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private You Make My Heart Skip a Beat | 1 x 1, GentlemanBlaze


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144829-1x1s-with-me-anyone-sol-rom/




Remix didn't remember the last time she was in Spectrum City - it had far too much of the bustling city atmosphere for her to feel particularly at home. With a sigh, she weaved awkwardly between the ponies flowing up and down the streets, trying to remember where it was she had to be. "The things I do for gigs and favours." she muttered somewhat grumpily, frowning as a pony almost pushed right into her. The unicorn adjusted the headphones over her ears briefly, switching to something more relaxing because Celestia bless her, she needed it.


One of the managers she'd worked with several times before in other places had contacted her late last night, almost in tears - apparently, the DJ she'd hired had bailed at the last minute, and she was looking desperately for a replacement. With nothing better to do, and not against earning some extra bits, Remix had agreed. In hindsight, that may have not been a wise decision.


After making about 5 wrong turns and bumping into 6 dead ends, the pink unicorn finally found the building she was looking for, and entered with a frustrated sigh. She waved briefly at the receptionist and promptly stepped into the elevator, cringing slightly at the horribly outdated elevator music and turning her own music up to drown it out. The room she was headed for was, rather thankfully, on a fairly low floor, and she soon found herself pushing open the door that read "Ms. Rising Star".


"Star? You don't understand how long it took me to find this place!" she began exasperatedly, gesturing wildly with her hooves as she closed the door behind her, "I just... You've got to work on y-" she continued, before abruptly cutting off as she stopped short.


"Star... You didn't tell me there was going to be another pony here." ( )

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Blaze sat down inside the office. He was wearing a tuxedo and his mane was extra groomed, he had to look good right? "The DJ you'll be working with is coming soon Blaze. Just have patience" Said the manager, as he looked over some paperwork. Blaze nodded "Ok, i guess i'll wait then" He stretched and sat down in a more relaxed position.


While waiting, Blaze observed the room he was in. The walls were heavily out dated and needed some paint. The desk was old and he noticed Fire Cutters signature on it, so it must have been expensive. He was about to ask where the Supposed dj was, but he was beaten to it by a confused mare entering the room "Star... You didn't tell me there was going to be another here" She said. Blazes eye twitched. Her fur and mane was rugged and she didn't wear a dress! He wouldn't stand for it. He took out a brush from his tuxedo and leaped after her.

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Remix took in the appearance of the other stallion, herself still standing in the doorway. Jeez, what dress code. Why’s he even here? Talk about uptight. She thought, scrunching her nose slightly before he literally jumped at her. “Woah woah woah! she exclaimed, jumping backwards and ducking away from the brush. “Don’t you know the meaning of personal space?” she huffed, an upset frown forming on her lips.

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Remix took in the appearance of the other stallion, herself still standing in the doorway. Jeez, what dress code. Why’s he even here? Talk about uptight. She thought, scrunching her nose slightly before he literally jumped at her. “Woah woah woah! she exclaimed, jumping backwards and ducking away from the brush. “Don’t you know the meaning of personal space?” she huffed, an upset frown forming on her lips.

Blaze stared right back at her "Yes i do. But don't you have respect for your own apperance?" He let out a sigh "You are a mare. Mares need to look their best! I respect mares too much, for this to happen so..." He twirled the brush around in his hoof "If you just stay right there..." Said Blaze and inched closer to her. Holding his brush like a weapon

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Remix scoffed. “Of course I do! For starters, I reckon I look fine as is, and, more importantly, I dress up when something’s worth dressing up for.” She said, before her eyes widened incredulously. “I’m sorry, what? You call this respect?” she exclaimed, stomping her hoof for emphasis. “Well, good sir, not sure what sort of respect you’ve been giving other mares, but if you take one more step towards me I’ll buck that brush out of your hooves.”


Rising Star, having decided this had gone far enough, quickly and politely cleared her throat. “Oh, now now, why don’t the two of you both come sit here and have some tea? I’ll explain what’s happening if you just give me a chance.” She said, her voice soothing but still demanding authority.


