more then enough magic to exceed the power of your elements of harmony."

the stallions eye sudenly flashed turquoise for a moment then returned to blood red.

HE shook his head and said to himself "what do you plan to acomplish by fighting?"

"we plan to defeat you!" said Twilight.

HE looked up at Twilight, then his eyes flashed turquoise again.

"Stop it! you can not win you are too weak!" HE said once his eye returned to their red color.

"and with out your elements of harmony you are too weak as well!

"Oh yeah!" chalanged Rainbow Dash

"wait who was he talking to before?" aske Rarity.

"I was going to ask that as well" said Fluttershy.

Sudenly his eyes flashed turquoise and there was a bright flash of light.


Rainbow Dash found herself in a cold dark place.

A pair of turquoise eyes stared at her from the darkness.

"YOU!" yelled Rainbow Dash.

The eyes glansed to the right, Rainbow Dash found herself looking in the direction the eyes had been looking.

there sleeping in the cold darkness was Pinkie Pie.

"I have kept her safely hiden here, but you must take her mind back to her body" said the stallion.

But the voice was different, it lacked the evil from before.

"Wait? I thought..." Rainbow Dash paused as she looked around then added, "where are we anyway?"

"you are in my safe place, inside my mind. The place where I can hide from the darkness."

Rainbow Dash looked around again then said "I dont know how to tell you this but the darkness is kinda every where here."

"I don't have time to explain to you! I have learned HE is going to consume all my magic and when that happends my body will shatter and HE will be free!"

Rainbow Dash sudenly felt a great wieght on her mind that burned her brain"

Pinkie Pie had been thrust in to her mind and the pain of it was very unplesent.

"you only need touch her with your head but you must act quickly or your mind will burn."


The flash ended leaving the ponies blinking to ajust their eyes.

once they could all see again they saw Rainbow Dash racing away at top speed.

"Oh look at that you are being abandend by another friend." said the stallion.

"What did you do to her?" asked Twilight.

"I guess I frightend her too much." laugh the stallion.

"That flash was like the one earlier." said Twilight.

"Earlier?" asked the stallion confused.

Twilight looked at the stallion and begain to smile.

"What!" demanded the stallion.

Twilight begain to laugh.

"Whats so funny!" demanded the stallion.

"yeah Twilight, what is it?" asked Applejack.

"HE is the darkness" said Twilight.

the other ponies looked at her not understanding, but soon Princess Celestia understood.

she nodded to Twilight.

"but the flash was so bright, and not darkness at all." added Twilight.

Twilight looked at the stallion and said "You have been helping us."

"Me? help you?" asked the stallion.

"yes" said Twilight, "you may be the darkness but the light that is still inside is helping us."

The stallion closed his eyes and consentrated.

"Ah, I see. very clever of you hiding where I never look, but what have you been hiding from me." said the stallion to himself.

"a note? to warn them about oncoming darkness?"

The stallion opened his eyes.

"the warning does not mater it comes too late."

sudenly a crack in the stallions right front leg apperaed from hoof to half way up his leg.

"I have found you and soon all your power will be mine!"

a crack in the stallions left front leg apperaed from hoof to half way up his leg.

"and then I will remake Equestria in darkness!"

"not if we stop you!" exclamed Rainbow Dash who returned and with her was Pinkie Pie.

The Stallion turn to see the two ponies arrive.

"alright girls lets show him the power of the elements of harmany." said Twilight.

she tossed balloon shaped pendent to Pinkie Pie. and they focused their power.

but Pinkie Pie couldn't activate her element.

"I can't do it" sobed Pinkie Pie, "I just can't"

witnessing the life of the stallion had drained all of her joy.

"HA HA!" laughed the stallion, "even now that your together you still can't use the elements!"

his eye flashed turquoise agian, then there was another flash.

"Pinkie Pie"

Pinkie Pie looked around it was like the place she was lost in before, but sudenly there was light and warmth.

Pinkie Pie looked into the turquoise eyes of the black stallion standing before her.

Gone was the pain and sadness in his eyes replaced with warmth and kindness, and then she saw the cracks in the stallions legs begin to grow.

"I can not keep you here long." he said, "but your friendship has warmed my heart."

"and with the strength you give me I can fight back against the darkness."

"You must use the elements to cleanse this dark coruption from me."

