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Ask Ditzy Do and Doctor

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(Still in his Discorded state ) I had no idea... I'm so very...(tears up) sorry. (Walking out of the TARDIS, RootedWisdom felt an familiar feeling coursing through his body) No not now! I'm already going through a tough time, I don't need another! (But it was bound to happen, and a flash enveloped RootedWisdom's body, and after the flash happened, RootedWisdom fell, and thought the Doctor would catch him. But it was the Master who did.)


Well, look at who we got here.


(The Doctor sees the Master carry RootedWisdom away from them, realizing what was going to happen to RootedWisdom, either tortured or killed.)

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(Anger rising) calm yourself RootedWisdom, now is not the time to go Discorded right now. Calm down and (remembers what happened in those two time lines. And Derpy being hurt. ) THAT'S IT, I'VE HAD ENOUGH! ( stamps his hoof on the ground, and all the butter disappeared. And he punches the Doctor square in the gut, for he knows what butter does does to you when you punch the gut while butter is still being digested) IS THAT ALL YOU NEED IN LIFE IS JUST BUTTER! SHE IS YOUR BUCKING COMPANION, AND YOUR GOING TO JUST LEAVE HER! UNACCEPTABLE! I WON'T TOLERATE IT! YOU THINK AFTER ALL THE HELL I BEEN THROUGH, I'M JUST GOING TO STAND HERE AND LET THIS HAPPEN! RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGH! (and RootedWisdom starts beating the Doctor) YOU INSIGNIFICANT, WORTHLESS, IDIOTIC, COWARDLY, BUTTERHOLIC, EGOTISTICAL MAD MAN! (Calmed down, and spoke in a sinister tone) No wonder why Derpy hung around others rather than you in the other two time lines. Now I know how painful it must feel to to have her see what... (now realizing that Derpy had just walked in to see the Doctor beaten like a tortured animal.)


Oi! I wasn't done with that butter yet! D:<

*Had walked in with derpy and immediately looks at rooted* You did this didn't you....


*Is just frozen in surprise*

.... wut happened here? *slowly backs out of tardis and closes door behind her*


(Still in his Discorded state ) I had no idea... I'm so very...(tears up) sorry. (Walking out of the TARDIS, RootedWisdom felt an familiar feeling coursing through his body) No not now! I'm already going through a tough time, I don't need another! (But it was bound to happen, and a flash enveloped RootedWisdom's body, and after the flash happened, RootedWisdom fell, and thought the Doctor would catch him. But it was the Master who did.)


Well, look at who we got here.


(The Doctor sees the Master carry RootedWisdom away from them, realizing what was going to happen to RootedWisdom, either tortured or killed.)

Now hold on one second! I am not discorded. In fact what are you talking about? Is there another doctor I am unaware of?

I just turn a darker tint for a moment when I'm... well... sa- I mean disappointed without derp-*ahem* my companion.

Wait a second.... is that the master? HEY COME BACK HERE WITH THAT PONY!

What's the matter doctor? afraid they might be in trouble? here how 'bout a trade? A stick of butter for the pony? come on.... you know you want it! *waves butter in front of doctor's muzzle*

Alright be that way! *gallops off with pony*

Master! Bring them back! *gallops after the master*

Edited by NightShade NidraMoon
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(Discorded RootedWisdom woke up in a mad chase between the Master and the Doctor, while on the Master's back.) Well, hello... Master!

(Leaps of the Master by front flipping of his back, and roundhouse kicks him in the face, send him flying to a wall.) Might I ask what are you doing taking me away... especially when you know how I am when I...( oh, I forgot that he doesn't know me, so that also means that he don't know about my restarting process.) You know what, different question. What are you doing with somepony who has whooped you to a pulp more time than the Doctor in two alternate time lines ?

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(Discorded RootedWisdom woke up in a mad chase between the Master and the Doctor, while on the Master's back.) Well, hello... Master!

(Leaps of the Master by front flipping of his back, and roundhouse kicks him in the face, send him flying to a wall.) Might I ask what are you doing taking me away... especially when you know how I am when I...( oh, I forgot that he doesn't know me, so that also means that he don't know about my restarting process.) You know what, different question. What are you doing with somepony who has whooped you to a pulp more time than the Doctor in two alternate time lines ?

