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1x1 Highschool RP (RP) Crispy

The Pixelated Pony

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"I'm bleeding and shooting blindly, so I have no idea what the hell is happening, so I can't be of too much help. But, I'll try to shoot in your direction and hope I don't hit you!" called Ballpoint. As she said she would, Ballpoint fired in James' general direction.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"I'm bleeding and shooting blindly, so I have no idea what the hell is happening, so I can't be of too much help. But, I'll try to shoot in your direction and hope I don't hit you!" called Ballpoint. As she said she would, Ballpoint fired in James' general direction.

"ah! hey watch it that's my wing!" James called out almost landing a hit on the goon's face instead being stopped by the bullet digging into his side. 

The kidnapper and Emerald were deep in their 'negotiations' and he had put some music on to mask the sounds of fighting in the other room

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Did I just kill a guy? Oh man, I just killed a guy. Fuck. Hold on, let me try something," said Ballpoint before she tried to use her magic to heal her hoof. It didn't totally work, but she could at least stand now. "I'm coming for you!" yelled Ballpoint before she took a shot at the door Emerald had disappeared behind.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Did I just kill a guy? Oh man, I just killed a guy. Fuck. Hold on, let me try something," said Ballpoint before she tried to use her magic to heal her hoof. It didn't totally work, but she could at least stand now. "I'm coming for you!" yelled Ballpoint before she took a shot at the door Emerald had disappeared behind.

Behind the door was a rather awkward scene. Emerald and the kidnapper were umm... well... doing stuff... "Ballpoint oh god don't look please!" Emerald plead as the door swung open. "don't come in! if you know what's good for you!" the kidnapper said he didn't have a weapon on hoof but he could still make threats.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"I guess I don't know what's good for me then!" retorted Ballpoint before she took a shot at the kidnapper. She was absolutely furious that he thought he could have his way with Emerald like this. It wouldn't happen, not if Ballpoint had anything to do about it.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"I guess I don't know what's good for me then!" retorted Ballpoint before she took a shot at the kidnapper. She was absolutely furious that he thought he could have his way with Emerald like this. It wouldn't happen, not if Ballpoint had anything to do about it.

The bullet shot and brought the kidnapper to finish two things number one doing stuff to Emerald and number two his life. the kidnapper still ended up on top of Emerald and she responded with an "no... no wake up!" but he didn't he was dead. Emerald looked at Ballpoint "you killed him! you actually just killed him whilst we were ******* " Emerald said trying to get the body off of her.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Okay, so maybe I did, but was I supposed to just wait for him to finish before dealing with him? I was in the middle of a shootout, plus I also got shot in the hoof, and I was just so furious that he was having his way with you like that. Still, sorry for shooting him while he was kinda on top of you."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Okay, so maybe I did, but was I supposed to just wait for him to finish before dealing with him? I was in the middle of a shootout, plus I also got shot in the hoof, and I was just so furious that he was having his way with you like that. Still, sorry for shooting him while he was kinda on top of you."

"well he did anyway..."Emerald said walking around like she was drunk. "James... You might need to carry me... I can barely see ahead of myself..." she said as James finished off the last few goons with a few brick throws. to the head and ran downstairs. "this guy had an amazing ahem bedroom..." he said picking up Emerald like she was made from sand

Edited by The Pixelated Pony
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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Emerald..." said Ballpoint before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad you're safe now." With the ordeal out of the way, Ballpoint wasn't really sure what to do now. Perhaps it would be best to just forget about the whole thing and go back to being in love.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Emerald..." said Ballpoint before giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad you're safe now." With the ordeal out of the way, Ballpoint wasn't really sure what to do now. Perhaps it would be best to just forget about the whole thing and go back to being in love.

Emerald had fallen asleep it had been a long day and she was too tired to go on with it. Ballpoint and James walked back to Emerald's house and James once again treating her like she was made of sand placed Emerald down in the bed and let her get some sleep.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint checked the time, and saw it was extremely late. She left a note for Emerald explaining that she had to go home, leaving it by the bed. Before leaving, Ballpoint gave Emerald another kiss on the cheek and made sure to thank James on the way out.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint checked the time, and saw it was extremely late. She left a note for Emerald explaining that she had to go home, leaving it by the bed. Before leaving, Ballpoint gave Emerald another kiss on the cheek and made sure to thank James on the way out.

