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FoE: The Wetlands 1X1 with crispy fries Rp

The Pixelated Pony

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Redwood followed, if only to make sure that Riley didn't die. Although, she had to admit that Riley was actually following the advice that she had given her last night. Maybe Redwood's words weren't all for naught. Maybe Riley had taken what she had said to heart.

Riley and a small army of caravan hooves kicked down the main gate, in front of them was a bloodied heap of bodies most on fire and behind all that was the militia, "READY!? FIRE!" Riley announced as the ponies ran into the town firing their guns at any Militia that attempted to fight back

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Now that had something backing them, their chances of survival were much better. It seemed like fighting now wasn't so much of a futile option.


Redwood took cover as soon as she could and joined the fight, picking off any target that had the misfortune of getting close.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Now that had something backing them, their chances of survival were much better. It seemed like fighting now wasn't so much of a futile option.


Redwood took cover as soon as she could and joined the fight, picking off any target that had the misfortune of getting close.

One by one the small group of Militia dropped to the ground dead until only a few were left, they took a stealth buck (or stealth boy?) and snuck out of the town, when there were no ponies left to fight there was a massive celebration by the group who came to call themselves 'the resistance' 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Ah guess it's our fight now," said Redwood. "Y'know, ah normally wouldn't wanna get wrapped up in somethin' like this, but it's probably better than just wanderin'."


This brought her back to her days in the NCR. Redwood was part of something now, and if she was going to be honest with herself, she was glad she was.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Ah guess it's our fight now," said Redwood. "Y'know, ah normally wouldn't wanna get wrapped up in somethin' like this, but it's probably better than just wanderin'."


This brought her back to her days in the NCR. Redwood was part of something now, and if she was going to be honest with herself, she was glad she was.

"Yep! and Fight we will! we will march into their base up north and reclaim it for the conmen ponies!"Riley announced from the top of a building, "but first we will need more settlements under our flag to become as if not more powerful than the Militia will ever become! FOR PONIES! FOR THE WETLANDS!" many ponies clapped and whistled  

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"We ain't much now, but we can build ourselves into somethin'. Of course, we're gonna need resources, a fightin' force, coordination, and some solid leadership," said Redwood. "And maybe we get ourselves a better name than just callin' ourselves th' resistance.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"We ain't much now, but we can build ourselves into somethin'. Of course, we're gonna need resources, a fightin' force, coordination, and some solid leadership," said Redwood. "And maybe we get ourselves a better name than just callin' ourselves th' resistance.

"And what Pray tell do you suggest we call our fine movement Mrs Wood?" Riley said jumping off the building and onto the ground "after all you were in the NCR as a ranger only a few months ago..." Riley put her hoof around Redwood. "go on tell them your ideas after all a government relies on it's ponies..." 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"How about we call ourselves th' Gator Teeth?" proposed Redwood. "Th' Wetlands are notorious fer gators, ain't it?"


She thought it had a nice ring to it. With her experience in the NCR Rangers and Riley's knowledge of the Wetlands, they could make something of this.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"How about we call ourselves th' Gator Teeth?" proposed Redwood. "Th' Wetlands are notorious fer gators, ain't it?"


She thought it had a nice ring to it. With her experience in the NCR Rangers and Riley's knowledge of the Wetlands, they could make something of this.

"the Gator Teeth... I like it... sounds... strong, powerful, " Riley said patting Redwood's back" I swear you have some of the best ideas I've ever heard. and I've had some pretty great ideas told to me, and thought of by me, anyway, we should split off into groups to cover as much ground as possible... Red if you will?"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Hold on a second. Before we go out, we gotta organize what we got first. So far all we did was fight off one raiding party with a buncha trigger happy traders and wastelanders. Our next step should be sittin' down, takin' stock of what we got, and thinkin' of a solid plan."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Hold on a second. Before we go out, we gotta organize what we got first. So far all we did was fight off one raiding party with a buncha trigger happy traders and wastelanders. Our next step should be sittin' down, takin' stock of what we got, and thinkin' of a solid plan."

"well is there really much else to this group? it's just us at the moment... every pony you see here is a member of the Gator Teeth... I suppose we could make use of any weapons and supplies in the stores around here... and if you find any survivors do your best to help them..." 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"It ain't simple like that. We gotta organize first. Just because we slapped a name on ourselves doesn't mean we're ready to go. First off, we need a stronghold. This place will do fer now, but we know it's vulnerable to Militia attacks. We'll eventually have to find someplace else."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"It ain't simple like that. We gotta organize first. Just because we slapped a name on ourselves doesn't mean we're ready to go. First off, we need a stronghold. This place will do fer now, but we know it's vulnerable to Militia attacks. We'll eventually have to find someplace else."

"I'm not suggesting we stay here... we just help who we can and move off" Riley was looking through the ammo boxes in a gun store for any ammo for her Lever action rifle, there was some but only about twenty five rounds, it would do as the rifle was a hand cannon

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"If we're gonna be organized, we can't just be driftin' around. We need a base of operations so we can coordinate ourselves better, and fer now, this town will do. But if we're gonna get a proper revolution goin', we're gonna need to start with our headquarters."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"If we're gonna be organized, we can't just be driftin' around. We need a base of operations so we can coordinate ourselves better, and fer now, this town will do. But if we're gonna get a proper revolution goin', we're gonna need to start with our headquarters."

