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OC Sunflare help and backstory


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So at least I got Sunflare done after a long while!   Took a bit to rework her story and stuff and I would love any kinda feedback on well: ANYTHING.   Thanks and stuff!








-Out Going



-Happy Go Lucky

- Observant
- Helpful
- Reliable
- Precise




Bad Side

-Easily Embarrassed



- Self-indulging



Cutie Mark: A glory of the blooming sunflower that Sunflare got while finding her love of sky dancing and flying.


Built: A bit of a lean build like many Pegasuses, Sunflare has long legs and is highly graceful in and out of the sky and also on land. A mix of shades of pink hues and sunny yellows only adds to why this pony stands out and glows, with deep waves of pinks and purples in her wings that also seem to capture the light of the sun and glitter as she flies or lets her wings out.


Given her wings are also a bit bigger then some Pegasuses , Sunflare is an mountain Pegasuses who are known to have bigger wings for gliding and capturing all types of air currents and keep aloft in also dead air. They tend to be a bit taller and lean also than their common kin.


She keeps her mane short in a tom boyish cute which only keeps it out of her face while flying and easy to style for shows while her tail is a bit spiky in a playful manner. One thing is when ever Sunflare is happy or in joy, she is known to glow softly and glitter like the sun.






When any pony ever meets Sunflare, they can't help but start to smile in her catching aura of pure joy and happiness of being in the world. Even as a young infant, her smile would just brighten up any room to any pony who say it and all the more her adopted parents: Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor.


It was already that Candace had given birth to two sons with her mate, the first being the crown Prince Honor who took much after his father and 4 years later a stallion Pegasuses given the name Lorne who was a bit of a care free type. Both princes would end up as different as night is from day yet they loved their family and friends. Not that also it was no secret  that Cadance even in loving her sons with a passion and depth wanted to have a girl and so did Armor but Lorne's birth had been very differential in they had nearly lost their son and the price high in Cadance was told she could no longer have any more foals.


Perhaps most ponies would have given into a sense of lost, Cadance yes was sadden by this nevertheless she had a loving family and a kingdom to rule. Which is perhaps that Fate also had other plans in a three years of Lorne old a enough to be left alone with a maid, the Princess of Crystal Empire took to her monthly tours of the villages and many settlements in the Empire to check and listen to ponies and creatures of the land who could not always make it to the meeting days of Court.


On a bright day was coming to end and the sun painted the sky in hues of some colors that are not even named it was Cadance felt that longing for a daughter which was when  a flying guard flew in, covered in cuts and blood still weeping from battle. Bringing in the need for help as in one of the new Pegasuses settlements was under attack by a group of creatures known only as the djinn: half living shadow creatures formless that ate away at the living energy of creatures. Having been plaguing the Empire, this news of attack was not unknown yet the mass was a new one.


Thinking not of herself, Cadance called a order to heed to battle to save the Pegasus or what was left of their numbers if she and her guards could make it. Wings to flap and taking to the air, the princess rushed with her horn blazing in magic ready to fire. Moments as the air born troops came to the settlement, all hope dyed in seeing only the burning ruins of the homes of the ponies and their lifeless bodies of all ages still in death.


Yes it killed something in the soul of the princess in failing to save her subjects once more from the attack of these creatures. Shining would have held his face in place as a good caption would and give orders in the spot, headless in her sorrow a few tears escaped her eyes in ordering graves to be made for the ponies passed on and all hope of any pony living.


While walking, using gentle magic to close some of the eyes of the dead and cover them with what she might find in respect, a soft cry peeked out in the silence. Could some pony be alive? Such hope could be dashed yet Cadance held on to some light in peeking into a cave, her magic casting out a soft light in finding the body of a mare, laying on her side as if protecting something with all her might, cuts and blood drying on her pale golden fur urged a ache for the mare to the Princess.....


Then once more, the soft whiny of a cry echoed out from the body of the mare. Leaning over as her magic cast out a glow shown a moving bundle of blankets and a baby! Tiny and whining, crying unknown her mother was gone was a little pinkish yellow filly of the oddest colors in blending Cadance e had ever seen in her days. Using her magic to wrap the little life in gentle magic, she pulled the crying babe to her body and walked out of the cave.


Such was it a shock to all one soul new to world lived on and Cadance never let the little peggy filly away from her on the trip home. Shining Armor was ready for his wife to be in tears once they were along as he got ready and made sure his sons would give the parents some along time in Honor taking Lorne on some training/play time for a while. What was the twist in Cadance coming home, yes sadden yet a look of wonder on her face she only had when in holding their sons as little ones.


She was in no doubt in love with this little filly and had already made up her mind she was going to keep her as her adopted daughter come hell or high water in anyone saying or trying to say no. After hearing once the two lay alone and the little mare suckling hunger like  from a bottle, Armor lost any will to even think of taking the filly away from the Princess of Love.


So what to name their daughter?


