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private Hearts Within Souls (RP)

Donald Gamer

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(OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/125160-hearts-within-souls-rp-ooc/)


Serenity turned around to see two ponies one with a candy sword........ and one with the arrows now what does he do.......they look ready to attack........ oh no! ponies still hate hydras what does he do.... in fear his one head screams and he backs up,  to scared to say anything.......one of them seems to have fire bows.......  he so scared at this point he just curls up in a ball and starts shivering..... waiting to be killed..

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Bell was getting ready to fire an arrow at the hydra but noticed that it had curled up into a ball, so she had asked Chery: is it just me or... does it look scared? Chery replies to bell: umm... well it's curled up in a ball and it looks like it's shivering to, so either it's scared or it's cold. Bell says: I'm pretty sure that it's scared. okay then I'll go with it's cold! Chery replied back with a big grin on her face.

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Bell was getting ready to fire an arrow at the hydra but noticed that it had curled up into a ball, so she had asked Chery: is it just me or... does it look scared? Chery replies to bell: umm... well it's curled up in a ball and it looks like it's shivering to, so either it's scared or it's cold. Bell says: I'm pretty sure that it's scared. okay then I'll go with it's cold! Chery replied back with a big grin on her face.

"well? what are you waiting for............... back ups..... bigger arrows................. just get it over with already........" he starts to sob as he thinks about all the brutal ways they could kill him.......... "well.... ain't you going to kill me.............. do you even know how to kill a hydra?........" he gets back on his feet and looks at bell with a confused face........ he then notices a net with about 10 fish inside "YOU HAVE FISH!!!!" he goes straight pass bell and chery and proceeds to sniff the bag and then turns to bell and chery "May I Have Some! please!!"

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They look at each other and back at the hydra and chery says: sure! Bell asks the hydra: why are you here exactly? And while she asked she was thinking I sure hope he's not here to destroy canterlot! Meanwhile... chery is staring at her sword wanting to eat it.

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They look at each other and back at the hydra and chery says: sure! Bell asks the hydra: why are you here exactly? And while she asked she was thinking I sure hope he's not here to destroy canterlot! Meanwhile... chery is staring at her sword wanting to eat it.

replying to bell while eating serenity said "oh me..wel...meh food supplyz is low in....mmmm this is so good!.....The White Tail Wood so.. iz has com here to get food" ( the bad grammer was intentional to show that he was eating... thought i would make it clear) after that he finishes off the last fish and replies " first let me thank you for the fish second my name is serenity sanity the hydra like i said before i come here looking for food...... rather a new fish supply...." "it's the only thing i know how to hunt so i need it to survive" 

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Chery replies: I can understand that I could NEVER BE able to survive without chery and candy! And then she gets distracted by her candy sword... again... bell says: good! For a second there I thought you were here to attack canterlot and possibly try and take over all of equestria, cause that has happened a lot in the past couple of years.

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Chery replies: I can understand that I could NEVER BE able to survive without chery and candy! And then she gets distracted by her candy sword... again... bell says: good! For a second there I thought you were here to attack canterlot and possibly try and take over all of equestria, cause that has happened a lot in the past couple of years.

"really?..... i wonder why? where i used to live there was never really any disturbation..... yet again where i lived i was in the middle of a deep forest in the middle nowhere" "i guess it figures.... but anyway yeah.......... i'm just lucky i found ponies.... i've never gone far from home.... so not to invoke fear..... but on my way i found three things pointing to pony life" he the proceeds to walk closer to bell "the first thing i found was a very small castle on the horizon......well it looked small... second i found a shopping bag... and third i found you guys......... what is this place called anyway...and may i get your names" he smiles then chuckles a little waiting a answer

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Chery replies: we're near the everfree forest! She Said with a smile. Bell also replied: well my name is bell eve and she's chery candy! Chery asks: so you've never been away from home? Not even once? Doesn't it get kinda boring after a while? Bell says to chery: ask one question at a time chery not three at the same time!

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Chery replies: we're near the everfree forest! She Said with a smile. Bell also replied: well my name is bell eve and she's chery candy! Chery asks: so you've never been away from home? Not even once? Doesn't it get kinda boring after a while? Bell says to chery: ask one question at a time chery not three at the same time!

"well....no i have never left home.... ii always feared that i'd get killed or something even worse.....and no it doesn't really get that boring....well?...maybe a little..... but i make it out alive each day that's all that matters...." "so what this place called you know this castle/city?" "i wonder if it's safe to go in....." he then walks closer to the gates then mutters "i wonder if they'll let me in...." he turned around looking at chery and bell "what do you think chery?"

