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(Private) Mane 6 adventures


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Plasma turned to Twilight.

"Oh of course. It all happened near Pinkie`s rock farm when we were fillies. I ran from home in search of safety from the residents of where i originated. During a Lighting Storm may i add. I was running for my life i was trapped around the bend of a mountain.

every step they took i was shaking in fear. but suddenly, Lighting! from the sky came down struck & me cold."

Edited by PlasmaStorm
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Spike had awoken from his nap to the sound of chatter. He got up and looked down to see Pinkie, Twilight, and some ugly colt talking with each other.

"Hey there, Twi!" Spike called. "What's going on?"

(It's a joke, Quan.)

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(I forgot I was doing Twilight too)

"Spike, I liked you to meet Plasma he is one of Pinkie's friend" she tilted her head towards Pinkie

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Plasma sighed.

"Well, after the lightning struck me, i came back render concious. I thought i had died but, somehow i managed to live. That second i was losing control of my body. I was glowing rapidly & lighting started staticing around me. & thats when the big explosion happened.

Pinkie had noticed & came around the nearest bend if i can remember. I started whirling around & lost control when Pinkie stepped up & gave me a hug. I calmed down, i thanked her but i considered myself too danderous from anypony to be around. I sat around the mountain for days. Pinkie kept bringing me the food she can spare but, i never understood why.

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(Goddammit Quan, you ninjaing bastard.)

Spike listened to what the new colt had said. After listening, he descended the stairs to meet Plasma.

"This seems interesting. Oh, by the way! Nice to meet you. I'm Spike, Twilight's assistant."

He extended his hand.

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(Super tremendously ninja'd this happened



Pinkie broke in "And then I told him to not be afraid and come out of those mountains, since they got real scary at night and I was afraid something might....happen to him" Pinkie smiled and nuzzled Plasma

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Plasma blushed & gave a nuzzle back to Pinkie Pie, then whispered in her ear.

"You were always so sweet Pinkie. Just like your cupcakes."


(BTW if you noticed the *First comment Pinkazoid you forgot to put @That Pony With a Face in our Rp)

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(Totally forgot that XD)


Pinkie looked at Twilight, after realizing that Twilight was still there she got embarrassed she started to move away from Plasma, and blushed hard enough to make Twilight notice

"You okay Pinkie?" Twilight asked smiling at her friend

"YesI'mokay" Pinkie quickly responded blushing harder

"Well I think I should be going..." Pinkie added looking at Plasma

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