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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

zombie pony fancic


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chapter 1 (after killing rainbow dash to make some cupcake's pinkie pie put the dead body of what use to be her friend in a freeze for later use. "Wow i have done a great job" as the pink pony thought to her self while going back up the stair as soon as she got up to the top floor pinkie heard a crash from the down stairs,pinkie thought its just a mouse but she heard it again this time a'lot she went to go see what was making all of that pinkie got now the stair case she saw what looked like her friend rainbow dash just standing there with blood falling from here chest and her liver and what looks like a lung hanging out of her body. pinkie said "this cant be happening YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" The cyan pony with blood in her mane just stood there and didn't make a than the cyan pony started to move at slow pink pony said oh s**t as the cyan pony moved closer and pie said "i'v got i will just kill her again".After she said that the cyan pony start to run to the pink pie started to ran up the stair case but as she got half way up said its your TIME TO DIE NOW" and just slammed the door and locked it so that the pony could not escape her own dash ran up the stair case to pinkie pie and started to eat the ponies no escape pinkie pie just cried in pain while the cyan pony ate here flesh to the 1 day open the door to see if the pink pony a gotten what she deserved for the murders of 37 ponies that lived in the .cake saw that there were no bodies to be found so he just smiled and said "its finally over"! but that same day day heared a noice from the basment as if something was still down thier trying to find a way didnt make alot about and just went on with his day like he usually did.)


chapter 2 ( going insane will all the noices every day and night till he killed i'm finally word where please DONT OPEN THAT DOOR!On last breath of dead, had run the store bye here self with no after a while heard some pony hitting at the basement so she went to go check and see what was making all of the open the door a horrible smell came from the a pink pony lying done at the door step and a cyan pony at the bottom of the steps. called out to the cyan pony to see if she was ok. mrs.cake could not a see a thing in the room without a light on, so she didn't know if she was ok or was left of rainbow dash started to run at the stated to run away and scream for her life but no pony came to help they just went ok with their .cake never shut the door and rainbow dash came runing into the room.a week latter the ponies start to think she had killed her self like some guards came to check it out and take the body,but what they found was far more guard found that had half her face bitten off and the organs coming out of her they went to check the body, got up and bit one of the guards,the other bottom hit the blue pony in the face to make let go of the other guard.After let the other the guard got free both of them ran out the store door and reported what had happend to princess made the pony with the bit got the the hospital and get that it checked on the way to the hospital the bottom started to fill bad so he started to run, but he fell down and just lyed there on the ground but seconds latter he got up and started to eat eat every pony that he the the remains of the ponies that had been eaten got up and walked looking for food.



post-1924-0-32145200-1334459728_thumb.png so far only 2 chapters :l


tell me what you think

Edited by bronydudeXD
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