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Chery replied back: umm... well... they may let you in but be careful canterlot has a TUN of guards all over the place, one wrong move and umm... well... who knows what will happen, so just be careful. Bell says: well... we could go with him umm... well... if you want that is. Chery replies: that's a great idea! They wouldn't mind if we were with him! Bell says: maybe...

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Chery replied back: umm... well... they may let you in but be careful canterlot has a TUN of guards all over the place, one wrong move and umm... well... who knows what will happen, so just be careful. Bell says: well... we could go with him umm... well... if you want that is. Chery replies: that's a great idea! They wouldn't mind if we were with him! Bell says: maybe... 

nervously he replies "okay....sure!... i guess it'll be better than going alone" "Now! Lets Go" he rushes to the gates and looks back "come on bell come on chery i just can't wait!..... i wonder what it'll be like" he then smiles and waits for bell and chery to catch up... (OOC: i added this because i needed four more degits lol!)

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Bell asks: why are we in a hurry? Chery says: oh.. enuf with the questions we have to go it'll be fun you'll see! Bell replies: I know I know!... Cheryl asks: while we're there can we get some cherry chonga or was it chimy cherry? Bell mumbles to herself: dang it pinkie why did you have to get that in her head! (Ooc: sorry for bad spelling and same for any bad spelling from past and future posts)

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Bell asks: why are we in a hurry? Chery says: oh.. enuf with the questions we have to go it'll be fun you'll see! Bell replies: I know I know!... Cheryl asks: while we're there can we get some cherry chonga or was it chimy cherry? Bell mumbles to herself: dang it pinkie why did you have to get that in her head! (Ooc: sorry for bad spelling and same for any bad spelling from past and future posts)

"come on hurry!.... i just can't wait" by the time he finally finish saying that they were at the gate he look at it in excitement and then look at bell "bell you look a bit stressed..... it's because of chery isn't it.... well at least you have true friendship and soon i will too" he then turned back to the gate waiting for bell or chery to open it. "imagine all the exciting things that are going to happen i just can't wait"

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Bell replies: yeah she is a hand full at times. Cherry says to Bell: I am not. Bell replies: yes you are. Cherry also replied: am not. Bell says: well any way let's get the gates open. Cherry says: haha I win. While opening the gates. Bell then said: well you seemed quite excited so there you go. Cherry also says: yay! Can we get some food now! Oh! And have some fun now!

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Bell replies: yeah she is a hand full at times. Cherry says to Bell: I am not. Bell replies: yes you are. Cherry also replied: am not. Bell says: well any way let's get the gates open. Cherry says: haha I win. While opening the gates. Bell then said: well you seemed quite excited so there you go. Cherry also says: yay! Can we get some food now! Oh! And have some fun now!

"um... why? is everyone looking at us.... oh.... um... I DON'T THINK THIS IS WORKING!" as people started to panic an horde of guards swarm serenity "please...no why" he said crying....... "ALL I WANTED WAS A FRIEND!" he started roaring  crying  the guards were having none of it..... and got ready to attack but then bell and cherry step in

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Bell: STOP HE IS NOT HERE TO HARM ANYPONY! IF HE WAS HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN US FIRST! CHERY: YEAH! WHAT SHE SAID! She said in a worried voice. Bell says: please don't hurt him, cause if you do we are going to have to hurt you instead! Chery: umm... Bell I don't think that was a good idea.

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Bell: STOP HE IS NOT HERE TO HARM ANYPONY! IF HE WAS HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN US FIRST! CHERY: YEAH! WHAT SHE SAID! She said in a worried voice. Bell says: please don't hurt him, cause if you do we are going to have to hurt you instead! Chery: umm... Bell I don't think that was a good idea.

The Leader Of Guard Reply "well...uh?.....oh it's twilight! and she with fluttershy" "what going on here? WHA!?!?!?! A Hydra... is it crying?" Replied Twilight "YES! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME PLEASE..." tears travel very fast down his face "what do you think of this fluttershy" then fluttershy step up on the scene... everyone went quite

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Fluttershy: Umm... well it looks and sounds like he is in fear, so umm... I don't think he will hurt us. Fluttershy then walks over to Hydra then said: also if he was going to hurt us he would have done so already. So I'm sure it's fine to have him around as long as he doesn't cause any trouble.

