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What it Means to Protect

Dapper Charmer

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag Jumped lightly when Mist placed his wing around him. But he quickly relaxed as he melted under the wing. It felt so comfortable to him that he got even closer to Mist without thinking twice. He was now leaning right against Mist. "Your wing is so soft." Was all he said as he kept walking next to him. To thank him, Rag nuzzled Mist's neck softly.

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Mist's whole body tingled as Rag softely nuzzled his neck and without realising it Mist gave a love struck sigh. Soon though they got to Mist's house and he sadly had to take his wing away from Rag so he could open the door. He walked into his house and left the door open so that Rag could get inside. He stopped in the lving room and turned to Rag. "Make yourself at home," Mist said happily, "spare bedroom is up the hall to the right and my room is the same but to the left. Just move into which ever room suits you. I'll be cooking dinner if you need me. I hope you like spaghetti."

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@@Dapper Charmer


Rag was a little dad when Mist pulled his wing away. But he went inside anyway. "Thank you, and I really like spaghetti." He sad before he started to explore the house. He went to the guest bedroom to place his things away. But he kept his doll and her carrier on. He came back to see if he could help Mist in any way.


"Do you cook often?"

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Mist smiled when he saw Rag enter the kitchen, "actually i cook quite often," said Mist as he put a pot of water on the stove to boil, "I'm no Gordan Ramsneigh but I know a few pretty good recipes." Mist gathered the rest of his ingrediants and began preparing the sauce for the spaghetti, "have you really never gone out with a stallion before?" asked Mist, "it's just hard to imagin a mare as pretty as you not being on a date before.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag frowned when Mist called him a mare again. But he still liked being called pretty. "No, I haven't. I'll tell you more after dinner. For now, I'd like to get to know you better. Where do you work?" He ask, trying to change the subject. While steeling himself for when he told Mist the truth about him.


he just wanted to see it was like to actually go out with a stallion. Even if it were just for tonight.

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"Well I don't mean to boast or anything," said Mist as he continued to prepare the spaghetti, "but I'm actually part of Princess Luna's Royal Guard." Mist considered leaving it at that but if this thing was gonna work he had to be honest. "Well actually I'm royal guard in training. I wont become a full PLRG for another year."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag's eyes went wide with amazement. "Wow! That's amazing. I just know how to sew. So I mostly work in second hoof shops, fixing old clothes so they would could be soled. I also sometimes make dolls for toy stores is I can't find a job at a clothing store." He leaned against the counter. "I have a friend who use to be in the griffon military. But he was discharged he said. He's a little taller then you and he has a large scar on the left side of his face. It makes him look scary, but he's very nice.


He treated me like a little bro-"He coughed before he could say the rest of the word. "Sibling, he also doesn't have a cutie mark." He said quickly.

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"Well if you still keep in contact with him I'd love to meet him someday," Mist said happily as he continued cooking dinner. After a few minutes he was almost done so he turned to Rag, "hey I'm almost done here so would you mind setting the table?" he asked, "I have some candles in the cupboard if you want some mood lighting."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 "Sure." Rag said with a smile before he got a few plates and utensils and started setting the table. Once he was done he grabbed the candles that Mist was talking about and put down in holders. He looked around a little for a lighter, when he found one he lit the candles. When he was done he went back to thew kitchen. "The table's set."

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"And dinner's ready as well," Mist said as he was putting the finishing touches on.the spaghetti. Mist took the two plates of spaghetti and placed the down on the the table. Then, like the gentle stallion he was, Mist went around to Rag's side of the table and pulled out her chair for her.


(OOC: if you wanna say that Mist sat down at the table I won't consider that Goddmodding)

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag smiled as he took the seat. "Thank you."  He then placed his napkin on his lap. Thanks to another friend of his he learned a few table manners. When Mist sat across from him he started to eat. He smile got bigger after the first bite. "This is very good." He said before taking another bite.

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Mist blushed slightly, "thank you Rag," Mist said as he took a bite of his spaghetti, "but it's nothing really." Mist looked up at Rag and smiled. She looked even better in the candle light, "so Rag tell me about yourself," said Mist as he took another bite of his dinner, "what do you like to do for fun?"

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Well, " He said before wiping his mouth. "I like to wonder. I've been to many places in Equstreia. And I've met many ponies that I call my friends. When I'm not doing that I like to sew, making clothes and stuffed dolls. I would sometimes fix the homeless ponies clothes. I've also made dolls for orphans at a few orphanages. 