... wut? never mind that. get out of my way you ridiculous pony! I have better things to do like for example-

get a beating from me! *pounces on master pins him down* Why are you suddenly taking ponies!? I have no relationship of any sort with them, so why take them?

*smirks evil-like* Oh dearest doctor... I followed you to this pathetic little world because I knew that where you go, will always have some sort of power! Turns out... that power was in these ponies! First I'll strip poniville of every unicorn, earth pony, and pegasis I can find! Then I will get my hooves on that pretty little pegasis of yours! *pins doctor to ground* Any objections doctor?

*Squirms and clenches teeth in anger* If you dare touch Ditzy or anypony else I'll!-

hehehe.... Oh doctor.... I actually made a change in plans. *whispers in the doctors ear* I already have her locked up in the nicest little cell I could find.  :sneer:


Edited by NightShade NidraMoon
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YOU BASTARD! (a energy deep inside himself seem to crack, and he bursts into a silver flash, causing his green hair to turn silver, and his blue eyes to go neon, and his Discorded state seemed to permanently disappear, causing anything naturally made to glow a bright light, and infuse their essence into RootedWisdom, causing an immense surge of power) Witness my power, for many haven't seen it, nor lived the tale, witness my power unbound, unmatched, and unjudged. You mere pathetic insect, witness me at my first peek, for my power over nature has reached a point...OF TRANCENDENCE!

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YOU BASTARD! (a energy deep inside himself seem to crack, and he bursts into a silver flash, causing his green hair to turn silver, and his blue eyes to go neon, and his Discorded state seemed to permanently disappear, causing anything naturally made to glow a bright light, and infuse their essence into RootedWisdom, causing an immense surge of power) Witness my power, for many haven't seen it, nor lived the tale, witness my power unbound, unmatched, and unjudged. You mere pathetic insect, witness me at my first peek, for my power over nature has reached a point...OF TRANCENDENCE!

*puts hoof up calmly to stop them* nuh-uh... Touch me and this pathetic little doctor gets it. And his little marefriend too.  :comeatus: 

Get off! *squirms more frantically* STAY AWAY FROM MY COMPANION! :angry: * manages to break free from the master's grasp and tries to attack* 

*blasts him with some sort of ray gun* now stay Down! :=: 

*falls to ground and doesn't get up... breathing slows*

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Hehehe, really? (A thorned vine caught the Master's hand that held the gun, and punctured his skin, and squeezed and violently cuts as it moves on his hand, making him drop the gun.) "Nature as my will, and it's elements at my beck and call, heed my call, and heal thy purest of good that is the Doctor to full health, and punish the evil the same way he harmed." ( A spell circle of green aura encircles the Doctor and enfused it's natural essence into the Doctor's body, healing his wounds. But a spell circle of red encircles the Master, and a bolt of red crashes down on the Master, and inflicts the same pain and agony the Doctor felt to the Master, causing a surge of malicious pain throughout the Master's body.) And for the finale. ( RootedWisdom starts moving his hooves in a unique pattern of motions, but in his hooves, a massive energy built up, and Rooted put his hooves together as if he was referencing some fighting game attack) Witness my final attack....COSMIC FLASH! (And a beam of highly concentrated Nature Astral magic fires out in a beam the size of 2 busses put together, making time and space to bend around it, hitting the Master like a Armageddon-sized meteor. Knowing the damage RootedWisdom would make, he created a spacial rune and opened a void, to which the attack goes through, but ends up coming through away from where he fired the blast at.) I hope you survive this blast... it would be shameful to have ended a crucial enemy to my story line with me not even close to my final peak of my power.

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Hehehe, really? (A thorned vine caught the Master's hand that held the gun, and punctured his skin, and squeezed and violently cuts as it moves on his hand, making him drop the gun.) "Nature as my will, and it's elements at my beck and call, heed my call, and heal thy purest of good that is the Doctor to full health, and punish the evil the same way he harmed." ( A spell circle of green aura encircles the Doctor and enfused it's natural essence into the Doctor's body, healing his wounds. But a spell circle of red encircles the Master, and a bolt of red crashes down on the Master, and inflicts the same pain and agony the Doctor felt to the Master, causing a surge of malicious pain throughout the Master's body.) And for the finale. ( RootedWisdom starts moving his hooves in a unique pattern of motions, but in his hooves, a massive energy built up, and Rooted put his hooves together as if he was referencing some fighting game attack) Witness my final attack....COSMIC FLASH! (And a beam of highly concentrated Nature Astral magic fires out in a beam the size of 2 busses put together, making time and space to bend around it, hitting the Master like a Armageddon-sized meteor. Knowing the damage RootedWisdom would make, he created a spacial rune and opened a void, to which the attack goes through, but ends up coming through away from where he fired the blast at.) I hope you survive this blast... it would be shameful to have ended a crucial enemy to my story line with me not even close to my final peak of my power.

