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Cybernetics [Work in progress]

Sir Punicpunch

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Author's Notes, Prologue, and Progress Reports 1 & 2 :


"Author's Notes": These things have happened quite a bit ago, but since this was such an important event during my life, I decided to keep Progress Reports on my day to day life during this time. I just don't want to arouse any confusion during the reading of this story. The prologue is written after the actually story occurred and was thus, written in past tense.





    "Cough, Cough"  hacked Punicpunch. "Ughh..." he groaned. He headed to the bathroom to begin his morning routine. He glanced at his blue coat and brown, bedheaded mane; his cutie mark resembled a green colored Pi. He outstretched his right wing and picked up his toothpaste and set it inside his mouth to squeeze out the paste onto the brush. He slowly picked up the brush, but dropped it. "Okay, it's official, I'm sick" he thought to himself. Punic opened a drawer to get a thermometer and popped it in his mouth.

    He proceeded to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He didn't like water too much, he much preferred soda, or lemonades and other various drinks, but he knew water helps sicknesses and assumed he'd be healthy as...as... "Ugh, I hate similes" he muttered to himself before taking a good swig of the small glass.

    A few minutes and two glasses of water later, he set the cup down on his end table and carefully took the thermometer from his mouth. "In hind sight, I probably should have waited before drinking water..." he thought, chuckling a few moments after. He took a look at the thermometer to check his temperature. "101 degrees?" he exclaimed. "That's not good...".

    A few hours later, Punic left to head off to the doctors for 'professional help' as he called it. He arrived after a while, since he was sick and he lived quite a bit away from the hospital. "Okay, maybe I'm overreacting" he said to himself, "I'm going to the hospital for a simple fever, but I still have no knowledge of sicknesses, so I just want to get better and get back on track". "Do you always talk to yourself?" said a passing, black maned stallion. "Err..." stuttered Punic. He had a constant habit of doing this, but is pretty used to being called out on it. The stranger shook his head and carried on.

    Punic trotted slowly up to the front counter. A yellow mare with a teal mane was sitting behind the desk, looking over her small glasses at a clipboard propped up against the counter. "Welcome." said the mare behind the counter, with a caring attitude. "Anything you need help with?". "Uhh, yes, I fear I've come down with a fever and I'm looking for... 'professional help'." he replied. The mare looked through some papers on a clipboard for around half a minute. "Okay, we have a time spot open in around a half an hour," responded the mare. "You can take a seat over there if you'd like." she pushed up her glasses and pointed to the row of chairs in the back of the large room.

    30 minutes pass and a gray stallion with a dark mane walked out from a hallway holding a white clipboard with a navy blue aura surrounding it. "I have a Mister Punicpunch here for a diagnosis?" asked the doctor. Punic got out of his chair and approached the doctor. "That'd be- Cough" he said, interrupting himself. "Sorry, I'm Punicpunch.". The doctor nodded and gestured him to a nearby room. "We're just going to run a few diagnostic tests, what do you already know?" asked the doctor. "I have a fever, I just need some advice for how to treat it.". "Alright, but I'm going to run a few tests anyways, alright?"

    An hour passes and the doctor picks up his clipboard. "All your test seem to hav- wait no that's not..." stammered the doctor. "Is... everything alright?" asked Punicpunch. "It seems you've contracted a... rather harmful sickness." replied the doctor. "Aflatoxin."



Progress Report One:


    I'm not exactly sure how long it's been since I've been diagnosed, but it surely wasn't yesterday. I wasn't really educated on "Aflatoxin", you'd think it'd be some kind of deadly plague for me to be tempted to be writing these progress reports on them, but no, it's something a bit more mundane. "Aflatoxin" apparently is a sickness that is caused by infected grain consumption, in short, food poisoning. There isn't much else information on the sickness other than it being lethal. Yeah, lethality isn't exactly something that I'm too thrilled about, especially when it's from a midnight snack. I went into a bit of disbelief after that. There isn't really anything else that has developed, but it is a bit frustrating that I can't do anything now that I am very ill.

    I bet you're wondering why I am writing these progress reports; like I said before, Aflatoxin isn't very well know and maybe if I write down the symptoms of this illness it could save the lives of other ponies. Selflessness is the prime motive of me writing this report, but I would rather be lying in bed than be typing away at the typewriter right now.

    I don't feel too sick, just a bit tired and a few coughing fits pop in every now and then. I'm hoping it doesn't become too bad in the future. Maybe it's a sickness that cause a few stings, one quick big sting and then I'm dead. I need a bit more time to think about this now, I'm gonna end this first report here.


Progress Report Two:

   I'm feeling a lot better, now; it's been around two days since my last report and a few things happened across these days. I've shown some other symptoms, mostly just the occasional nosebleed, but a friend bought me some tissues. Let's talk about that friend, shall we? For almost the entirety of the day after I wrote the last report I was lying in bed, sulking and unmoving. Several hours passed and a knock came from my door, and being the angry jerk I was at the time, I just stayed silent. Then a voice came; it wasn't the mailmare or a door-to-door salesmare, but a friendlier voice came from outside the door.