"please! as my friend. will you do this for me?"

the flash subsided and Pinkie Pie felt the power of laughter return to her.

"YES!" yelled Pinkie Pie, "let's do this."

and with that she and the others release the full power of the elements of harmony.

the power of the elements raced towards the stallion but HE released a wave of dark energy that pushed back the power of the elements.

"I told you you lacked the power to defeat me."

the power of darkness pushed back the power of the elements a little.

"you are foolish to waste your energy like this!"

the power of darkness pushed back the power of the elements a little more.

sudenly the cracks in the stallions legs glowed white and the power of darkness begain to wane.

"what! No! Imposible!" yelled the stallion.

The power of the elements begain to push back the power of darkness"

a burst of dark energy was sent out by the stallion but its effect on the power of the elements did not last long.

the power of the elements were becoming to powerful to hold at bay.

realizing that HE was no longer draining power, but that the flow of magic had somehow been reversed.

HE laughed.

"congradulations ponies you have beaten me, but you have doomed yourselves!" HE yelled.

"It took so meny years to drain all this power, now watch as it returns to its owner all at once!"

and with that HE stoped the flow of dark energy and was consumed by the power of the elements of harmony.

the dark cage around Princess Celestia dissapered once HE was gone.

with the darkness banished by the elements the influance it had on him was gone as well.

the stallion was gone, in his place a young colt lay on the ground.


"oh no!"exclamed the colt, "I am still damaged and I can not contain all this power."

the energy that had taken years to drain was too much for the colt to contain and it begain to leak from the cracks that remained in his legs"

"Ow, it burns!"said the young colt, and the energy ignite flames on his legs.

"we have to help him" cried Pinkie Pie.

the colt was engulfed in flames when a phoenix flew over the colt.

it landing on Princess Celestias hoof that she extened to the bird.

"what are you doing here Philomeena?" asked Princess Celestia.

"oh that's not Philomeena princess that's Peewee Spikes phoenix" said Twilight.

"A phoenix!" exclamed the colt, "of coarse!"

the fire begain to burn hotter and higher as the colt begain to glow white.

the others had steped away from the flames and looked on in awe.

"what are you doing?" asked Princess Celestia.

"what I must, I will not alllow ponyville to be damaged by this release of magical energy."

then turning to Pinkie Pie "you were my first friend but I am sorry."

"sorry for what?" asked Pinkie Pie.

he shoock his head as the heat and flames increased, but it looked as if they were controled by the colt.

"I have a name for you now, remeber you asked but I didn't have one before, but now I do."

"what is it?" asked Pinkie Pie.


"say what now?" asked Applejack.

"Ajay it means Unconquered. because the darkness that tried to conquer me has failed, thanks to you Pinkie Pie."

"with the power of friendship even the darkest of days can be made bright!"

"but now I will burn like a phoenix to save my new found friends from this magical overcharge, so goodbye Pinkie Pie, my friend"

"NO!" yelled Pinkie Pie, but it was too late.

The flames flared high and hot, causing them to step farther back.

then the powers released colaped in upon itself puting out the flame so suddely it caused a shockwave.

the shockwave cleared the clouds from the area causing a napping Derpy to fall from the sky landing on Rainbow Dash.


with the abrupt arrivail of Derpy all the ponies were focused on her as she got off Rainbow Dash.

"sorry about that Rainbow Dash" she said, then added "wow that sure is a big hole."

they then turned back to see a large hole with ash in and around where Ajay had been.

when they look down into the hole they saw Ajay with his mane and tail on fire and on his flank was a phoenix.

"are you alright Ajay?" asked Princess Celestia.

Peewee flew from her hoof down in to the hole landing on Ajays horn.

he slowly got to his hooves and coughed, causing Peewee to take flight and send some ash falling from his coat.

once on his hooves he saw that his front legs now had a flame pattern where the cracks had been and his mane and tail were now made of fire.

as he tried to walk up out of the hole, but all the energy he had used became apparent as he was gripped by a wave of exhaustion.

falling over his mane and tail winked out and he began to sleep.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ajay found himself floating in a dark place.

there seemed to be no up or down just vast empty blackness.

then two large blood red eye open in front of him and stared at him.

the eyes he had seen before, the eyes of the darkness.


