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Ask Ditzy Do and Doctor

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Hey Everypony This is Ditzy! Or Derpy, although I prefer Ditzy and I'm here with my friend Doc!


Hello my good ponies! This is the Doctor, and I'm ready for your questions with my good friend miss Hooves!


Ask away!



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*stares at Ditzy*
okay Doctor i have a question for you, if i have a wound on my butt can you apply some alcohol and patch it?


Why, what a strange question... hmmm

ah, well I do suppose I could kiki. It's actually quite easy, healing a wound. It also helps that I took basic medical training when I was younger. I will let you know I'm not that kind of doctor, I don't heal ponies in case that's what you were implying.

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What? No the English muffins didn't do this... hmm it must be the side effects from our adventures through the time continuum...

Uh, English plz? It's fine ditzy, just a little mishap, very similar to the time I got wings... remember that? ... how could I ever forget?


I think I should've checked to see if your wings were still there before I launched you huh? ... ya.

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Omagosh, applejack they were delicious... although it turns out they had pears in them too. Apple and pear muffins taste delicious! However I shared them with doc and let's just say, his heart attack didn't last long. The doctor has a fear with pears.... IT'S NOT A FEAR! ahem... I'm just aware of how dangerous they truly are deep down.


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post-18984-0-02715600-1417404676.gif am sorry Ditzy, mah muffins will be a'ight next time mate

post-18984-0-85282600-1413329003.gif Rarity: oh Doctor how you been darling? i would like to give you this hoof made tie i did
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am sorry Ditzy, mah muffins will be a'ight next time mate
Rarity: oh Doctor how you been darling? i would like to give you this hoof made tie i did


oh that's alright applejack, I really liked the muffins... maybe if doc here wasn't such a cryfilly he would've loved them too.

I AM NOT! er- uh *clears throat* I am not a cry filly. I just happen to see an evil in this world- evil? It's just a pear! as I was saying evil and miss hooves I don't cry when I see pears.. I panic. oh you're so adorable! What did you say? NOTHING, PRETEND I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING! ... changing subject, uh yes. Thank you rarity. I do love an exquisite tie! You really outdid yourself... again.


Edited by Princess Nidra
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miss Do would you like to try a pickle muffin? and a question for the doctor what does your cutie mark means?


Oh goodie I've had strange pickle cravings lately. Thank you!


Oh my cutie mark? Well why don't you watch this and see for yourself?

See it explains everything, and how I met my wonderful assistant!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey doctor! I heard ditzy do had a crush on you

AHH! W-W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! Don't tell him for me! ... uh... I' mean if I did, NOT THAT I DO, I don't really want you telling-


Hello Miss Hooves, hey what's that? *reads comment* hehe don't be ridiculous Straight Shot! Sure Miss Hooves enjoys eating muffins, but she is still in great shape! I don't see it possible that she could "crush me" after all she is a pegasus so she has hollow honeycombed shaped bones structures. That is what allows her to fly and it also makes her twice as light as an earth pony, and about 67% lighter than a unicorn! :toldya: 

... even after all that scientific math stuff he's still both an idiot and he's adorable... :wat:



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Ummmmmmmmm, Doctor, sorry you may not know me, alternate time line, you know that sorta thing, I'm the Assistant,I know you from two alternate time lines, and what that pony is trying to say is that Ditzy loves you. Sorry Ditz, I have to spoil it.

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Ummmmmmmmm, Doctor, sorry you may not know me, alternate time line, you know that sorta thing, I'm the Assistant,I know you from two alternate time lines, and what that pony is trying to say is that Ditzy loves you. Sorry Ditz, I have to spoil it.

..... You're lucky he's gone on a few saving the galaxy errands right now other wise I would be around... uh... what's that strange number the doctor always says uh.... oh ya! I'd be about sixty point five hundred secters worth of something about pie ummm... my point is it's a big number and that's how made i would be! angry_derpy_by_scootaloooo-d5u53w4.png

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