*pulls hoof back* OW! You shouldn't have done that! *pulls out remote control* Goodbye Ditzy and hello Master! *presses button... explosion is heard in the distance of the ever free forest*sig-4323952.sig-4323952.avatar_07072eeb7

Edited by NightShade NidraMoon
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Hehehe, Ditzy... is right here. ( Ditzy walks beside Trancendence forme RootedWisdom, looking at the Master in fear.) You see, as we were fighting, I managed to locate Ditzy via N.E.S.T, or Natural Essence Sensed Tracking, and manage to guide her to safety. Hehehe, your sooooo predictable, every move you make I thought five moves before you. And I thought you were the genius, but there's a reason for that, I'm the only half-Time Lord to live under your very own nose, or muzzles if you prefer. Thank you, other two alternate time lines for this advantage.

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Hehehe, Ditzy... is right here. ( Ditzy walks beside Trancendence forme RootedWisdom, looking at the Master in fear.) You see, as we were fighting, I managed to locate Ditzy via N.E.S.T, or Natural Essence Sensed Tracking, and manage to guide her to safety. Hehehe, your sooooo predictable, every move you make I thought five moves before you. And I thought you were the genius, but there's a reason for that, I'm the only half-Time Lord to live under your very own nose, or muzzles if you prefer. Thank you, other two alternate time lines for this advantage.

You know you're very predictable as well. I created at least over 13200 clones of every pony in equestria, they are currently being kept in a space station where I can easily harvest their magical power. You only grabbed one of the clones. The original is somewhere on that space station. Even if you did find her what good would that be for anypony? The doctor only has 32 minutes time to live. You see.... that ray I shot him with already permanently paralyzed his heart, and damaged the other.

*glances over at the doctor, lying motionless on the ground, barely breathing*

So I suppose you can only save one or the other.... Who will it be? The muffin loving bubble butt... or the invincible dumb doctor whooves?

The clock is ticking, tick tock tick tock! :sneer: 

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You know what... (reverts back ) if you want me to choose, then I chose not a damn one of them. Instead, I can kill you and don't have to worry about picking. You see... when I flipped off of you, I managed to plant a asprin injecting bomb, in which I heard was very toxic to a Time Lord. So now you got a choice, let the Doctor live, and let Derpy go...the real one, or I will kill you and all existence of you... you wanna know why? (RootedWisdom's eyes turned cold, baby blue eyes, just like the Doctor's as RootedWisdom turned into his Discorded state) This is a fixed point in time for the both of us, and not a DAMN reincarnation can bucking save you. So Master... let them live, or die.(Mockingly) The clock is ticking... TICK,TOCK,TICK,TOCK! (A small cackle rung out in RootedWisdom's voice, while his stare was as cold as the Doctor when he was Discorded, as if he didn't give two bucks anymore about the world)

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You know what... (reverts back ) if you want me to choose, then I chose not a damn one of them. Instead, I can kill you and don't have to worry about picking. You see... when I flipped off of you, I managed to plant a asprin injecting bomb, in which I heard was very toxic to a Time Lord. So now you got a choice, let the Doctor live, and let Derpy go...the real one, or I will kill you and all existence of you... you wanna know why? (RootedWisdom's eyes turned cold, baby blue eyes, just like the Doctor's as RootedWisdom turned into his Discorded state) This is a fixed point in time for the both of us, and not a DAMN reincarnation can bucking save you. So Master... let them live, or die.(Mockingly) The clock is ticking... TICK,TOCK,TICK,TOCK! (A small cackle rung out in RootedWisdom's voice, while his stare was as cold as the Doctor when he was Discorded, as if he didn't give two bucks anymore about the world)

*sigh* very well... *presses button*

I hope you feel good about what you did because it won't last long! I'll be back, and things will be even worse next time! *walks over to the doctor... inject some sort of antidote*


