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Up to No Good (1X1 with Green Bolt)(RP)

Dapper Charmer

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Bolt was about to pour the soda onto her eyes, but she forgot they were in public. "Ohh...probably not the best time for that.." She put her drink down and drank it. "So...do you have any...girlfriends...lately?" She grinned. " or is that a secret?" Giggling, she nudged Hooligan again.

Purple Guy Senpai





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"Hck what?" said Hooligan, almost chocking on his Para-Sprite, "sorry just that came out of no where. But no I don't have any Girlfriends." Hooligan took a bite out of his hayburger and took another sip of his Para-Sprite. "What about you, while we're on the subject, you gotta a special somepony in your life?"

Edited by Dappers Duck Army
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Bolt grinned even more and said, "Do I look like somepony who would kiss a guy? You're PATHETIC!" Suddenly she stopped. A look of shock spread across her face. Closing her eyes, she tried to concentrate, as if she was trying to get rid of something in her head.


She opened her eyes. Blue streaks flew from her eyes and she had an evil grin on. She tackled Hooligan to the ground. Like she was insane, she aimed her horn at him.



Purple Guy Senpai





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Hooligan was confused when he was tackled to the ground. At first he thought it was a joke, but the look in Cipher's eye made him realise it wasn't. "Okay Ci you can get off now. Jokes over," said Hooligan trying to get out from under Cipher, "your really starting to scare me."

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Bolt ignored Hooligan and started to chant a spell, making him rise up. The restaurant suddenly burst with flames. The cashier ducked under the table and covered himself.


Then Bolt froze. She blinked. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were back to normal. "What..." She looked around. The cashier was huddled in a corner as blue fire crept towards him. She turned to face Hooligan. "I....I..." She floated down with Hooligan.


A guilty look was on her face. "I...I'm so sorry...I...just...lost control..."

Purple Guy Senpai





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"It's cool Cipher I know it wasn't your fault," Hooligan said as he caught his breath, "just what the hell was that anyway?" Hooligan got up, "actually save it for when we're not standing in a semi burning resturaunt." Hooligan began to walk to the exit, "seriously though we should get going before the cops show up."

  • Brohoof 1
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[@member=Dappers Duck Army]


Bolt's horn glowed one last time and the building stopped burning. She nodded and hurried after Hooligan. No cops had arrived yet. Bolt let out a sigh of relief. She caught up with Hooligan and grabbed him. They teleported to his house. Bolt found Hooligan's sofa and invited him to come sit down.

Purple Guy Senpai





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Hooligan walked to his mini fridge, pulled out two cans of Colta-Cola and sat down next to Cipher. He handed her one of the cans. "So that was pretty intense back there right," said Hooligan as he took a sip of his Cola, "but seriously what happened with you back there?"

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"I....well...I... I sometimes can't control...myself...I'm sorry..." She looked into Hooligan's eyes. "I didn't mean it...I promise! I just....lose control.,,from time to time...I'm trying to figure it out...but so far I can't find anything good." She hugged Hooligan tightly. "I'm just...so sorry...."

Purple Guy Senpai





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"I know it wasn't your fault," said Hooligan as he hugged Cipher back, "and you know that if you ever need to talk about it my door is always open." Hooligan released from the hug. "I can't really blame you for loosing control, you have the most magic power I've every seen in a pony. You may not think it but by our gonna do great thing someday."

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Bolt smiled. She was glad Hooligan had forgiven her. After all, she had just nearly become a maniac and almost burned and building down. She was surprised that Hooligan was okay with it. "I'm just...sorry about...you know...holding you up and stuff with magic."

Purple Guy Senpai





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"You don't have to keep apologising," Hooligan said with a smile, "you don't judge somepony by their mistakes you judge them by how they learn from their mistakes." Hooligan took a sip of his drink, "don't ask me what it means cause I don't know. But it sounds smart doesn't it?"

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Bolt laughed. "Yeah..a little...." She took a sip of her cola. "Thanks...for the drink, I mean. You know, when we first met, I didn't think we'd ever be friends." She sighed. Then she smiled. "And....look where we are now... I'm a demon and you're a teleporter. They sound good together, don't they?"

