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FoE: The Wetlands 1X1 with crispy fries Rp

The Pixelated Pony

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Gadget swore when Fire shot off the pistol and said, "Can you maybe not make any dumb mistakes with that?" While he definitely needed to be armed, Gadget just hoped that Fire wasn't going to end up shooting himself in the hoof or anything stupid like that.

"sorry... I just like having my own gun..." Fire said looking back at the tree  "it'll be fine if anyone wants to get through they can move it... probably..." he looked at the picture of Riley he had to take his mind off of the entire shooting a tree and blocking off a road thing 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Now, guns and other ballistic stuff isn't really my expertise, but you know whose it is? Redwood's. I see her tuning and cleaning her shotgun all the time, and I'm pretty sure that she could name every weapon in the armory blindfolded. I'd suggest maybe brushing up on your gun knowledge."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Now, guns and other ballistic stuff isn't really my expertise, but you know whose it is? Redwood's. I see her tuning and cleaning her shotgun all the time, and I'm pretty sure that she could name every weapon in the armory blindfolded. I'd suggest maybe brushing up on your gun knowledge."

"Right... anything else I should know about her that for some reason you know... wait are you cheating on Riley with the commander!?" Fire said turning to face Gadget, "oh hey that's the vault over there!" Fire pointed through the line of trees towards the vault

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"What!? No! I'm not cheating on Riley with the commander. I'm just around Riley a lot, and that means I kinda tend to be around the commander a little more often than most. Besides, she tends to give me a lot of important tech jobs, and I spent a week getting her personal office on the ship set up."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"What!? No! I'm not cheating on Riley with the commander. I'm just around Riley a lot, and that means I kinda tend to be around the commander a little more often than most. Besides, she tends to give me a lot of important tech jobs, and I spent a week getting her personal office on the ship set up."

"aww... I bet Riley missed you didn't she? she seemed like she missed you especially with her not being allowed to leave the vault or go anywhere," Fire looked towards the Vault as it got closer and closer, "anyway why does Riley need those parts again? i forgot..." 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Because she's fixing up a medical robot, but it only recognizes her mechanical parts as medical anomalies. With these parts, the medical robot will properly recognize her and not try to cut her open or anything. Anyways, I'd suggest you do a little work on that pistol, maybe mod it a little. It'll show the commander you know your stuff."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Because she's fixing up a medical robot, but it only recognizes her mechanical parts as medical anomalies. With these parts, the medical robot will properly recognize her and not try to cut her open or anything. Anyways, I'd suggest you do a little work on that pistol, maybe mod it a little. It'll show the commander you know your stuff."

"oh okay then!" Fire got down from the truck when they stopped and hid the picture of Riley


"I TOLD YOU I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" Riley's voice echoed up the elevator shaft before it was followed by a loud slapping sound 

"DON'T PLAY DUMB WITH ME BITCH! WHERE IS HE!?" a masculine voice said followed by more sounds of Riley being injured

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Gadget swore at the sound of Riley yelling and getting injured, and he rushed down to her as quick as he could. "What the hell is going on here!?" he demanded, ready to draw his laser pistol in case he would need to fight. Gadget just hoped Riley wasn't in too much trouble.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Gadget swore at the sound of Riley yelling and getting injured, and he rushed down to her as quick as he could. "What the hell is going on here!?" he demanded, ready to draw his laser pistol in case he would need to fight. Gadget just hoped Riley wasn't in too much trouble.

"You... Gadget! You've been helping this whore with her little projects haven't you?!" Riley lay on the floor in the medical clinic where they had been fixing the robot, "as if getting her pregnant wasn't enough? now your helping her bring down this entire army!"  

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


The sound of a shotgun cocking came from off to the side, accompanied by the words, "Stand down. That's on order." Redwood had decided to come in for her inspection a bit earlier than planned, and she most certainly wasn't pleased to see what was going on.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


The sound of a shotgun cocking came from off to the side, accompanied by the words, "Stand down. That's on order." Redwood had decided to come in for her inspection a bit earlier than planned, and she most certainly wasn't pleased to see what was going on.

He did as he had been ordered and moved to one side, Riley had thankfully landed on her back and not her front otherwise she would have lost Gadget's and her child she stood up and walked over to a chair collapsing in it her hooves back and cheeks hurt like hell

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Redwood walked up to the stallion who had attacked Riley and grabbed him by the collar. "Ah will absolutely not tolerate violence against our own. If ah ever catch y'all harassin' Riley, or any other of yer fellow Gator Teeth, ah will not hesitate to counter violence with violence."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


Redwood walked up to the stallion who had attacked Riley and grabbed him by the collar. "Ah will absolutely not tolerate violence against our own. If ah ever catch y'all harassin' Riley, or any other of yer fellow Gator Teeth, ah will not hesitate to counter violence with violence."

"Yes Ma'am my apologies Ma'am," he said saluting his superior,

Fire came downstairs and approached Gadget "hey so I've done this so far to the pistol and I just wanted to know if Redwood would find this to be a substantial amount of... Oh... hi Commander Red!" he waved

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Who's this?" Redwood asked Gadget.