Begrudgingly, and not wanting to upset her job provider, Remix nodded, ducking past the stallion in the doorway and taking a seat.

Edited by MiniKirby123
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Blaze sighed "Waste of potential..." He muttered and threw the brush out the window. He sat down casually and looked at the manager. Waiting for him to rely the news to them. He looked over at the fellow DJ "Oh and you don't NEED a super important event to atleast make yourself presentable." He looked back at the manager "So what's up ma'am? Why have you called me here, i already see a DJ, so i see no real reason for me to be here" Said Blaze

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just rolled her eyes at his comment and antics, pointedly ignoring him in favour of listening to Rising Star.


"Well... Here's the deal. Originally, I had hired a DJ to help run this event, but I just lost contact with them out of the blue - it's like they'd vanished off the face of Equestria!" the mare began, her voice growing more heated by the second. "I became desperate - this is a big event, and I have a reputation to uphold - so... I contacted both of you at the same time." she finished, sighing and resting her head in her hooves.


"Alright then, sure." Remix said after some deliberation, before looking the manager dead in the eye. "Which one of us has to go?"


Rising swallowed thickly. "Uh... Well, since it's such a major deal, I figured the two of you could maybe collaborate?" she mumbled under her breath, the hope evident in her tone as she glanced between the two DJs seated before her.


Remix blinked once, then twice, and just groaned as she facehoofed. Great start to a partnership, if that's where this is headed.

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix just rolled her eyes at his comment and antics, pointedly ignoring him in favour of listening to Rising Star.


"Well... Here's the deal. Originally, I had hired a DJ to help run this event, but I just lost contact with them out of the blue - it's like they'd vanished off the face of Equestria!" the mare began, her voice growing more heated by the second. "I became desperate - this is a big event, and I have a reputation to uphold - so... I contacted both of you at the same time." she finished, sighing and resting her head in her hooves.


"Alright then, sure." Remix said after some deliberation, before looking the manager dead in the eye. "Which one of us has to go?"


Rising swallowed thickly. "Uh... Well, since it's such a major deal, I figured the two of you could maybe collaborate?" she mumbled under her breath, the hope evident in her tone as she glanced between the two DJs seated before her.


Remix blinked once, then twice, and just groaned as she facehoofed. Great start to a partnership, if that's where this is headed.

Blaze sat in silence for a moment, his brain slowly processing the information. He let out a sigh, this was going to be hard "Alright, i'll partner with her. I never quit a job after all." He looked at the mare seated next to him, and stuck his hoof out "The name is Blaze pulse, sorry for judging your appearance earlier" Said Blaze with a stone face. He might be rash and hardheaded, but he wasn't immature

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix, mildly stunned by his reply, simply nodded, taking his hoof. “Remix Blitz. And no worries, I tend to get that a lot. Sorry I got mad and stuff.” She said, shrugging slightly with a sheepish grin on her face.


Rising looked ecstatic, and immediately stood with a beaming grin on her face. “Oh, I’m so excited! This is going to be amazing!” she exclaimed, beginning to pace back and forth as she muttered to herself about plans.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix, mildly stunned by his reply, simply nodded, taking his hoof. “Remix Blitz. And no worries, I tend to get that a lot. Sorry I got mad and stuff.” She said, shrugging slightly with a sheepish grin on her face.


Rising looked ecstatic, and immediately stood with a beaming grin on her face. “Oh, I’m so excited! This is going to be amazing!” she exclaimed, beginning to pace back and forth as she muttered to herself about plans.