Strangely to pass, the brothers would come to name their little sister after in a few days of meeting the little adopted filly and learning her story from their mother personally. Lorne in only being three was in love in first touching of noses and giggling, “Shes like a little sunray!” The idea of sun in her name called to the parents but it had to be more than sun. Given her energy, Honour thought more on the seed planted, feeling a flare of energy from the filly in saying it out losd and thus the name was chosen: Sunflare.


She would grow up loved, protected and bring a sense of bright joy to those in her life, if things could just go so smoothly. In two weeks of the little Sunflare being home, she grew deathly sick. Candace heart was breaking in the thought of loosing her new daughter as was the whole family. The mystify lay in no healer could find anything in the body sense of sick so was it other? Magic? Cadance called on her sister in law for aid and also the well known healer: Zecora. Hoping the two could find the answer between them.....


The two arrived in the usage of a travel spell from Twilight in moments as they went to the little filly. Soft whispers could be heard in passing between the two as Candace and Armor could only watch and wonder. Twilight had brought some of her personal books and items as had Zecora as the two took to leaving and working in the next room with a given list of things they would also need to save the little filly.


Hours passed at the pair worked endlessly to save Sunflare and Candace by her daughter's side in holding and singing to her with her mate and sons with her on and off. Sunflare fought to stay alive, yet her bright soul was fading and so was any hope of the Princess of Love to find a daughter and only loose her like this? Tears nearly fell from Candace eyes as Twilight burst into the room.


They had found the reason! Sunflare was missing a part of soul given she had been also feed on as her biologic  mother had been feed on by the Jinn. Her soul needed to be healed and Twilight and Zecora had the answer but the magic would have a price as all grand spells seem to do. She needed a piece of a soul and without thinking, Cadance was ready to give up a part of her!


Even if Sunflare was not her daughter of body, she would be in soul after the spell. Twilight did warn Cadance might look also a bit of her magic in doing this which was also in hearing, Armor also said he give up a small bit of his and so did Lorne and Honour to save their little sister! Such had they come to love the little glowing filly and it be more than a enough to save Sunflare fully.


The family gathered as Twilight and Zecora gathered what was needed while a dark moon rose in the night sky, nothing but love in the air as the spell was cast and a tiny spark of each of their souls was given to the little fighter who lay in the middle of the circle. Still a chance it might not save her lingered in only the next few days would they know if it would work...


Sunflare did live! Strong and health and in days once more a bight flare of light which her named echoed! Yet the price of the spell also became known: Sunflare lost her voice. Yes it was a sad event to the family, weather than let it define Sunflare, it only added to the mare she would become! Mischief followed in days of her learning to walk and fly, making the little Pegasuses a bright spot in the castle to not only the Royal family but also all who came to know the little filly as she grew up.


One reflection of the spell in effect was Sunflare would glow in moments of joy or just being happy. Also having two older brothers to add a little filly from flying to fighting or just making mischief did give the parents a few more gray hairs in their manes and tails than they might say outlast. While hitting the tender age of 8 and being in school would be one of the worst times for Sun and one of the best in making her first true friends outside her family.


Being a mute had never been a big deal for Sunflare yet little colts and filly's you don't understand can at times be mean without knowing. Also her glow set her apart given she was not a unicorn at all. Many felt a bit strange around the little filly in the first weeks and Sunflare found herself alone under a tree in crying till two little fillies sat next to her with their own lunches: Teal-Surge and Jewelfire.


“Why are sitting next to me?”


Sunflare wrote with her eyes still wet, Teal-Surge only smiled in explaining they also were different in their gifts: she could walk on water and also find it in any place while her sister could control fire and be burned by it! Also given their own father was a mute. So they understand the little Pegasuses and it was the start to a good friend in later while Fluttershy came for a visit with her adopted daughter: Wishvow.


Soon the four hit it off and Wishvow in her visits would even spend summers in the Cystal Empire given Fluttershy was setting up shops of pet-sitting shops and adoption centers. Many of Sunflare's friends found their cutie marks in the good ages yet Sunflare was a blank flank till she started to take up dancing classes as a hobby with a gentle push by her mother in some knowing way after seeing Sunflare fly with a grace past her given age.


She loved it! The challenge of dancing and fly, caught in balance and the music with the feel of the light and wind in her wings made her show brightly in a glittering way. Many a pony found she was breath taking in her grace and light and it was when also the mare found her cutie mark! A bright sunflower in full bloom of the joy of dancing and flying in the sunlight.


Soon she was doing shows on the side and glad to find her place in also finding a voice of her own in dance and pure movement! Still don't think Sunflare was all about dancing in the sky, like Lorne who while his brother was all knight and the heir to the Empire, she also took to combat in flight as it was seen as also a Princess of the Crystal Empire and a deep talent for also being a grand diplomat in reading body language to a T.


Now at the age of 16, Sunflare is getting ready for her first mission in the meeting of the Pony arts along with her friend Wishvow. While it might seem some foes who have been silent sense the attack on Sunflare's birth move in the shadows of the empire...








Mother: Princess Cadance

Father: Shining Armor

Aunts: Twilight Sparkle




Grandparents: Twilight Velvet and Night Light


Siblings: Honor



Friends: Wishvow









Love Interest: Soot



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