Ajay awoke in a cold sweat, he had the nightmare again but he never could remember it.

he pushed the thought of it out of his mind and instead look at the calendar on the wall

the calendar showed he had just one more day before his vacation started.

after living in Manehattan for as long as he had he was eager to go on his vacation to Ponyville.

to see all that he left behind when he took a job as a firefighter in Manehattan.

he left his small apartment and began to walk to the fire station where he worked.

as he walked he remembered the first few weeks of training with princess Celestia so that he could learn control of his fire magic.

then later when she had assigned Twilight Sparkle to finish his magical studies.

he had always been treated as an adult by her and her friends, he only learned why later on.

it was one of the reasons he had left Ponyville, it was one of the saddest day of his life.

he had formulated a phoenix spell that used up a large amount of magical energy that would have cause great devastation to Ponyville.

as a result he had become a colt with little memory of what had happened before.


work went as it always did and soon it was the end of the day.

Ajay clocked out and began his walk home.

once he was back at his apartment he gathered up his bags to head to Ponyville.

after double checking that he had everything, a habit he got from Twilight, he set off for the train station.


on the train ride he began to wonder if he should have wrote to tell Twilight that he was coming but decided that his surprise visit idea was ok.

when the train arrived he put on his saddlebags and got off the train.

it had been years since he had left so he decide to take a look around town before heading to the hotel where he had reservations to stay.

he started with a walk around the Ponyville park, his legs had been getting stiff from all the sitting on the train.

after a short walk around the park he heard a scream of "fire!"

he turned to see only to be met with a bucket of water to the face.

now dripping wet he was beginning to regret not writing to tell Twilight and the other ponies that he was coming.

once he had cleared his eyes of water he saw Twilight rush over to help put out the fire.

equally as fast Rainbow Dash flew over with a rain cloud and started a down pour on Ajay.

Twilight had started to cast a spell when she saw the flames were not effected but the water.

"what the hay?" came from Rainbow Dash, "that much water should have put out any flames!"

"Ajay?" asked Twilight.

Ajay flared his flame to dry himself off and quickly stepped out from under the rain cloud.

"It is you, Ajay how have you been?" asked Twilight, "you should have sent a message that you were coming."

Rainbow Dash kicked out the rain cloud and landed by Ajay when she saw who it was.

"hey there Ajay I didn't know you were in town"

"yes well surprise!" Ajay said.

"ha ha your such a kidder" said Rainbow Dash.

"oh hey since your here let me show you a little trick I learned"

Ajay closed his eye and concentrated as is horn began to glow crimson and two sparks flew from his mane landing on his back.

they then sprouted in to a brilliant pair of fiery wings.

"pretty cool huh" said Ajay.

"wow can you fly with those?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I've never tried to before, I just use them for gliding down from burning buildings if needed." explained Ajay

"their based on the the spell Twilight used on Rarity once, but modified to use my fire talents."

he then dismissed the spell causing a small pop sound as the went out.

"with my fire talent I can cause heat under the wings so I did carry two colts plus my equipment once."

"that's still cool that you can do that." said Rainbow, "even if you cant fly."

"well I've stretched out enough from the train ride from Manehattan time to go check in." said Ajay, "I'll see you later, oh and dont tell Pinkie Pie I do want to surprise her."

Ajay trotted off to his hotel to check in, but remembered to extinguish his mane to not cause a panic.

once he had dropped his bags off in his room he got out his trench coat and stetson hat then headed for Sugar Cube Corner to surprise Pinkie Pie.


upon arriving at Sugar Cube Corner he looked in the window to see who was inside.

he the took the sunglasses form the pocket of the trench coat, put them on and entered.

the rings from the bell on the door brought Pinkie Pie from the back.

"what will you have good sir?" she asked.

Ajay looked around the shop turning from Pinkie Pie.

he then quickly removed his hat and sunglasses before turning back to Pinkie Pie and yelled "surprise!"

"Ajay! your in town?"gasped Pinkie Pie.

"yup, oh and I'll have a half dozen blueberry muffins."

"oh okay get them for you." and she went to get the muffins.

she returned with a small box of blueberry muffins.

"that will be.." began Pinkie Pie.

"I can see the price list" said Ajay as he dropped some Bits on the counter.