"Oh, this is Fireball, he's a guard around Vault 222," explained Gadget. "He helped me out with getting some parts I needed for Riley's project, and let me tell you, he's got some half decent skills."


Redwood walked up to Fire and extended her hoof. "Howdy, Fireball."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Who's this?" Redwood asked Gadget.


"Oh, this is Fireball, he's a guard around Vault 222," explained Gadget. "He helped me out with getting some parts I needed for Riley's project, and let me tell you, he's got some half decent skills."


Redwood walked up to Fire and extended her hoof. "Howdy, Fireball."

"P-pleasure to make your acquaintance Ma'am" Fire said shaking Redwood's hoof

when Riley had regained her strength she came out to see Red "Red how's it going! it's been ages!" Riley said hugging the commander, making it obvious how far the two went back, which in the history of the Gator teeth was the longest time recorded 

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Well, hey there Riley," said Redwood with a bit of a smile. "Sorry about th' trouble. It's a real shame that some ponies around here still don't trust y'all. Anyways, ah was here fer an inspection, and ah figured ah'd come see y'all after ah was done. How have y'all been?"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Well, hey there Riley," said Redwood with a bit of a smile. "Sorry about th' trouble. It's a real shame that some ponies around here still don't trust y'all. Anyways, ah was here fer an inspection, and ah figured ah'd come see y'all after ah was done. How have y'all been?"

"not to bad... still I could be better but hey take what your given."Riley smiled 

"you really didn't lie about these two being good friends did you Gadget?" Fire whispered into Gadget's right ear seeming as inconspicuous as possible  "so is that the Riley who'll put the good word in for me or not"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Well, I already bragged a little about your skills, so it might be a little redundant," said Gadget. "But like I said, the commander kinda knows me since I'm so close to Riley."


Redwood turned to Fire and asked, "So, Gadget says that y'all helped out him and Riley?"

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Well, I already bragged a little about your skills, so it might be a little redundant," said Gadget. "But like I said, the commander kinda knows me since I'm so close to Riley."


Redwood turned to Fire and asked, "So, Gadget says that y'all helped out him and Riley?"

"well yeah... we went to this robotics factory a short ways a way, and I found these controls whilst looking for the parts we needed and activated the automated security and it was all like" Fire makes various kicking and punching movements one of which hit's Riley in the face, "sorry..." he apologised  

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"And he did it all unarmed," added Gadget.


"Well, ah appreciate y'all lendin' a hoof to Riley and Gadget. Riley still gets too much flak fer bein' a synth, and that kinda blows over to Gadget too. If y'all were able to fight though some kinda robot factory unarmed like Gadget says, that's kinda impressive. Looks like y'all ain't so unarmed now though."

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"And he did it all unarmed," added Gadget.


"Well, ah appreciate y'all lendin' a hoof to Riley and Gadget. Riley still gets too much flak fer bein' a synth, and that kinda blows over to Gadget too. If y'all were able to fight though some kinda robot factory unarmed like Gadget says, that's kinda impressive. Looks like y'all ain't so unarmed now though."

"No, thanks to Gadget giving me this 10mm" Fire said "I shot a tree with it... and blocked a road... not my finest hour... or five seconds actually because the other parts of the hour were quite good, oh and Riley we took your truck I found these gloves!"


Riley blushed to find the gloves he would have seen the pictures

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Right..." said Redwood, now a bit dubious of Fire's alleged skills. "Anyways, that 10mm don't look vanilla. Did y'all install those mods yerself?"


Gadget was chuckling sheepishly, not sure how to play off the fact that Fire had just shown one of the pictures he had found.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Right..." said Redwood, now a bit dubious of Fire's alleged skills. "Anyways, that 10mm don't look vanilla. Did y'all install those mods yerself?"


Gadget was chuckling sheepishly, not sure how to play off the fact that Fire had just shown one of the pictures he had found.

"oh yeah! I made a list!" Fire emptied his pockets and not only did the list fall out but the picture of Riley as well see proof that the gloves were in your glove box!" Fire showed Riley and Red the picture of Riley that was part of Gadget's birthday present

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Ah don't need to see that," said Redwood. "Fire, can ah just take a look at yer gun?"


While normally she would have found his clumsiness annoying, Redwood couldn't help but feel like it was a bit endearing. If Fire could really pull his weight like Gadget claimed, then it wouldn't be too much of a problem anyways.

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@@The Pixelated Pony,


"Ah don't need to see that," said Redwood. "Fire, can ah just take a look at yer gun?"


While normally she would have found his clumsiness annoying, Redwood couldn't help but feel like it was a bit endearing. If Fire could really pull his weight like Gadget claimed, then it wouldn't be too much of a problem anyways.

"there you go!" Fire said handing the gun over to Redwood being careful not to drop it, Riley tried to take her picture back but couldn't get it off the taller Fire and didn't want to fly in case she blew the picture away and into the hooves of some other perverted Stallion 

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