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Fluttershy: Umm... well it looks and sounds like he is in fear, so umm... I don't think he will hurt us. Fluttershy then walks over to Hydra then said: also if he was going to hurt us he would have done so already. So I'm sure it's fine to have him around as long as he doesn't cause any trouble.

"thanks...y...you...." he starts to stop crying and starts to smile "Well... i guess... but i think we should at least keep our eyes on him..... not saying he will hurt anyone as we just need to make sure he doesn't" replied twilight as she started to calm down. "thank you to twilight.... now i'm hungry! where can i get some fish..."

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Bell: umm... i don't know this is kind of me and cherys first time here. Chery: umm...doesn't that place over there look like a cafe? She says while pointing at a building. Bell: actually it kinda does maybe we should check it out. What do you think serenity? Bell asks.

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Bell: umm... i don't know this is kind of me and cherys first time here. Chery: umm...doesn't that place over there look like a cafe? She says while pointing at a building. Bell: actually it kinda does maybe we should check it out. What do you think serenity? Bell asks.

"oh! i never seen so many ponies before there life style is so new.... i just love it! the way some of them have clothing and oh..... this is everything i hope and more.... but wait...... what's a coffee shop" replied serenity to chery "well! a coffee shop is a place where ponies go to hang out drink drinks and have a nice time many business people stop by these places to relax" replied twilight joining in.... she then proceeded to point at the castle "but i would rather you came to the castle garden not to invoke any fear in our citizens" "well okay BELL CHERY! are you coming....i've been told to go to the castle" he then proceeds to look back at the castle and follow her in..... "so anyway your a young hydra ain't you..." "well yes ma'am... i'm only a child..." he then proceeds to look out to see if chery and bell are coming

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Bell: yeah we're coming. Cherry: so twilight why are you going to the castle? Bell: cherry!Cherry: whaat? I'm just asking a simple question! Bell: well she probably can't tell us. Cherry: oh... oops...sorry. Bell: well serenity why do you want to go to the castle? Cherry mumbles to herself: oh sure she can ask serenity that but I can't ask twilight! Then Bell sorta hits Cherry. Cherry: ow... that hurt! Bell: sorry...

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Bell: yeah we're coming. Cherry: so twilight why are you going to the castle? Bell: cherry!Cherry: whaat? I'm just asking a simple question! Bell: well she probably can't tell us. Cherry: oh... oops...sorry. Bell: well serenity why do you want to go to the castle? Cherry mumbles to herself: oh sure she can ask serenity that but I can't ask twilight! Then Bell sorta hits Cherry. Cherry: ow... that hurt! Bell: sorry...

"oh you.. two..stop it... if your wondering bell twilight ask me to come here to....wha? twilight.... okay.. she says we need to talk about it in private HURRY UP!" replied serenity opening the door for bell and cherry. "wow you finally made it... so anyway the reason i'm here is because twilight doesn't want to invoke fear....and doesn't want the news getting out" 

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Bell: okay. Cherry: okeedokie loky. So what do we do now that we're here? Bell: I don't have a clue. Cherry: do you think there's chocolate ice cream here or, or even better Cherry ice cream. Bell: sorry Cherry I don't think they would Cherry ice cream. Cherry: ... Bell: but they might have chocolate ice cream. Cherry: yay! Bell: what do you think we should do? She asked serenity.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bell: okay. Cherry: okeedokie loky. So what do we do now that we're here? Bell: I don't have a clue. Cherry: do you think there's chocolate ice cream here or, or even better Cherry ice cream. Bell: sorry Cherry I don't think they would Cherry ice cream. Cherry: ... Bell: but they might have chocolate ice cream. Cherry: yay! Bell: what do you think we should do? She asked serenity.

"meh... i don't...really.. know but..... maybe if you ask twilight....um.... guys......i think the news people have found us......um... TWILIGHT!" replied serenity ducking "Keep Your Head Down i'll deal with it" twilight proceeded to go outside "*psst* girls i found some ice cream in the kitchen window on the next floor maybe if you ask one of the chiefs...." twilight return saying "whew... got them to go away.... i kind of lied and said it was a rumor not long until more come.....i think we need a better hiding spot....Fluttershy what do you think we should do.....fluttershy! oh she must be in her room.... umm.... be right back.... i just.... wait where did your friends go?" "probably to go find the ice cream in the kitchen....." replied serenity Twilight was very rush to apply "WHAT! i haven't told the guards yet...... oh this isn't good" "you stay here and try not to make noise" "mmm k twilight!" replied serenity 

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