I also like to learn new things. Thanks to my friends, they taught me most that I know. Though some I hope I never have to use." He reached into Dishcloth's carrier and pulled out a straight razor and a small combat knife. "My friend I told you about thought I should learn to use a weapon, so he gave me these and taught me how to fight with them.


It was hard but I learned a few things.


I also know how to box a little thanks to another friend. She's a heavy weight boxer and she owns her own gym. She gave me some boxing gloves to remember her. They're in my saddlebags with a bunch of other stuff I got from my friends." He placed the knife and straight razor on the table before going back to eating.

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"Maybe you don't need my help learning self defence after all," Mist joked, "you sure have a lot of interesting friends." Mist smiled and took a bite of his dinner, "but I've got some good friends too. Firstly there's Hooligan, he's a little messed up but he's got a good heart. And then there's Dapper, he's the first friend I ever had." Mist said with a smile, "and I guarantee you've never seen anyone like him cause, well he's a llama."

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Dapper Charmer,


 "I've never met a llama before. But your other friend sounds like a friend of mine. She's a Necromancer. She does a lot of crazy things. Reanimating the dead, summoning demons. But she's very sweet. Though she's gone mad more then three times. She taught me how to do alchemy. So I can make a few medicines. She also has a pet un-dead rat.

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Mist smiled as he listened to Rag talking about her friends. If he could he'd sit and listen to her for hours. This feeling he had when he was with her was something he hadn't felt in a long while. When they had finished Mist looked up at Rag. "Care for some dessert?" he asked, "I've got a sundae in the freezer but we'd have to share," Mist said with a flirty smile.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag's smile got bigger at the mention of ice cream. "I love ice cream! And I don't mined shearing." Rag finished his plate and took it into the kitchen and placed it in the sink. "I'll take care of the dishes. Don't worry about them. It's the least I can do for for you being so nice to me."

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"No the least you can do is enjoy yourself," Mist said happily as he took his plate up to the sink, "besides on a date it's a stallion's job to wait hand and hoof on the mare." Mist went to the freezer and grabbed the sundae, he then grabbed two spoons and sat back at the table. "come sit down and let me worry about everything."

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag was a little disheartened from being called a mare again. But he decided not to let it bother him. He went back over to the table. He picked up his chair and moved it closer to Mist so he could sit next to him. He was slightly leaning against him and took a spoon. He just really wanted to be close to Mist right now.

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Mist blushed slightly as Rag leaned up against him. Mist smiled as he took a bite of the sundae, "you know Rag I just wanted to say that i'm really glad that I met you in the bar today," he said happily, "I just think that your really amazing." Mist put his wing around Rag again pulling her closer to him.

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@@Dapper Charmer


Rag smiled dreamily when Mist placed his wing back around him. He leaned closer and nuzzled him. "I'm glad I met you too." He said before taking a bite of the sundae. Rag hasn't been this close with someone for a long time. Rag eat bit more of the sundae before placing the spoon on the table.


He then wrapped his arms around Mist's and rest his head on his shoulder, nuzzling it again. He was going to make this feeling last as long as he can.

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Mist and Rag sat together doing nothing more then enjoying each others company. He didn't know how long they had been sitting there but he didn't care if it were up to him he'd stay like that forever. Mist looked at the clock and saw it was pretty late so he turned to Rag, "this is usually the part where I'd walk you home," Mist said with a smile, "but since your living here maybe I can walk you to your room?"


(OOC try and end your post with Mist And Rag outside your room)

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@@Dapper Charmer,


 "Okay..."He said while still holding onto him. He didn't want to let go, but he was starting to get tired. He slowly got up and walked down the hall towards the two rooms. He remembered what said about that he could shear a bed with hi, or sleep by himself. As he thought about it his face got a little red. He imagined him and Mist holding each other in their sleep. He also thought of how it must feel.


When they made it in between their rooms, Rag looked up at mist.

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Mist smiled at Rag as she looked up at him. "I had i really good time tonight," he said to her. He couldn't have asked for a more perfect night. Although as he looked at her face he found himself wanting to kiss her. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to kiss her but what if she thought that by doing that he was being too foward. He gulped it was a risk but he had to do it. Mist closed his eyes, slowly leaned in and kissed Rag.


(OOC: You can have it be a short or long kiss. Your call)

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Rag's eyes went wide when Mist kissed him. This was the first time he was kissed, ever. But his body seemed to now what he wanted to do. He moved closer and kissed him back, his arms slowly wrapped around Mist's neck as his eyes closed. Half way thought the kiss, tears started to fall from Rags eyes.


He pulled away and collapsed on the floor and started to cry.

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