"now who should I see next? I already saw Twilight and Rainbow Dash, and of coarse you Pinkie Pie"

"hmm what do you think Pinkie Pie should I see Applejack or Rarity next?"

"what about Fluttershy?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"your kidding right?" inquired Ajay.

"what's to kid about?"

"don't you remember the time I set a bush on fire when I was practicing my magic?" asked Ajay

"yeah but you got it under control fairly quickly and nopony got hurt. We all know it was an accident."

Pinkie Pie narrowed her eye and gave Ajay a stern look and said "It was an accident wasn't it?"

Ajay back up a bit before saying "yes of course, but the critters I frightened, I don't think Fluttershy has ever forgiven me for that."

Ajay hung his head remembering the little critters all fleeing from the flames.

"oh come on Ajay you've been avoiding her since that happened, have you not grown up yet?"

"I guess your right" Ajay put his hat and sunglasses on, "off to see Fluttershy."


Ajay got to Fluttershy's cottage and stood by her mailbox.

he nervously looked around becoming aware of the birds and other critters around looking at him.

'if this was a burning build I would have no problem' he thought to himself.

just then Fluttershy walked up behind him,returning from some shopping.

"um, can I help you?" she asked.

Ajay turn to see Fluttershy then began to shake uncontrollably causing him to drop his muffin box.

"are, are you alright?" asked Fluttershy.

backing up Ajay hit his flank on Fluttershy's mailbox then startled ran off screaming.

as he fled his stetson hat flew off and landed on the ground but he never stopped.

Fluttershy picked up his hat then called after him "you forgot your hat" but he was gone.


when he had finally stopped running Ajay found himself by one of Ponyvilles lakes.

his trench coat plus all the running had made him hot so he stuck his head in the cool water to cool off.

after taking his head out of the water he realized his hat was gone as well as his muffins.

"darn, I didn't even get to eat one yet."

he thought about getting more but what would Pinkie Pie say to him losing his muffins.

then he thought about what Fluttershy would do with his muffins, she would know where they are from, and she would...

"she's going to tell Pinkie Pie what happened!"

Ajay hung his head, but then he had an idea.

"wait I can hide in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres."

then he ran off towards his planned hiding place.


nopony was around when he got there but he double check every where.

slowly he snuck towards the barn door.

once he was close enough he quickly slipped inside.

Applejack had been feeding the pigs when Ajay entered, but from her view point a stranger in a trench coat was about to do some nefarious deed.

she quickly grabbed a rope near by and had Ajay hog tied in seconds.

"heh heh still got it" she proudly said to herself, the glaring down at Ajay she asked "what the hay are you doing in my barn!"

"Applejack! you got to hide me!"

"wait a minute, Ajay is that you?" she asked.

Ajay nodded and she untied him.

"how you been? wait, hide you, what in tarnations are you hiding from?" she asked.

"Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie or" he gasped "both of them!"

Applejack looked at Ajay like he had gone nuts.

"I think you better tell me what happened."

after calming down some Ajay began to tell Applejack about what had happened.

Applejack burst out laughing so hard she fell to the ground.

Ajay scowled at her and said "its not that funny."

Applejack got up from rolling on the ground laughing her hat off.

she picked up her hat, put it on and headed for the barn door still giggling.

Ajay followed her.

"you really don't have anything to worry about" she said as she reached the door and opened it.

stepping out side she added "I just can't believe you ran screaming in terror from Fluttershy."

up on a cloud near by Rainbow Dash heard Applejack as she snoozed.

'who would flee from Fluttershy, this has got to be a funny story' she thought as she zipped to the ground.

"oh, hey there Rainbow" said Applejack.

"who's the pony that ran in terror from heh Fluttershy?" Rainbow Dash asked as she giggled.

Ajay suddenly very much to be any where else.

Rainbow looked over at Ajay and burst out laughing.

"Ajay your the one?" she asked, "you can fight fires, jump from burning buildings but Fluttershy scares you!"

Applejack joined in the giggle fest and Ajay hung his head.

just then Ajay saw Fluttershy coming down the road to Sweet Apple Acres and he hid behind Applejack.

Rainbow Dash eyed him then turn to see what he had hid from.

seeing Fluttershy she burst out laughing again, and soon Applejack had joined her.

Fluttershy arrived with a box of muffins and a hat resting on her back.