*struggles to get back on his hooves* What happened? *flying in as fast as she can* DOCTOR! *crashes into the doctor* OOF! *notices it's the real ditzy* Ditzy! Are you alright? Ya I'm fine! Did he hurt you? Well he did give me a bruise from when he threw me into my cell and I am thirsty and kinda hungry seeing as I didn't have any food or water. WHAT?! *punches the master across the face* You hurt my companion?! *holds master by his tie and lifts him slightly* Next time you dare come near this place.... next time you even look at derpy or any of my friends.... *Becomes slightly discorded and then turns good again* You're going to be dealing with me.tumblr_static_scary_discord_whooves_zps9

Edited by NightShade NidraMoon
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No worries, I got that covered. (Snatches the Master, then tossed him in the air, and punched him with the impact of a planet, sending him flying at tachyon speeds) Oh and by the time he wakes up, not even every regeneration he has will save him from being brutally crippled. (Recognizing he is still Discorded) Damn! Well, looks like I'm probably going to stay in this form.

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No worries, I got that covered. (Snatches the Master, then tossed him in the air, and punched him with the impact of a planet, sending him flying at tachyon speeds) Oh and by the time he wakes up, not even every regeneration he has will save him from being brutally crippled. (Recognizing he is still Discorded) Damn! Well, looks like I'm probably going to stay in this form.

*sigh* well that's done and over with. Now who's up for an English muffins? NO! how about just a regular muffin? Oh alright... I suppose it's only fair. Yay! Muffin for you, muffin for you, and muffin for me! *grabs three muffins hands one to the doctor, one to rotted wisdom and noms a muffin* Never say no to muffin!

Oh almost forgot.... sorry Everypony we got caught up in all the drama, do any of you have any more questions for us? Ditzy and I are going on a bit of a vacation for a while after this, so ask now before we leave! Uh... Ditzy? Why are you ahh! ditmrffghf! *shoves muffin in doctors face* Thank for saving me! as a reward you get another muffin!


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And if you want to talk to me as my Discorded self the link is in the description


link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/139929-ask-discorded-wisdom-please-if-you-mind-signed-discord/

Derpy mind if I can give you something? (Gives her topas encrusted muffin necklace) Here.

oh wow thanks! Hey derpy I had an idea! Ya? Maybe I could modify that necklace and add it to the dress you get to wear on our vacation! Wow really that would be great! But where are we going anyways? Not where... when! C'mon I'll show you! *trots overto control panel* Buckle up! Next stop.... The Steampony Era! :love:


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Where (sighs) this is where our time lines split once again, Ditzy, Doctor.(becomes unDiscorded, and upbeat) Well, next stop... The Medieval Times! (Waves goodbye to Ditzy and the Doctor,while Rooted's own TARDIS begins to materialize around him, giving them one final word.) Iku Ze! ( and Rooted's TARDIS begins to hum, as it sets off for The Medieval Timeline.)

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Hi Everypony! We decided will will allow questions while on our vacation and will respond as fast as we can however apparently we managed to find trouble in this era but no matter! If you have any questions go on ahead and ask!

Ya! I like my new dress and I hope that soon you guys will be able to see it too next time we have a question! And I want to give you all air hugs until then!

your friends,

the doctor and Derpy

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Hello, my dear friends! This is RootedWisdom,here in my TARDIS, enjoying the Medieval Times. Question: It seems the Princess of this era knows about the TARDIS, mind explaining?

Ah yes well uh... how do  put this? umm.... the princess was overthrown and now Queen Chrysalis and the changelings are trying to take over all of Trottingham! But don't worry we can stop them! Right doctor? Oh yes of corse we can! But first.... I'm starving let's get ourselves some sandwiches or something... *sigh* oh ok. >_> 


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Thanks! That explains a lot. Well...(sound of loading up a high tech weapon inserted here) time to round up some Changelings! Sorry, no fun for you guys!

 this is our case... we got this. Besides I've studies changelings for about 2 years now! Ask me question and I can answer it easily! Ya the doctor is the best!

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I fought Changelings for three thousand and a half years, I'm pretty sure what I'm up against. Oh, and I always have been reminded a long lesson from them... never trust a Changeling.

.... how have you lived that long?  :blink: 

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