   "Hello, uh, is this the house of Punicpunch?"


She waited a minute or so before saying something else.


   "I've been told that you are sick and I'd like to help you..." she said.
   "Thanks, but I'm good!" I yelled with a selfish attitude. I didn't mean to sound so condescending, but I did.
   "Are you sure? I just wanted to see if I could get you some things while you are sick..." she replied, slightly offended.
   "I... I'm sorry, come on in, the door should be unlocked..." I said. I didn't really prioritize locking my doors in this condition, who would? She opened the door and trotted in.
   "I'm in the bedroom..." I said "Just letting you know"


The mare entered the room, she was quite short, I assumed she was a teenaged filly at first sight, but she sounded like she was a young adult. She was an earth pony and her coat was a bright teal, her mane was a blonde color and was tied into a medium length ponytail. Her cutie mark resembled a stack of books, the bottom red, the middle yellow and the top one is blue.


   "Uh, hi..." she greeted, "My name is Poise Prose, you can call me Prose though."
   "Nice to meet you Prose," I replied "So what was it that you wanted?"
   "I just wanted to see if you'd like anything." she said.
   "Alright, but I just want to ask you one question first."
   "Alright, shoot."
   "How'd you end up at my front door?"
   "Uh," she replied hesitantly, "To be honest, I just felt like I wasn't doing much, and I thought why not help the sick? Not to... degrade you or anything."
This was slightly offensive, but it was clear that she was aware of the implications of her comment.
   "Alright, I suppose you could pick me up some books," I said "I like science fiction, you can pick me up something you recommend though, I don't read much anymore."
   "Will do!" she exclaimed, she immediatly trotted out the door.


She returned around an hour later with some books. Two were Science Fiction, both called Project Cyber, the second of course being followed with a two. The third one seemed a bit clunky. It looked to be some kind of adventure-drama hybrid, never heard of anything like it.
   "An Author's Fantasy!" she exclaimed excitedly "It's my personal favorite!"
She seemed quite enthusiastic about this book, it didn't seem to be quite my type but I'll give it a go... at some point. I thought the way she enthused about the book was pretty charmingly entertaining, so I had to give it a look at some point. She didn't come the next day, but I'm expecting her to arrive pretty soon within this week.


Edited by Punicpunch
  • Brohoof 3


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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Thank you!

Chapter 1 is up if you're interested.

where can i find it, I'm interested in reading it

"If you can't win, you might as well look good losing." laugh.png Lightning Crasher's quote racing against Rainbow Dash.


Main OC: Lightning Crasher (currently in a relationship with Rainbow Dash)


If you have a question, feel free to ask. tongue.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

where can i find it, I'm interested in reading it

I just edited it in to the first post, I will do the same with all other chapters as well.


Chapter two is up as well.

Edited by Punicpunch


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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  • 1 month later...

Progress Report Three:

   Not feeling much different except for more occasional nosebleeds at the moment. I started reading the Project Cyber book, it's pretty nifty so far. The book involves a veteran of the military getting machine implants after losing limbs and uses them to combat crime. I haven’t finished the first one yet but it gets me thinking about the possibilities of these machines. I was anxious to see Prose again so I could ask her to get me some more books. I asked her to find any form of info on actual technology so I could learn a bit more about them. She came about three days later after I last saw her and she delivered the books. She came back with a single one for now.


   “Have you started reading the books?” asked Prose with interested.

   “Yeah, I started on the first Project Cyber book, pretty fascinating.” I replied.

   "That explains the technology books." she said.

   "Well, I'm gonna get to reading this book now, make yourself at home if you'd like" I said.


She smiled and left the room, I started to read the technology book for a bit until she came into the room with a cup of tea.


   "I made some tea, do you want some?" she asked.

   "I'm not much of a tea fanatic, but I'll take it." I obliged, taking the cup.


Like I said, not a tea fanatic, but this was really good tea. I suppose it might be the fact that all I've been drinking is water, and I'm not the biggest fan of that. It could be that the tea was very well prepared though, and I'd like to think that's what it is. I decided to have a nice conversation, I haven't had much social interaction since I became ill.


   "This is really good." I responded a few second after taking a drink.

   "Thanks, I drink tea often so I've had some practice perfecting it" she replied.

   "So, are you a student or do you do something for a living?" I asked.

   "Well, I want to become an author, but I'm sure that's at least a bit obvious..." she says, gesturing to her cutie mark, "I've been taking classes and reading a lot of books"

   "I'm sure you'll be a great author some day" I assured.


She smiled and she took my empty cup and took it back into the kitchen. She sat in the living room reading some of her books and wrote in some sort of a textbook. I continued to read a bit more of Project Cyber and soon went to sleep.

Edited by Punicpunch


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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