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private Love in a Dead World (1x1 RP with yayayayayala)

Rebel the Wolfgirl

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/123344-love-in-a-dead-world-1x1-rp-with-yayayayayala-ooc/#entry3563410


-Ponyville Outskirts, 10 A.R.- (After Rot)


Dead. It was all dead. After so many years, the farmland on the pre-Rot town's outskirts was still lifeless and barren. A Rotwalker roamed these lands looking for ponies to devour. He was a typical unicorn Rotwalker, pale green skin, rotting teeth and all. And boy, was he hungry. This unicorn's name...was Renegade.

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Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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((Ali-Mei is approaching Ponyville from the opposite side as Renegade just so you know :3))


Ali-Mei had trotted across the wasteland for a long way; now, she stopped and looked around her cautiously. She knew she was approaching Ponyville, and this town was still probably likely to attract lots of ponies, which was what she absolutely didn't want to happen. She wasn't in the mood for interacting.

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Meanwhile, Renegade was scavenging for dead ponies to eat. Dead ponies weren't as good as living ponies, but you had to make do with what you had. All the while, he was unaware of the mare on the other side of town. Finding the fresh corpses of a family (mom, dad, filly, and colt in that order), he dug in.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Ali-Mei proceeded into Ponyville, noting with relief that there were no ponies walking the streets. She passed by several corpses but paid them no heed; she had grown used to the sight of them. Nopony with a weak stomach survived in this eerie world.


As she took in the dilapidated, unoccupied houses, she remembered how lively, how colorful and happy this town had once been. She sighed, wondering not for the first time what exactly had caused the Rot, and how different life would be now if that one event had been stayed. Then she shook her head and, denying herself any further reminiscing (for it didn't amount to any good to daydream in such a dangerous situation), kept her eyes in front of her and her mind focused.


((Hehe, I already love this RP :D))

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Ali-Mei proceeded into Ponyville, noting with relief that there were no ponies walking the streets. She passed by several corpses but paid them no heed; she had grown used to the sight of them. Nopony with a weak stomach survived in this eerie world.


As she took in the dilapidated, unoccupied houses, she remembered how lively, how colorful and happy this town had once been. She sighed, wondering not for the first time what exactly had caused the Rot, and how different life would be now if that one event had been stayed. Then she shook her head and, denying herself any further reminiscing (for it didn't amount to any good to daydream in such a dangerous situation), kept her eyes in front of her and her mind focused.


((Hehe, I already love this RP :D))

Several pig-like grunts were heard, making Renegade's prescence known to Ali-Mei. She would see that there was a Rotwalker of the unicorn variety in the distance, greedily devouring the corpses of...oh sweet Celestia, was that a family?!? The still-warm blood covered the pony's muzzle as he ate, taking no notice of the mare.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Ali-Mei had just been proud of the fact that she didn't have a weak stomach; yet this horrific scene made her cringe and her mouth involuntarily scrunch up in disgust. She watched in that all-too-common fascinated horror as the Rotwalker grunted and snuffled his way farther through his meal. His head was buried in a corpse and he had no chance of seeing her right then, so she started to slowly, silently back away. That was one of the skills she had known for years even before the Rot, how to walk silently, and she knew that was the only way to stay completely safe from a Rotwalker - to get away. She lowered her head to be within reach of her long sword just in case, and kept creeping backwards.

Edited by yayayayayala :3
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Ali-Mei had just been proud of the fact that she didn't have a weak stomach; yet this horrific scene made her cringe and her mouth involuntarily scrunch up in disgust. She watched in that all-too-common fascinated horror as the Rotwalker grunted and snuffled his way farther through his meal. His head was buried in a corpse and he had no chance of seeing her right then, so she started to slowly, silently back away. That was one of the skills she had known for years even before the Rot, how to walk silently, and she knew that was the only way to stay completely safe from a Rotwalker - to get away. She lowered her head to be within reach of her long sword just in case, and kept creeping backwards.

