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Friendship is chaos part 3


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  3. 3. Which team do like better

    • The ekements of harmony ( Twilight applejack , pinkie pie , Fluttershy , rarity and spitfire
    • Elements of disharmony Trixie , Rainbiw dash , Gilda , Spike , sunset shimmer and lightening dust

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Friendship is chaos part 3.

Location the North Pole Simbra's dark crystal kingdom .

King Sombra stood on his balcony over looking his kingdom . It had been over a month since the last battle and Discord still refused to attack ! " I just don't fell it right now ". Was always the answer the dictator found it infuriating ! No matter he didn't need that stupid fool . He was building a army of his own one that would wipe both harmony and chaos off the map so that he could rule equestria in tyranny forever . He had enough strength to do so his army mainly consisted of crystal ponies bt also had diamond dogs , dragons , changelings and some captured monsters the everfree forest . Oh and of coarse his huge amount of crystals . He also had a secret weapon ." Are you ready to rise out of the shadows my queen ?" He called into his throne room . A white unicorn with a diamond cutie mark , a fancy mane and a horn glowing red stepped out . " yes my king .


The insanity empire nighttime .

The empire had been rather quiet lately . Well quite for a place ruled by Discord at least. After

the kidnapping skirmish both sides were tired , hungry and not in the mood to fight the

The elements of disharmony were trying to have some state of normalcy in their chaotic lives

. Trxie and Sunset shimmer often practiced their dark magic like Rainbow Dash they had gotten companion animals Trixie had a crow and a manticore . Sunset shimmer hard a vulture . Rainbow dash and Lightening dust were constantly having races , Gilda was now an even better fighter she was now the leader of griffin province. The dragons and changelings had given full power To spike and chrysalis. The defeat they suffered at the hoofs of the elements of harmony was devastating for all of them but the fillies were hit the hardest . Due to their young bodies they got many injuries not only that but the other 4 had to suffer even move torture with Diamond Tiara whining about it . Nopony else knew but Discord had plans to take over the crystal empire and was about to discuss it with Sombra unaware of the dark king's agenda . Discord had Spike send Sombra a massage asking him what the exact plan was. His response was this ." I don't need you your plans are pathetic and so is your army ! Eternal chaos bah ! What would that do for me ?! I'll tell you what nothing ! I have my own plans could by weakling fool !"

Discord was so enraged by his former allies insolence that Spike thought the lord of chaos was going to explode ! He immodestly held a meeting in the very center of empire . He announced that all diplomatic relations with the dark crystal kingdom be ceased and they entire empire should prepare for war . He would've continued but he was interrupted by his half reluctant spy

From the lunar republic Pinkie Pie . According to her the lunar republic and also in a state of injury . But they didn't have time to try to get stable again . Because after receiving a message of warning from King Sombra they now Came to realize that they now faced two enumeia . She also said security was extremely tight and she had to use her best stealth tactics to sneak past .


What Pinkie did and could not know however was that somepony else had stuck past as well . Rarity had used dark magic to get past . Why was she spying for Sombra ? Well after getting Luna back Rarity sunk into a deep depression . After the fight with Spike she began to think that the things he'd said about her were true . She felt as if her dresses and jewels were only friends . Then she and the rest of the elements of harmony were sent to fight King Sombra she felt completely unmotivated in the battle . She just didn't see the point of it anymore . Sombra noticed this depression and fear and when nopony was looking led her away from the battle . He convinced her that if she joined him she could be fabulous and adored forever she accepted figuring it would be the best future she could get considering she had nothing to loose . However he made her promise that she wouldn't tell anypony until the time was right . She had agreed . Now she made her way up the long winding staircase to his throne room . As she reached it . She smiled evilly ." My king I am prepared to rise from the shadows ". After they kissed Sombra smiled the same evil smile back .


After receiving the news he had gotten from Pinkie Pie Discord knew what he had to he quickly had Spike send a letter to princess Luna to create a temporary truce and alliance . Luna was reluctant but agreed that in the situation they had themselves in it would be the wisest choice . Luna was curious however as to how Discord knew of the republic's condition . Discord chuckled nervously and confessed that he had Pinkie recently become his spy . Luna was not amused and simply said in her response that they would " speak about this later ". At which Discord swallowed hard in fear . The two forces met each at the boarder between their lands after gathering their armies and began the long trek to Sombra's palace


When they arrive they are greeted by a fierce looking King Sombra and to almost Everypony!s surprise Rarity . Twilight " what is she doing with him?! She's our friend we can't fight her !" Luna gasped that battle we fought with Sombra I sensed something was wrong her I just couldn't put my hoof on it . This must be the thing I was sensing !" Discord looked at her obviously unimpressed . " seriously you guys didn't think of this when she wasn't with us the entire was here ...?!" Luna turned to look at her friend/ enemy " shut up Discord ..!"

All humor aside the battle was long , fierce and bloody . Both sides were clearly very strong but what gave Sombra's army the edge in the beginning was that they fought under was , large orderly banner . In contrast the combined forces of harmony and chaos fought " together ":but were not truly unified . The error of their ways was quickly shown when the dark army of crystal ponies and rogue creatures began to slaughter members of the opposing army and crystals began to spread like wildfire . With this danger realized the two armies truly fought as one . Now the tables turned quite fast . With their combined power they easily plowed through their enemies . Until they finally reached Sombra and Rarity The elements of harmony and disharmony combined their powers to stun Sombra and knock Rarity out cold . Then Discord and Luna sealed the evil King away deep under the ice .


The battle was finally over Now the two teams of elements approached each other ." Good fight guys . Y'all really helped us out ". Applejack said ." Yeah you two .." Dash said for once agreeing with her opposite . Twilight smiled " yes we truly were outstanding today ." She said pleased with both teams . " but just to clarify we're not friends are we ?" Gilda asks awkwardly . Everypony shook their heads in a collective " of coarse not ". They were nearly proud to help in a time of need . Meanwhile ..

Discord turns to Luna ." So Luna no hard feelings right .." Luna turned and gave him a rather harsh look " Discord may have worked together for a brief time but thou killed my sister of course there's hard fillings !!!" Discord wasn't scared of much but Luna's thunderous royal voice was one of them . " oh look at the time it's time to go !" Before Luna or any of the elements of harmony could say anything Discord's army was gone . Twilight shook her head " will we ever get rid of them ?!" Fluttershy spoke up " well um I don't the so we will and honestly maybe it's better that way . We both keep the balance of order and chaos ." They Everypony turned to Pinkie Pie who laughed fearfully " hey guys anypony care for a cute ?" Pinkie was not cast out of the elements she was given a job as the diplomat between the lunar republic and the insanity empire . Rarity cane to and even though she fell to her own darn side for a brief time she was forgiven ." Luna could practically hear Rainbow Dash screaming " why her and not me ?!" Many miles away . This made get chuckle .they were about to head home when Twilight noticed a note on Luna's flank . It read " dear princess luny your fat and you smell like old gym socks . Sighed Sweetie Belle , Scootaloo , Applebloom , Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ." Twilight rolled her eyes as Luna growled in rage " some ponies just never learn ".

But if they think this the craziest thing they'll encounter they can think again .

To be continued In going down to ponyville .

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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