"Red I get where your coming from but where are we going to find a fortified area with one entrance and exit in this day and ag- VAULT 222!" Riley Exclaimed "it's fortified surrounded in concrete and steel and of course the bus is near by!" Riley looked up almost hitting her head   

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"That's actually a pretty good idea. We should get situated there as soon as we can and start organizin' and rallyin' support." Redwood paused to think for a moment then asked, "Should ah give a speech or somethin' before we get goin'? It only seems appropriate."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"That's actually a pretty good idea. We should get situated there as soon as we can and start organizin' and rallyin' support." Redwood paused to think for a moment then asked, "Should ah give a speech or somethin' before we get goin'? It only seems appropriate."

"yeah we've probably picked this place clean by now... go give a departure speech or something... and make sure to tell them that we're moving into a Vault..." Riley went back to searching the gun store for ammo, "you want any of these guns or anything Red? they're pretty good..."  

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Redwood didn't want the opportunity to go to waste and picked out a 12.7mm pistol, as she was in need of a good sidearm.


She then stepped up and said, "Alright, ah may not be from around here like th' rest of y'all, but th' Militia is just as liable to put a bullet in me as they are with everypony else who's standin' here. If we don't make a stand against 'em now, from what ah've seen, they're gonna raze Miami and th' rest of Wetlands to th' ground. That ain't gonna happen though, and ah'll tell y'all what will happen. We're gonna band together, we're gonna fight, and we're gonna make th' Militia burn! We are th' Gator Teeth, and we're gonna tear those bastards right outta th' Wetlands!"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Redwood didn't want the opportunity to go to waste and picked out a 12.7mm pistol, as she was in need of a good sidearm.


She then stepped up and said, "Alright, ah may not be from around here like th' rest of y'all, but th' Militia is just as liable to put a bullet in me as they are with everypony else who's standin' here. If we don't make a stand against 'em now, from what ah've seen, they're gonna raze Miami and th' rest of Wetlands to th' ground. That ain't gonna happen though, and ah'll tell y'all what will happen. We're gonna band together, we're gonna fight, and we're gonna make th' Militia burn! We are th' Gator Teeth, and we're gonna tear those bastards right outta th' Wetlands!"

"YEAH TELL IT HOW IT IS SISTA'" A large Stallion yelled up to Red, her speech was followed by cheering from the crowd "Where do we go where they can't find us though?" A concerned mare said. there were mumbles from the crowd and multiple ideas could be heard, the sea, a cave, under a bridge even underground

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Don't worry, we got a plan. There's an Vault out in Miami just down th' highway, Vault 222, that we can use fer a base of operations. Now, listen, and listen close: we travel in small groups of no more than ten, we take different routes, and we get there at different times. That way, th' Militia ain't gonna catch on."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Don't worry, we got a plan. There's an Vault out in Miami just down th' highway, Vault 222, that we can use fer a base of operations. Now, listen, and listen close: we travel in small groups of no more than ten, we take different routes, and we get there at different times. That way, th' Militia ain't gonna catch on."

"and what If we do run into the Militia?" the same mare said, now it was Riley's turn to speak, "you fight, ponies, we can not simply back down from fighting the Militia... what we need is a battle plan... If you have any ideas come and see me or Red when we reach the vault... understood? now move out!"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Hold on," said Redwood. "Ah get that y'all are real eager to fight, but if Milita patrols start gettin' killed, they're gonna start gettin' suspicious, and we can't afford that this early on. If anypony runs into th' Militia, run, hide, but do not fight. We gotta think with our heads, not our guns."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Hold on," said Redwood. "Ah get that y'all are real eager to fight, but if Milita patrols start gettin' killed, they're gonna start gettin' suspicious, and we can't afford that this early on. If anypony runs into th' Militia, run, hide, but do not fight. We gotta think with our heads, not our guns."

"Run from the enemy? Jesus Red even you know that that's completely stupid!" Riley said dividing the ponies up into groups of ten and assigning them to their routes and times whilst leaving a few to hold down the town and not let it fall under Militia control 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Riley, listen: just because we're backin' down don't mean we're bein' cowardly. Th' Militia has us outgunned and outnumbered, so that means we gotta be smart about this, and attackin' th' Militia is gonna alert 'em to us. What we're gonna do is build ourselves up behind th' Militia's back and strike when they ain't expectin' us."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Riley, listen: just because we're backin' down don't mean we're bein' cowardly. Th' Militia has us outgunned and outnumbered, so that means we gotta be smart about this, and attackin' th' Militia is gonna alert 'em to us. What we're gonna do is build ourselves up behind th' Militia's back and strike when they ain't expectin' us."

"yes but how will we train these guys if we never actually fight anypony? I guess we could fight the raiders and other ponies like that to build a name for us or something... but there's only so much experience you can get off of fighting Raiders and slavers" 

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