Purple Guy Senpai





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"Yeah we sure do make a great team," said Hooligan with a smile, "but after tonight I feel like just chillen." Hooligan picked up the remote and turned the TV on. Suddenly a box appeared on the screen. It said The show you have set to record, My Little Donkey, is about to start. "I'm actually bored of TV," said Hooligan sheepishly as he turned the TV off, "there's never anything good on."

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Bolt tried to hold in a laugh, but she couldn't help it. She burst out with laughter, falling over. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! My Little Donkey? So THAT'S why you never watch TV when I'm around! I knew it!"


She couldn't stop laughing. She nudged Hooligan and snickered.

Purple Guy Senpai





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"Oh shut up," said Hooligan giving Cipher a playful push, "it's a good show. It's got great animation, characters and it's hillarious. Like in one episode Purple Tart {Pinkie} was trying to make this pony name Cranky but he was all...." Hooligan stopped when he realised he was going into fanboy mode, "just promise not to tell anypony okay?"

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"*snicker* Alright...",she said as she pulled herself up. "Well, I should be getting home, there's school tomorrow.." She hugged Hooligan one last time and disappeared.


She appeared in her bedroom. She petted her bunny Peter and lay down on her bed. 'Today was a good day...',she thought. The she fell asleep.

Purple Guy Senpai





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Hooligan smiled when Cipher when Cipher had gone home. As expected he had had an amazing day with her. Well except that incident at HayBurger. Hooligan shook his head he knew that it wasn't Ci's fault and in time she learn to control it. Hooligan sat back on the couch and turned the TV on. After all there was a new ep of MLD to watch.


(Green Bolt you can skip to morning if you want or if you feel it necisary you can time skip further. As long as don't go past Hooligan being 19. Cause I wanna do a section of the RP before and after his accident)

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Bolt woke up the next day bright and early. She checked her clock. 5:40, it said. Class started at six. "Twenty minutes?",she thought. "Perfect."


She zoomed out of bed. She ran into the closet and put on her clothes. She raced downstairs (which weren't really stairs) into the foyer, where the throne was. Bill was not there. "Hmm, Bill's probably somewhere busy." She shook her head and powered up her horn. She made a portal to Equestria. She looked around and ran to the school.

Purple Guy Senpai





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Hooligan suddenly opened his eyes. He looked around and saw that he was still sitting on the counch. "Damn," he said as he yawned and turned the TV off, "I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I better get to school." Hooligan teleported to out side the school. He saw Cipher in the distance so he waved to her.

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Noticing Hooligan, Bolt waved back cheerfully. She called to him, "Hey, Hooly! Hurry up! We're late!" She motioned for him to come and she bounded up the stairs. Before she entered the building, she stopped. She called to Hooligan, "Don't be a slowpoke!" And with that, she ran inside.

  • Brohoof 1

Purple Guy Senpai





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Hooligan smiled and followed Cipher inside. He looked around at the hallways and sighed. He didn't really like school but he was still gonna miss the place. Suddenly there was an announcement on the PA system telling students that there was going to be an emergengy school assembly. Hooligan turned to Cipher, "I wonder what that's about," he said sarcastically, knowing full well that it was probably about the graffiti.

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"Don't worry, Hooly! It's okay! Besides, I can erase their thoughts if we know they think it's us! Easy!", Bolt said. "We should just go. You know, to make sure if they think it's us or not!" A big smile was on her face. "So...you agree? I mean, it sounds really foolproof. What do you think, Hooly?"

Purple Guy Senpai





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"I think that it's still a school assembly," said Hooligan as he began to head to the hall, "and if we're in trouble for the graffiti we'll be in trouble for being late." Hooligan walked with Cipher to the assembly and took his seat. The principal walked up on stage, "thank you all for coming as you may know some young ruffians have vandalised the school," he said, "but before we get to that I'd like to introduce a new student." The principalbwalked off and a green earth pony walked on stage.

"Thank you all for welcoming me to your school," he said with a smile, "my name is Bedlam."


(before you ask this is the same bedlam as the one trapped in Hooligans head except he's not trapped in Hooligan's head yet. Also feel free to control him.)

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Bolt took her seat as well. She looked up excitedly when the words "new student" came out of the principal's mouth. "New student?", she thought to herself. "Yay!"


As Bedlam introduced himself, Bolt listened and smiled. Turning to Hooligan, she whispered, "Bedlam sounds great, doesn't it?"

Purple Guy Senpai





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