crispy fries 432 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "When ah was comin' down here, ah heard a whole bunch of traders talk about some place called South Beach," said Redwood as she walked. "Ah heard it's where a whole lotta rich ponies loved before th' war, and ah also heard rumors of some kinda treasure or somethin'." My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "When ah was comin' down here, ah heard a whole bunch of traders talk about some place called South Beach," said Redwood as she walked. "Ah heard it's where a whole lotta rich ponies loved before th' war, and ah also heard rumors of some kinda treasure or somethin'." "please tell me your not going to go looking for that stuff... Raiders are always heading down there looking for the treasure that will make them rich. It's a load off crap really... it's most likely some pre-war money or something..." Riley looked around and went into the bus.! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "All ah heard was rumors. Ah also heard it's more or less a warzone," said Redwood as she took a seat on the bus. "Alright, ah got a couple more questions to ask. Ah keep hearin' about this place that's pretty much a giant swamp where everythin' wants to eat ya fer breakfast." My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "All ah heard was rumors. Ah also heard it's more or less a warzone," said Redwood as she took a seat on the bus. "Alright, ah got a couple more questions to ask. Ah keep hearin' about this place that's pretty much a giant swamp where everythin' wants to eat ya fer breakfast." "yep... I've been there... I barely made it back in one piece!" Riley said. "I need another gun..." she said holding her revolver. "we'll head to the nearest established town in the morning... strange to say that when your in the ruins of Miami..." Riley said closing the door! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Any other big players in th' Wetlands besides this milita? They can't be walkin' around and killin' everypony uncontested," said Redwood. So far, her first day in the Wetlands hadn't gone too badly. Redwood was glad that the first pony she ran into was friendly, and it would be good to have someone who knew their way around. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 23, 2016 Author Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Any other big players in th' Wetlands besides this milita? They can't be walkin' around and killin' everypony uncontested," said Redwood. So far, her first day in the Wetlands hadn't gone too badly. Redwood was glad that the first pony she ran into was friendly, and it would be good to have someone who knew their way around. "well there's the brotherhood... they don't really care about you unless you've got tech like a running vehicle or lasers... " Riley said "you can imagine how much they want my bus since it only needs flipping and some tyres which is easier said than done but they still want it"! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 23, 2016 Share May 23, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Yeah, ah've seen th' Brotherhood out west too. Anyways, ah guess we oughtta get some shuteye," said Redwood before she propped her back up on the wall of the bus and pulled her bandana over her eyes. The Brotherhood having a presence in the Wetlands could go either way for them, and she hoped they didn't get on their bad side. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Yeah, ah've seen th' Brotherhood out west too. Anyways, ah guess we oughtta get some shuteye," said Redwood before she propped her back up on the wall of the bus and pulled her bandana over her eyes. The Brotherhood having a presence in the Wetlands could go either way for them, and she hoped they didn't get on their bad side. Riley put the bus into lock down closing all the window's, the door and turning off the lights before saying..."could I... sleep with you tonight... I'm scared..." she didn't want the debt collectors coming for her in the middle of the night and killing her or stealing the bus! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Fine," said Redwood without looking up. If it were up to her, Redwood would have just killed the debt collectors so they could have just been rid of them, plus they could have looted whatever they had on them. In all honesty, Redwood thought that Riley could toughen up a little. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Fine," said Redwood without looking up. If it were up to her, Redwood would have just killed the debt collectors so they could have just been rid of them, plus they could have looted whatever they had on them. In all honesty, Redwood thought that Riley could toughen up a little. "T-thank you know you're a lot like my brother... you would've liked him..." Riley removed her jumpsuit and came and lay next to Red and snuggled up to her before going to sleep with Redwood in her hooves, her .44 fell to the floor and slid away down the bus! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood was used to violence, which meant the physical contact she got was usually from someone who was trying to kill or otherwise harm her. Riley snuggling up to her for protection on the other hand felt much different, and it caught her a bit off guard. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood was used to violence, which meant the physical contact she got was usually from someone who was trying to kill or otherwise harm her. Riley snuggling up to her for protection on the other hand felt much different, and it caught her a bit off guard. Light streamed in from the window but this light wasn't natural. it was coming from the sky yes but it was concentrated and defiantly not sunlight, a pack of feral ghouls ran down the street and came under fire by whatever the light was coming from! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood could easily sleep through gunfire, but it was the light that woke her up. "Riley, wake up," she said as she nudged her with one hoof and reached for her gun with the other. The bright light was what Redwood found odd. Artificial light wasn't uncommon by any means, but not something this powerful. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood could easily sleep through gunfire, but it was the light that woke her up. "Riley, wake up," she said as she nudged her with one hoof and reached for her gun with the other. The bright light was what Redwood found odd. Artificial light wasn't uncommon by any means, but not something this powerful. Riley awoke and looked around. she picked up her gun and looked out one of the windows. "fuckin' brotherhood..." she said to herself "HEY! I TOLD YOU ALREADY! YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BUS! I LIVE HERE!" she shouted up attempting to crawl out through the window but getting herself stuck un able to get her hind legs through! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "They ain't shootin' at us, and it's best if we keep it that way," said Redwood as she pulled Sparkle down. "It's stupid to go gvin' yerself away in th' middle of a firefight." She should have figured that it was the Brotherhood showing up. Hopefully, they wouldn't have a problem with them if they kept their heads down. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "They ain't shootin' at us, and it's best if we keep it that way," said Redwood as she pulled Sparkle down. "It's stupid to go gvin' yerself away in th' middle of a firefight." She should have figured that it was the Brotherhood showing up. Hopefully, they wouldn't have a problem with them if they kept their heads down. Riley closed the window again and began walking up and down the bus. she was looking for a rifle or something but she had picked the bus clean when she moved in a few months ago. Riley looked out the front off the bus which was rammed into the back of a truck but there was no Guns back there! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Lookin' fer this?" said Redwood before she tossed Riley her .44. "Listen, keep yer head down, be quiet, and fer shit's sake, don't go yellin' out th' window." For now, it seemed best to wait until the Brotherhood passed. Redwood was still laying on the floor of the bus with her head propped against the wall and her gun at the ready. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Lookin' fer this?" said Redwood before she tossed Riley her .44. "Listen, keep yer head down, be quiet, and fer shit's sake, don't go yellin' out th' window." For now, it seemed best to wait until the Brotherhood passed. Redwood was still laying on the floor of the bus with her head propped against the wall and her gun at the ready. Eventually the brotherhood left taking the lights with them "we should move the bus to somewhere... safer..." Riley said "but we'd need tyres and it to be on it's wheels instead of it's roof like it is now... we could get some brahmin to pull it around for us" Riley said "nah it's to heavy..."! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "How are we gonna wrangle enough brahmin to flip this thing anyways?" said Redwood. "How about we get as much rest as we can and figure out a plan in th' mornin'." The bus would make them a target for the Brotherhood for sure, and they needed some way to secure it. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "How are we gonna wrangle enough brahmin to flip this thing anyways?" said Redwood. "How about we get as much rest as we can and figure out a plan in th' mornin'." The bus would make them a target for the Brotherhood for sure, and they needed some way to secure it. "Alright then..." Riley eyed the Truck the bus was stuck to "maybe we could use that somehow... If we got enough parts that is..." Riley shook her head. "naw I can't fix a truck..." and then settled down into bed thinking of different ideas to get the bus back on it's wheels! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Do y'all still gotta sleep with me?" asked Redwood as she set her gun down and settled back in. She actually wasn't too opposed to a little physical contact. Redwood didn't want to admit it, but it felt nice to have Riley snuggled up next to her, looking to her for protection. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, "Do y'all still gotta sleep with me?" asked Redwood as she set her gun down and settled back in. She actually wasn't too opposed to a little physical contact. Redwood didn't want to admit it, but it felt nice to have Riley snuggled up next to her, looking to her for protection. "I-I can if you want..." Riley said "okay then..." Riley went over and lay next to Red once again snuggling with her. she looked up at the bus seats which were just vaguely loose and could fall on them at any time but they all took each others weight thanks to the lights Riley had strung up! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood pulled her bandana over her eyes once again and drifted off into sleep. She still had a lot of questions about the Wetlands that needed to be answered. Who exactly was this mysterious milita that Riley was so scared of? Were they really such bogeymen like she said? My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 May 24, 2016 Author Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood pulled her bandana over her eyes once again and drifted off into sleep. She still had a lot of questions about the Wetlands that needed to be answered. Who exactly was this mysterious milita that Riley was so scared of? Were they really such bogeymen like she said? "wake up sleepy head!" Riley's voice chirped from the bus' roof. "It's another beautiful day here in the Wetlands! " it was like 6:00 when she called out awakening any sentient creature that was nearby she ducked back into the bus and began work on breakfast! Equestrian Robotics the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispy fries 432 May 24, 2016 Share May 24, 2016 @@The Pixelated Pony, Redwood picked herself up and asked, "What's cookin'?" She was surprised that Riley had woken up before her. She was usually an early riser, but Redwood supposed that her long journey coming to an end at the Wetlands had left her tired, along with being woken up by the Brotherhood. My OC, Redwood: FoE version of Redwood: My OC, Janeri: My OC, Ballpoint: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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