"nice hat there Fluttershy." said Applejack.

"thank you, but it belongs to Ajay."

Ajay let out an "eep" he forgot his name was written on the inside of the hat.

Applejack stepped out of the way and looked at Ajay.

"well it does match his outfit." she said.

Ajay threw himself at Fluttershys hooves and began to beg for her forgiveness.

"it was an accident, I swear I never meant to scare all those cute little critters of yours, please don't hate me."

Fluttershy was taken aback she didn't know what to say.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash burst out laughing again.

Finally Fluttershy asked "what are you talking about?"

Ajay looked up at her from where he was laying by her hooves and said "that time I burnt that bush and scared all those critters you look after."

Fluttershy frowned, thought for a moment then said "that was almost ten years ago."

"I know but I never got around to apologizing for it and when I thought I had waited too long I kinda started avoiding you"

"I had thought you just didn't like me" said Fluttershy.

"what pony wouldn't like you?! your kind, caring, and helpful to all those critters" said Ajay.

"why thank you Ajay and I forgive you" said Fluttershy.

"oh and here are the muffins you dropped" she added before giving the muffin box to Ajay.

"thanks" said Ajay.

"well I got to get back to work y'all" said Applejack.

"I guess I better head over to visit Rarity, I cant leave her out if I ever want to get a nice set of fancy duds" said Ajay.

he waved to the others then galloped off heading for the Carousel Boutique.


as Ajay approached the Carousel Boutique he wondered if Rarity would have time to make him a formal suit before he returned to Manehattan.

if not she could always have it delivered later, it was still three months until the firepony ball he was to attend.

he entered the shop and saw Rarity working on a gown that would surely be magnificent when done.

Rarity looked up from her work, taking in Ajay's outfit she cringed slightly.

the outfit did match but it was far from the elegant attire that was in her current collection.

"may I help you?" she asked.

Ajay took off his stetson hat and sunglasses a smiled at Rarity.

"I was hoping to get fitted for a suit" he began.

"Ajay?" gasped Rarity, "is that you?"

Ajay nodded, adding "I'm going to the firepony ball in Manehattan in three months, if your not too busy I was hoping you could make me a suit by then."

"why of coarse Ajay, come in and I get you fitted for one straight away" she said.

"what about that gown your working on?" he asked then added "I'm vacationing here for a week so I can come back later if needed."

"I can still take your measurements quickly enough to not interfere with my current work." said Rarity.

"very well" replied Ajay.

Rarity began to taking the measurements needed as she thought of what style would be best.

"so who are you taking to the ball?" asked Rarity.

"I am going alone" replied Ajay.

"oh my, such a handsome stallion such as yourself, you must be joking" said Rarity.

Ajay fixed Rarity with an angry glare.

"you know full well who I like" said Ajay

Rarity stepped back from Ajay, fear becoming apparent on her face.

"and it is out of respect to you that I never pursued the affections of your sister"

still Rarity backed away as Ajay followed her.

"I have never found anypony that..." Ajay paused as he caught his reflection in a mirror.

staring at the mirror he saw blood red eyes staring back at him.

he remembered the stories Twilight Sparkle had told him of his past self when he was corrupt by evil and darkness.

could it be possible that he had become corrupted again, or had the darkness been with him all this time.

"I think I should go" said Ajay.

not looking at Rarity he left the Carousel Boutique and headed towards the hotel he was staying at.


once he had arrived at his room he ate one of his muffins then looked at his reflection.

his eye were turquoise as normal as he began to wonder why they had been red.

why had he let Rarity's question bother him so much.

she had made good points why it would be better that Ajay had not sought a relationship with Sweetie Belle.

Ajay ate another muffin, the flavor calmed him as he started on his third muffin.

half his muffins now gone he stopped and set them aside.

there came a knock at his door.

"Ajay, are you alright?" asked Twilight from behind the door.

Ajay open the door.

"hello Twilight, I'm fine." he replied.

"Twilight looked him over for a moment.

"well its just Rarity asked me to see you" she said

"oh well I guess I kinda snapped at her" Ajax siad.

"she said it was..." began Twilight

"my eyes turning red?" asked Ajay

"uh yeah, that was what she was most concerned about." Twilight added.

"yes, well I do recall the stories you told me from before."

Ajay levitated his muffin box over.