Blaze smiled when the mare decided to solve this as adults, but even though he apologized, he couldn't help but dress ideas for her in his mind, while the manager paced around. After some time it got annoying "Ahem, could you tell us about the event we need to participate in? And wether we can free style, or have to play some specific songs?"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Rising jumped slightly, before turning to face them and clearing her throat. "Oh, but of course! Sorry, I got a little carried away." she explained, before taking a seat again. "This will be a charity event - the money will go to some orphanages and public services. Think of it as one massive party - there will be other entertainment occasionally, like stage acts, or breaks for food, but otherwise, you'll be on the whole time." the earth pony said, before pushing a flyer advertising the event towards the two DJs. "Since it's going to be for several hours, if not the majority of the night, I thought having two could take off some of the strain. And song wise, not many limits - just keep in mind there may be younger fillies and foals there, so nothing too vulgar I assume."


Remix just nodded, pulling the flyer closer with a hoof when it was presented. "Oh, it's... Tomorrow night?"


"Yes, I decided maybe giving you two a day to get acquainted or prepared would be best, just to make everything run smoothly. Any more questions?"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Rising jumped slightly, before turning to face them and clearing her throat. "Oh, but of course! Sorry, I got a little carried away." she explained, before taking a seat again. "This will be a charity event - the money will go to some orphanages and public services. Think of it as one massive party - there will be other entertainment occasionally, like stage acts, or breaks for food, but otherwise, you'll be on the whole time." the earth pony said, before pushing a flyer advertising the event towards the two DJs. "Since it's going to be for several hours, if not the majority of the night, I thought having two could take off some of the strain. And song wise, not many limits - just keep in mind there may be younger fillies and foals there, so nothing too vulgar I assume."


Remix just nodded, pulling the flyer closer with a hoof when it was presented. "Oh, it's... Tomorrow night?"


"Yes, I decided maybe giving you two a day to get acquainted or prepared would be best, just to make everything run smoothly. Any more questions?"

Blaze shook his head "I got nothing." Blaze adjusted his glasses and looked over at his new partner "So what do you want to do? I have a suite with my equipment, we could perhaps go there? To test out our skill, and get a better grasp on our playstyles. I believe that's crucial if we are going to perforn together"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix merely shrugged also, before meeting Blaze's eyes. "Hmm... I'm not sure. I don't really have much gear other than a couple of sample tracks and such." she explained, before nodding to his suggestion. "That sounds pretty good to me. I mean, it would be nice to have some semblance of order when we're performing." Standin, the pink unicorn said her goodbyes to Rising before opening the door. "After you, good sir."

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix merely shrugged also, before meeting Blaze's eyes. "Hmm... I'm not sure. I don't really have much gear other than a couple of sample tracks and such." she explained, before nodding to his suggestion. "That sounds pretty good to me. I mean, it would be nice to have some semblance of order when we're performing." Standin, the pink unicorn said her goodbyes to Rising before opening the door. "After you, good sir."

Blaze smiled "Oh my. It's supposed to be the other way around" Blaze stuck out his wing, and reached around her. Once he got a good grasp, he spun around, making her switch places with Blaze "After you m'lady" Said Blaze with a cheesy grin on his face. He hoped that she didn't get angry

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix snorted, but quirked an eyebrow at the move. "Oh I would have if I could, but I have no clue where to go to get to your suite." she said, proceeding to walk out the door anyway. "However, since you so kindly offered, I don't see why not." she continued, pausing outside the door. "Anyways, lead the way!"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix snorted, but quirked an eyebrow at the move. "Oh I would have if I could, but I have no clue where to go to get to your suite." she said, proceeding to walk out the door anyway. "However, since you so kindly offered, I don't see why not." she continued, pausing outside the door. "Anyways, lead the way!"

Blaze got out as well "That would make sense indeed... But anyways, are you familiar with the 1st class Celestial Spear hotel? That's where i'm staying. I normally don't like those fancy hotels, but it was the only hotel with enough room for my equipment. Plus, i get a huge discount for playings as a DJ for them at parties"
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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix paused, placing a hoof to her chin as she tilted her head in thought. "Nope, not a clue!" she eventually concluded, before catching up to Blaze. "Whhhaattt you get discounts? That's sick! You gotta sneak me in there next time." she snickered, nudging him and waggling her eyebrows.