Renegade lifted his head from the meal he was having, and turned around. Having gone mostly blind, his hearing had been heightened significantly. "Fresh...pony." he muttered to himself. Most Rotwalkers could barely say a single syllable, let alone two words. "Mare...stallion?" he called out.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Ali-Mei stopped moving entirely, shocked. Darn it! she thought bitterly. Of course the one I run into is the one that has a ridiculous sense of hearing...now I'm dead. She took a deep breath and decided that, since she was going to die anyway, she might as well play along. "Mare," she replied, intending to stay cryptic with his next primitive questions, staring at the ground so she didn't have to keep looking at him.

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"No eat you yet...save you for later, beautiful." Renegade replied as a fly buzzed next to him. The zombie's tongue cracked out like a whip and grabbed the insect, pulling it into Renegade's mouth. He chewed for a few moments before swallowing. "Where from?" he asked.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Ali-Mei wasn't sure whether to take that compliment, as it came from a zombie pony. She decided to ignore it for the time being, focusing instead on the relieving fact that she wasn't going to die quite yet. "Well...I used to live here before the Rot, but then I was kind of forced out because I had no ability to work. I've been traveling ever since, I can't say I'm really from anywhere specific anymore." It's kinda nice though, at least in this dystopia, she added in her head. Nothing but yourself and your own survival to take care of...

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"Me live here too, but can't remember much. Do know me?" the zombie asked curiously. The pony thought for a moment. "No matter. Me Renegade. Who you?" he asked, staring hungrily into her eyes. He let out a low, gutteral growl, trying to keep his instincts in check. Brains..., he thought.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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((XD I love his dialogue!))


Upon hearing his name, Ali thought for a moment, but his name didn't ring a bell. "Huh, I don't think I do know you. Or at least, who you were." Trying not to be thrown off her guard by the way he was staring into her eyes, Ali-Mei contemplated revealing her name to this zombie pony, then decided she might as well go ahead. She replied, "My name is Ali-Mei."

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(So simple, yet so expressive.)


Renegade pondered the mare's name for a moment. "Ali-Mei..." he repeated, putting a hoof to his chin. "Me may remember you coming to shop, but no too sure. Me was sue...ven...ear vendor before Rot." he explained to the mare simply. "Me had very good shop."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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((I know right :3))


Souvenir vendor...Ali-Mei suddenly realized that she had seen Renegade before. "Oh, now I remember! I did come to your shop once." She tried to remember what it had looked like and was able to conjure up a vague memory. "Your shop was good," she agreed. "I'm pretty sure I bought something from you, I can vaguely remember...can't remember what it was though..." She realized she was rambling and strove to focus her thoughts. Hmm...he's clearly actively trying to remember the past. Seems like he's not one of those mindless brutes like all the rest of the Rotwalkers I've encountered.

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Renegade smiled, his rotting teeth showing. "Yeah...me remember you now! Very pretty mare." he said to her. "Still are." he complimented her. Suddenly several howls were heard in the distance. "Rotwalkers." he said simply and bluntly.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Ali-Mei found she didn't mind his rotted teeth; she was beginning to see that this particular Rotwalker was rather kind. Don't find many of that type around here these days..."Thank you!" she said, smiling genuinely at his compliment.


Hearing the howls in the distance, Ali-Mei instinctively gripped the hilt of her sword. She had learned well how to talk from the other side of her mouth holding the sword, and didn't have any trouble telling Renegade, "I'd better go then, if they're not like you they'll tear me apart. You wanna come with?" she asked him on a whim, knowing that the other Rotwalker would likely not appreciate Renegade.


((That "you wanna come with" is the way she talks btw, not a typo ^_^ :3))

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Renegade nodded, wanting to eat some Rotwalker meat. Though not as good, it still provided some form of nutrition. "Yes." he replied, running ahead of her. A small horde of Rotwalkers could be seen in the distance, and they had smelled Ali-Mei...they were hungry.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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