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What it Means to Protect

Dapper Charmer

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The kiss had been amazing but sadly Mist couldn't dwell on that fact because Rag was on the ground crying. And they didn't look like tears of joy or relief either but rather tears of sadness. Mist sat down next to Rag and pattered her comfertingly on the back. "I'm sorry," said Mist sadly, "I shouldn't have kissed you without asking first. It's just I thought we were having a good time and the moment felt right and I'm sorry."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 "No, don't apologize. I'm the one who's sorry." He said in between his crying. "I'm so sorry, Mist. I can't keep lying to you." He wiped his face a little before looking up at him again, tears still falling from his eyes. "I'm not a mare, I'm a stallion." His face then collapsed into his hooves as he went into another fit of sobs.

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Mist was completely shocked. He almost didn't know what to say. "You're a stallion," said Mist who thought that Rag was joking. But the look on his face told Mist that he was serious. Suddenly Mist felt angry, he felt like he had been used. MIst was about to yell at Rag scold him for lying. But Mist saw the sadness in Rag's eyes and just sighed, "why did you lie to me?" Mist asked, "why didn't you just say you were a dude?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"You were the first to be nice to me in a long time. And every time, every time I tell someone I'm a stallion they start being mean to me. I was afraid you would too. So I didn't say anything. But.. You were being so kind and caring. I...I just wanted it to last as  long as I could. I have never been treated like that, ever. I've never been treated with such love.


But when you kissed me, I hated myself! I hate that I lied to you, and made you think I was someone else."  He squeezed his head and started pulling on his mane, taking out a few hairs out as he did. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me, please don't hurt me!" He pushed himself against the wall. He was trembling in panic and fear.


"I'll stop wearing dresses, I'll cut my mane, I'll act like a stallion! Don't hurt Dishcloth! DON'T HURT HER!" 


In his stat of panic, Rag started having flashbacks of the other times he told others he was a stallion. He pulled his doll, Dishcloth, to his chest and hugged her tightly as he rocked himself back and forth. His eyes were wide and stared at nothing. He must have had many traumatic events that it would set him in such a state of panic.

Edited by Gloomfury
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Mist saw Rag begin to panic and felt sorry for him. He could imagine what it was like to be consistently mistaken for a mare only to be yelled at and threatend when you said you were a stallion. Mist thought about wen he was young and he was bullied for bing a batpony. H remembered all the times he had wished he could just lie and say he was a regular pony. Mist slowy walked over to Rag and gave him a comferting hug, "don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you or Dishcloth," Mist said softely, "beleive it or not I know how it feels to be scorned for being different."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 Rag was still trembling, but he was starting to calm down. He hugged Mist back tightly. "I'm sorry..." Was the only thing he said as he hugged him. As the warm feeling of Mist's hug started to feel his body and mind he calmed down a little more. He wanted to be close to Mist, he truly did. But he knows that'll never happen. Now that he knows he's a stallion.


When he stopped crying he pulled away. "I'll grab my thing, you wont have to see me ever again." He said before getting up and heading to the other bedroom to grab his saddlebags. He then made his way to the door, not looking back at Mist in fear that he would start crying again.

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Mist ran to the door and stopped Rag before he could leave. "Hey I never said you had to leave," said Mist comfertingly, "the truth is I'm a little dissapointed that you lied to me, but that doesn't mean you have to go. My invatation fro you to stay here while you stay in Ponyville is still open. However I'm gonna have to resind my offer for you to sleep in my room." Mist said with a joking smile.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 "Because I'm not a mare..." He said under his breath. He bit his bottom lip. Again he tells someone he's a stallion and again he loses a chance to become close with someone. "You don't have to be nice to me. I know I'm not what you wanted. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I guess lying is the only way I can get know how love feels. No one wants to be with a stallion who acts like a mare." With that he pushed his way past Mist and ran out the door, leaving a trail of tears behind him.

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Mist tried to go after Rag but it was already too late. He was gone. Mist walked into his room and collapsed on the bed. He couldn't believe how such a perfect day had gone so downhill. Mist sighed. Maybe he should have just not mention the room sharing. Rag probably wouldn't have wanted to share anyway. But Mist would've liked to share. Mist sat up suddenly. What was he thinking? Mist was into mares not stallions. He fell on his bed again, but if that was the case why did he already miss Rag so much?

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag roamed the dark streets, still feeling miserable. His head was down was sunk downs we walked. He didn't know where he was going, and he didn't care. His heart was denied again, so little mattered to him right now. He soon found himself in an alley, covered in old hay. 


He then pulled out a role out mat from his bags and placed it on the floor before sitting down. He hugged Dishcloth close and fell asleep.

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As Mist slept he dreamed of himself and Rag in a room, in the dream Rag was wearing a dress but was still clearly stallion. Mist walked up to Rag and the two began to kiss passionately. Rag pulled away and whispered something onto Mist's ear that made his wings spring up. They then went into the bedroom and locked the door behind them.