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix paused, placing a hoof to her chin as she tilted her head in thought. "Nope, not a clue!" she eventually concluded, before catching up to Blaze. "Whhhaattt you get discounts? That's sick! You gotta sneak me in there next time." she snickered, nudging him and waggling her eyebrows.
Blaze smirked "Oh, i bet you would like that" Said the DJ with a laugh. They entered the luxurious building "Welcome back sir. Who is the guest?" Blaze smiled "My new partner. Her name is Remix Blitz. I'll be taking her to my room" The waiter nodded "Alright. I'll allow her entry" The waiters horn sparked to life, and he cast a spell on her "This will allow you to move around without tripping alarms"
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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just grinned at him, before they came to a stop in front of the hotel. A low, awe-struck whistle escaped her lips, and she remained silent as the waiter came up to them out of courtesy. Oh snap they even have staff waiting on everything! She remained still as he cast the spell, and shivered a little at the weird sensation. "Thanks." she said, nodding to the waiter.

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just grinned at him, before they came to a stop in front of the hotel. A low, awe-struck whistle escaped her lips, and she remained silent as the waiter came up to them out of courtesy. Oh snap they even have staff waiting on everything! She remained still as he cast the spell, and shivered a little at the weird sensation. "Thanks." she said, nodding to the waiter.

They went up the stairs. Some ponies where whispering about the two famous DJ's and where already spreading rumors about them being a couple. Blaze ignored them, he was used to this bullshit, and was too tired of it to care. He opened the door, and they where met with a lot of DJ equipment. "Welcome to my room. Feel free to grab some liquor in the minibar"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix followed him, but couldn't help her ears pricking as she heard whispers and such. Wow. Geez, where do they even get this from? she mused, before they reached his room. As soon as the door opened, she just stared at the sheer level of equipment, before neatly sidestepping it. "Uh, no. I'm okay. Not really one to hold my liquor. But you should see my friend Jazzy! She drinks like a fish."

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix followed him, but couldn't help her ears pricking as she heard whispers and such. Wow. Geez, where do they even get this from? she mused, before they reached his room. As soon as the door opened, she just stared at the sheer level of equipment, before neatly sidestepping it. "Uh, no. I'm okay. Not really one to hold my liquor. But you should see my friend Jazzy! She drinks like a fish."

Blaze nodded "I see. Well i'll get some then." He went over to the minibar and pulled out a bottle of champagne. He poured himself a drink, and sat down at the couch. He hoofed her a soda "Here, if alcohol isn't your style, at least take a soda, or you'll make me feel like a terrible host"

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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix just watched him pour champagne, leaning against the door frame and unsure where to place herself. She almost missed the soda, juggling it awkwardly between her hooves until she finally got a grip on it. "Yes! Success!" she cheered, raising it high in a salute of victory. "Wait. Will this explode now?" she asked, her tone of voice suddenly changing before she hurried to the sink and popped it open, slurping quickly even as it dripped onto her hooves and down the drain. "Welp. Totally planned that."

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@Love Doctor Blaze

Remix just watched him pour champagne, leaning against the door frame and unsure where to place herself. She almost missed the soda, juggling it awkwardly between her hooves until she finally got a grip on it. "Yes! Success!" she cheered, raising it high in a salute of victory. "Wait. Will this explode now?" she asked, her tone of voice suddenly changing before she hurried to the sink and popped it open, slurping quickly even as it dripped onto her hooves and down the drain. "Welp. Totally planned that."
Blaze chuckled at her actions, and took a sip of champage "Alright, tell me Remix... Have you ever been... Attacked? Beated up?" Said Blaze with a dead serious gaze. He downed the rest of the cold liquor, and poured himself some more. I need to buy her some clothes soon... Thought Blaze as he looked at her
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@Love Doctor Blaze


Remix frowned at his question, her confusion only amplified by how serious he was. "Me? No, I mean... Why? I've had some upsets, but never to the point of an all out brawl." she said, moving to take a seat next to him while sipping at her drink. "I don't normally get drunk, and I've learned to avoid ponies when they get a bit high strung."

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