crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Fire, it looked like y'all had some potential, but it turns out that y'all got a whole lot more than ah thought. With a little personal guidance, ah think yer gonna make a damn fine addition to Echo Squad." While he definitely had skills, Fire still had plenty of room for improvement. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Fire, it looked like y'all had some potential, but it turns out that y'all got a whole lot more than ah thought. With a little personal guidance, ah think yer gonna make a damn fine addition to Echo Squad." While he definitely had skills, Fire still had plenty of room for improvement. "ECHO!?" Fire said surprised and falling backwards off the bed, his legs sticking up in the air, "Commander Ma'am I appreciate the offer I really do but... I would never fit with the rest of the ponies in Echo... no... I want to help believe me but isn't there some other way?"! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Y'all got Militia trainin', and that makes y'all real valuable to us. Ah know that off th' field, yer clumsy and goofy, but when it comes time fer action, yer capable, and ah've seen it mahself. Besides, Echo's short a pony too." Redwood was taking a bit of a chance by putting Fire on Echo, but she was sure it would be worth it. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Y'all got Militia trainin', and that makes y'all real valuable to us. Ah know that off th' field, yer clumsy and goofy, but when it comes time fer action, yer capable, and ah've seen it mahself. Besides, Echo's short a pony too." Redwood was taking a bit of a chance by putting Fire on Echo, but she was sure it would be worth it. Fire attempted to teleport away but the spell fizzled and died before he even had the chance to think of the location he was going to "I can't Commander... Seriously... without Jennifer... I'm nothing.... I-I needed her... she was the one who kept me motivated to fight, to try keep her safe through everything"! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "How's this fer motivation?" said Redwood before she grabbed Fire and have him a long kiss, tongue and everything. Really, she wasn't entirely sure why she was doing this. Maybe it seemed like the best way to keep Fire around, maybe she understood what he was going through and knew how terrible it was, or maybe she was doing it for her own benefit. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "How's this fer motivation?" said Redwood before she grabbed Fire and have him a long kiss, tongue and everything. Really, she wasn't entirely sure why she was doing this. Maybe it seemed like the best way to keep Fire around, maybe she understood what he was going through and knew how terrible it was, or maybe she was doing it for her own benefit. Fire was shocked, he felt something stirring in his lower half, his stomach felt weird and his trousers suddenly became very uncomfortable, a large blush developed on his face and he managed a quick time slowing spell to make it last even longer! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, It felt like time had quite literally slowed down for this moment, and Redwood figured that Fire was behind it. "Y'know, yer real cute when y'all blush like that," she said. Redwood thought back to when Riley went haywire and kissed her, and that brief moment when she kissed back, and it felt similar to this. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, It felt like time had quite literally slowed down for this moment, and Redwood figured that Fire was behind it. "Y'know, yer real cute when y'all blush like that," she said. Redwood thought back to when Riley went haywire and kissed her, and that brief moment when she kissed back, and it felt similar to this. "I'm blushing?!" Fire said shocked, he indeed was blushing and dove back underneath the bed to hide his embarrassment from Redwood, Riley managed to sneak out of the Vault to come and see how Fire was doing, "Red? Fire? you two in here?" she said the medical robot following close behind "I brought something... someone to help with your horn..."! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Oh, we already got some meds fer Fire, but thanks," said Redwood, acting as if absolutely nothing happened. "Anyways, how are y'all doin', Riley?" It seemed funny that Fire hid back under the bed because he was blushing, rather than because she had kissed him. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Oh, we already got some meds fer Fire, but thanks," said Redwood, acting as if absolutely nothing happened. "Anyways, how are y'all doin', Riley?" It seemed funny that Fire hid back under the bed because he was blushing, rather than because she had kissed him. "alright I just came to check on Fire... news got back to the Vault about what had happened to him... I thought I could do my best effort to help him" Riley knelt down next to Fire, "boy he's as red as me what the hell did you do to the poor fella?" Riley questioned curious! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Ah might've given him a little peck to make him feel better," answered Redwood. It seemed like Fire would be too overwhelmed to tell Riley how it had really been, but Redwood thought that she would understand, considering her relationship with Gadget. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Ah might've given him a little peck to make him feel better," answered Redwood. It seemed like Fire would be too overwhelmed to tell Riley how it had really been, but Redwood thought that she would understand, considering her relationship with Gadget. "oh? seems like you gave him more than just a little peck to me..." Riley said, "Seems like you did... THIS!" Riley pounced on Red and began playfully kissing her in the same way she had kissed Fire, she had to say it wasn't like she didn't enjoy or remember the kiss they shared in the truck! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Careful now, Gadget's probably gonna be pissed if hears y'all did that," said Redwood. "And ah think Fire might be a little jealous of y'all too. Have y'all seen th' drawin's he did of me?" It seemed unlike Riley to outright kiss her though, even if she was doing it as a joke. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Careful now, Gadget's probably gonna be pissed if hears y'all did that," said Redwood. "And ah think Fire might be a little jealous of y'all too. Have y'all seen th' drawin's he did of me?" It seemed unlike Riley to outright kiss her though, even if she was doing it as a joke. "yes... I'd be very impressed If he could capture this moment in ink..." Riley said, Fire had done just that and handed the drawing of the kiss to Riley, "very good... I like the look of surprise and pleasure in Redwood's face I must say..." she said making him blush more! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Surprise and pleasure in mah face? Yeah, ah'll admit there was some pleasure, but ah think all th' surprise was in Fire's, considerin' how red he was." Riley was reacting to this about how Redwood figured she'd be, and it was good that she was going along with it. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Surprise and pleasure in mah face? Yeah, ah'll admit there was some pleasure, but ah think all th' surprise was in Fire's, considerin' how red he was." Riley was reacting to this about how Redwood figured she'd be, and it was good that she was going along with it. "oh well um thank you... If I may Mrs Riley could I draw you some more? you have a very... captivating body shape even whilst you are pregnant" Riley did so and posed how he wanted, nothing dirty just her sitting on the bed, leaning on a wall, flying and standing up! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Hey, Riley, can we get a little... privacy?" asked Redwood. Even though she would absolutely never admit it, Redwood got lonely sometimes. It had been far too long since she had been with somepony, and she was very much in need of an outlet for her emotions. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 4, 2016 Author Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Hey, Riley, can we get a little... privacy?" asked Redwood. Even though she would absolutely never admit it, Redwood got lonely sometimes. It had been far too long since she had been with somepony, and she was very much in need of an outlet for her emotions. "Yeah yeah of course you can!" Riley said leaving the room "Privacy!? what for?" Fire said quite shocked "Have I done something? do you want me to draw you instead? I can draw you instead if you want me to!" Fire looked through his bag for more paper and a new pen! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 4, 2016 Share June 4, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "No, y'all didn't do nothin', but maybe y'all can draw me a little afterwards," grinned Redwood before she grabbed Fire and began kissing him passionately. As she did so, Redwood reached out with one hoof and flicked off the lights. It seemed crazy to her, but Redwood didn't care too much. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 5, 2016 Author Share June 5, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "No, y'all didn't do nothin', but maybe y'all can draw me a little afterwards," grinned Redwood before she grabbed Fire and began kissing him passionately. As she did so, Redwood reached out with one hoof and flicked off the lights. It seemed crazy to her, but Redwood didn't care too much. Fire drew what he had just experienced from memory including Gadget and Riley,his Favourite to draw was definitely Redwood even when Riley had the shapes she did, she seemed a little too well shaped, then again she was made like that so he couldn't say anything to her about it! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Before she left, Redwood gave Fire another kiss and said, "Echo Squad briefin' is at 0600 hours. Don't be late." After all that had just happened, Redwood wasn't sure if she was putting Fire on Echo Squad because he'd make a good addition, or for her own personal benefit. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 5, 2016 Author Share June 5, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Before she left, Redwood gave Fire another kiss and said, "Echo Squad briefin' is at 0600 hours. Don't be late." After all that had just happened, Redwood wasn't sure if she was putting Fire on Echo Squad because he'd make a good addition, or for her own personal benefit. "0600 hours... Right I'll pretend I know what time that is..." Fire watched as Riley left he snuck a few more drawings of the attractive synth before he could no longer see her, he took the pills to re grow his horn and waited for Gadget to leave his room smiling like a mad pony! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Gadget left, filled with mixed feelings about what had just happened. He wasn't sure if that was something he was going to do again. Redwood was back on duty in no time. The short break she had taken wasn't really noticed, although she still had a full plate as always. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 June 5, 2016 Author Share June 5, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Gadget left, filled with mixed feelings about what had just happened. He wasn't sure if that was something he was going to do again. Redwood was back on duty in no time. The short break she had taken wasn't really noticed, although she still had a full plate as always. Fire collapsed on his bed flipping his sheets over to hid the numerous stains from his escapade, his team mate came back with food, now he saw why there were three beds in the room they were supposed to be in here as a team, Fire's drawings lay on the table as he slept! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 June 5, 2016 Share June 5, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood couldn't help herself and snuck into Fire's room so she could take a few of his drawings. Although, she had much more important things to tend to, so Redwood got right to it after that. The Gator Teeth had a sizable influence ever since they had taken the cruise ship, and they had garnered support from many settlements, including Fairway. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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