Mist suddenly woke up, his wings still sprung up. He'd never had a dream like that about a mare before, yet now he was having romantic. dreams about stallions. Mist sighed. What the hell was going on in his head right now. Mist decided he'd worry about it in the morning. He laid back down and tried to go to sleep.

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@@Dapper Charmer


Rag was still in the Alley he stumbled into last night. He was curled up in a little ball, hugging his rag doll tightly. His long mane acted as a blanked and covered half his body. His dreams were fills of the dark times of his past, his years of living in a caller, the times he was harassed  for wearing dresses. Even a few times he was used for one thing or another, from when he was naive of everything.

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Mist had tried to go back to sleep last night but he'd couldnt stop thinking about Rag. Even now he worried about how he was probably alone and scared in some alley somewhere. Mist sighed sadly it was his fault Rag was on the street. Mist looked at the door, determination written on his face. He didnt know if these emotions he was feeling for Rag were real or not. But he could figure it out on the way. Right now he needed to find and help Rag. Mist ran out the door and began his search.

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@@Dapper Charmer


Rag woke up when he felt a stray cat pulling on his dress. After shooing it away, he thought it was a good time to find a new spot. He rolled up his mat and placed it back in his bag. He left the alley and started roaming the streets again. Still feeling crestfallen. But he couldn't help but think about Mist. How he put his wing around him while held onto his arm. As well as how he felt when Mist kissed him.


And that he might never have a chance like that ever again.

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Mist ran around all morning frantically searching every ditch and alley he could think of. But no matter where he looked he couldn't find her. He was sad the he didn't know where Rag was but at least he wasn't in a ditch somewhere. Or at least he hope he wasn't. As Mist began to head home he spotted a pony wearing a white dress. Mist smiled he knew that dress anywhere. He ran over to Rag, "Rag I'm so glad I found you." passionates

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag looked up in shock when he heard Mist call to him as he ran up to him. Rag had to resist the strong urge to run up and embrace him. He clinched the ground to make sure he didn't. He needed to accept the fact that Mist will never care fro him like when he did when he still thought he was a mare.


His head went down, looking away from mist.


"Why did you look for me?" Was the only thing he said to him.

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Mist sighed in relief. He was glad to see Rag was alright. (He's still as beautiful as ever,) Mist thought to himself. When Rag asked Mist why he had come looking for him Mist didn't even need to think. He already had an answer. "I came because all last night I was tossing and turning and this morning I finally had a realisation," Mist walked up to Rag and hugged him, hoping he wouldn't be pushed away, "I realised I don't care if your a stallion."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 Rag's eyes went wide again when Mist hugged him, and from what he said to him. He didn't know what to say. But what Mist said for some reason made him really happy. As the warmth from Mist hug filled his body he un-clenched  his hooves and hugged him back. Pulling him even closer.

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Mist smiled, it was so good to be with Rag again. "Look I don't know if I'm into just stallions or if I'm into stallions and mares," said Mist as he continued to hug Rag, "all I know is this amazing feeling that I get when I'm with you. Well it didn't go away when I found out you were a stallion."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Dapper Charmer


Rag nuzzled Mist's neck. "I'm happy you came for me." He started to tear up again. "I am so happy." He held him closer, not showing any signs of letting go. "I'm still sorry for lying to you. But before I told you I loved every second I was with you. You make me feel so safe and cared for. ....I think I'm in love with you."

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Mist smiled wider then he had before. He had never been so happy to hear those words in his life. "I think I'm in love with you too," Mist said to Rag, Mist began to blush, "and well I know it didn't end so well last time but maybe you'd let me possible kiss you again."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 Rag heart skipped a beat when Mist said he might love him as well. Then his face went bright red when Mist asked if he could kiss him. He pulled away lightly and looked away shyly. His heart started beating quickly. But he gave a nod. "Okay..." He looked up and closed his eyes

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Mist blushed when Rag said yes. Mist suddenly noticed how fast his heart was racing. He gulped before he slowly began to move in for the kiss. He didn't know why he was so nervous he had already kissed him once. Mist locked lips with Rag but decided to be a bit more passionate. He contemplated using his tongue but decided to wait and see what happens.

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@@Dapper Charmer


Rag melted into the kiss. For some reason it felt even better then the first time. Maybe because Mist was kissing him, the real him. Rag's arms wrapped around Mist's neck again as he pushed his body against Mist's. He didn't really know what to do, but his body seemed to move on it's own.


After what seemed like forever, Rag broke the kiss so he could catch his breath. He looked up at him again, face still bright red. "Can...can I shear a bed with you tonight?"

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As Rag broke away from the kiss Mist began the panting, trying to catch his breath. He hadn't even noticed that his wings had gone stiff. Mist tried to answer Rag's question but all he could say was, "wow." Mist finally caught his breath and smiled at Rag flirtatiously, "keep kissing me like that and you can do whatever you want."

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