James looked over Emerald as she slept "goodnight... Emerald." he said kissing her on the cheek only to have her suddenly change it into a French kiss "goodnight James..." she said after finishing kissing him and going back to her strangely relaxing dreams for a day like this 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint was actually glad to be waking up to a regular day after all the excitement of yesterday. She packed her saddlebags and left for school, making sure to take a route where she'd definitely run into Emerald. Ballpoint was looking to spend a little more quality time with her.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint was actually glad to be waking up to a regular day after all the excitement of yesterday. She packed her saddlebags and left for school, making sure to take a route where she'd definitely run into Emerald. Ballpoint was looking to spend a little more quality time with her.

The first thing Emerald did was take a test when she got the results she ran outside and into Ballpoint. "hey guess what!? go on guess!" she said exited to let her know the results of the test. her tail was wagging, ears were up and her eyes were bright in fact she looked like a dog.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"What's up, Emerald?" asked Ballpoint. It was nice to see her happy like this after what had gone down yesterday. Ballpoint was looking for a bit of happiness herself to be honest. She figured that Emerald had done well on whatever test she had taken, and that was why she was happy.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"What's up, Emerald?" asked Ballpoint. It was nice to see her happy like this after what had gone down yesterday. Ballpoint was looking for a bit of happiness herself to be honest. She figured that Emerald had done well on whatever test she had taken, and that was why she was happy.

"Well you know yesterday when me and that guy ******?  it turns out that I'm not you know pregnant with his child or anything so yay!" Emerald said smiling . "Which if I was would be a bad thing because he's y'know dead now... by the way what did you do with that phone and the video?"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint hugged Emerald and said, "That's great news! As for the phone, I still have it. I should probably get rid of it though." she paused to toss the phone down a sewer grate. Secretly though, Ballpoint had sent the video to herself. "Anyways... I think one of the bathrooms is empty. Wanna go celebrate?"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint hugged Emerald and said, "That's great news! As for the phone, I still have it. I should probably get rid of it though." she paused to toss the phone down a sewer grate. Secretly though, Ballpoint had sent the video to herself. "Anyways... I think one of the bathrooms is empty. Wanna go celebrate?"

"of course I do... Mistress..." Emerald said quietly winking at Ballpoint "c'mon lets go." Emerald said excitedly she was looking forward to these celebrations. "and better news we've both been called in sick thanks to Gold so we have the entire day to celebrate. won't that be fun?"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Being called mistress just set Ballpoint off. "Well of course. Now, your mistress commands you to follow," she grinned before taking Emerald by the hoof, pulling her into the bathroom, and locking it behind them using her magic. Without another word, Ballpoint began to kiss Emerald.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Being called mistress just set Ballpoint off. "Well of course. Now, your mistress commands you to follow," she grinned before taking Emerald by the hoof, pulling her into the bathroom, and locking it behind them using her magic. Without another word, Ballpoint began to kiss Emerald.

"Mmmf"Emerald moaned as Ballpoint completely dominated her. Emerald's hooves snaked down Ballpoint's back and grabbed onto her ass and began to fondle it lovingly Emerald gazed deeply into Ballpoint's eyes whilst she continued to hold on to her like she was keeping her alive  

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint moaned back and closed her eyes, then began to kiss Emerald just a little more aggressively. She was enjoying dominating her like this, and no doubt both of them got extreme pleasure from it. The feel of Emerald's touch was simply amazing.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Ballpoint moaned back and closed her eyes, then began to kiss Emerald just a little more aggressively. She was enjoying dominating her like this, and no doubt both of them got extreme pleasure from it. The feel of Emerald's touch was simply amazing.

the aggressive kissing suddenly made Emerald grab on Ballpoint's ass even more than before. "oh...mmmh mistress..." Emerald said in a short breathing space. "am I doing good?" Emerald began to move her tongue around Ballpoint's mouth and enjoy the taste of her saliva again    

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"You're doing good," said Ballpoint, before slapping Emerald's flank. "But you could be doing better." She resumed the kissing, and this time began to move her tongue around Emerald's mouth like she had done with Ballpoint. This had to be one of the best feelings Ballpoint ever had.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"You're doing good," said Ballpoint, before slapping Emerald's flank. "But you could be doing better." She resumed the kissing, and this time began to move her tongue around Emerald's mouth like she had done with Ballpoint. This had to be one of the best feelings Ballpoint ever had.

"ah!" Emerald exclaimed in pleasure before moving her hooves around in between Ballpoint's legs "a trick I picked up from last night..." Emerald was blushing at a whole new level of red. "he was good with his hooves... and taught me well..." Emerald said whilst still rubbing Ballpoints ass 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Ooh," moaned Ballpoint. "Ah, that's it. Right there, please your mistress." She was blushing hard like Emerald, caught up in the moment. It felt like she was melting at Emerald's touch. It was the most wonderful thing she had ever felt. Ballpoint began to move her tongue around her mouth more slowly and deliberately.

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