"Muffin?" he offered Twilight.

"oh thank you." Twilight said taking a muffin.

"do you think I have become corrupted again?" asked Ajay.

"well I'd have to run some tested to be sure." said Twilight

"I think I'd like to be alone for awhile" said Ajay then added "I think I'll go for a walk to gather my thoughts."

"well if you need to talk you know where to find me" said Twilight.


after walking with Twilight back to the library he had walked back to the lake where he had cooled off earlier.

he sat by the lake edge and looked at his reflection wondering about the past.

Twilight had told him he had lived for a long time but never said how long.

"wondering about the past?" asked a voice.

Ajay looked around but nopony was around.

"who's there?" asked Ajay.

"don't you know?" HE asked.

Ajay looked at his reflection in the lake and saw his eye were once again blood red.

"did you really think you would be free of me?" HE asked.

"impossible you can't be here" said Ajay.

"ha ha ha, did you really think I would be destroyed"

"I must tell twilight about this"

"and how will you do that if you don't remember?"

Ajay woke with a feeling that there was something he needed to do however he could not recall what it was.

looking up at the setting sun he tried to remember when it had gotten so late.

he shook his head and headed to his hotel to turn in for the night.


the nightmare came for him that night as it always did, and as always it was gone when he awoke.


Ajay had plans to visit the places he enjoyed when growing up in Ponyville, however something made him want to visit the everfree forest.

as he walked in to the forest he thought of Zeora, but he was not on the path that would lead him to her home.

he was on a very different path, a path that had been taken by six others long ago.

so when he arrived at the old ruins, though he had never been there before, he found them familiar.

something was calling to him and when he came to the room where Nightmare Moon was defeated he remembered.

it came back in a rush as the dark energy of the ruins flooded over him.

HE took it all in and was bolstered by it, but Ajay fought back.

"come now Ajay you can't hope to win" HE said.

"I will not allow you to corrupt me again!" yelled Ajay.

"you are weak Ajay, all the negative energy from the ponies in Manehattan and everywhere you have been I have taken it in to become stronger."

"if only I had known to take in the darkness in other ponies hearts before now I would have never had to wait as long as I did last time."

"once I take in the darkness of this place your name will be meaning less as I will conquer you today Ajay, and I will make you watch as I make the ponies of Ponyville suffer my wrath."

"Twilight and her friends will stop you!" yelled Ajay.

"yes think the best of your friends it will make it all the more sweeter when you watch them fail!"

"but first you know just how helpless against me you really are Ajay, watch as reduce these ruins to dust!"

a dark flame erupted around Ajay looked on in horror as HE caused a massive explosion of dark magical energy that, as HE had said, reduced the ruins to dust.

however it also caused a large tremor that shook Ponyville enough that Twilight Sparkle knew something was not right.


it had happened so quickly they never had time to prepare, Twilight was first, but all too soon the six ponies representing the elements of harmony were all imprisoned.

each of them in cage of dark energy that would burn the pure of heart.

HE was true to his word, each night HE would sleep and Ajay would wake to witness the suffering of his former teacher and her friends.

with the help of a cockatrice HE had captured Princess Celestia and now she was little more than decoration that brought more despair and sadness to his prisoners.

that was of coarse his biggest mistake.

the love that everypony felt for Princess Celestia was far greater than anything HE had ever thought possible.

HE had no chance against such power, it drained him and soon he could no longer keep Twilight and the others caged.

once freed Fluttershy began searching for the cockatrice to free Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle contained 'him' in a force field.

HE was defeated again, but he laughed.

"you can't destroy me your just too soft" HE mocked Twilight.

when Princess Celestia arrived free form stone she told Twilight to release Ajay.

"but Princess?" Twilight began, but Princess Celestia just shook her head.

reluctantly Twilight lower the force field that held 'him'

"I'm sorry" said Princess Celestia, a tear rolled down her face.

as the tear fell to the ground there was a flash of light and HE was no more.


the memory of Ajay was wiped from everypony, it nearly broke her heart to do it but it had to be done.

Ajay stood before Princess Celestia then bow before her.

"I know what you must do" he said, "please find the strength"

but he was cut off when he was made to look in to the eyes of a cockatrice.

forever he would be imprisoned in stone, hidden away deep under Canterlot.

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