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(Private) Mane 6 adventures


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I want to play as Applejack and Plasma and Braeburn invited me.


Applejack woke up in her room "Well time to tend to the apples." Applejack ate a little breakfast and started to head to the apple tree's and started to get to work.

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"Thank you kindly! Learned it from my pop."

"Shame he passed." Mrs. Cake said.

"At least he died peacefully, and surrounded by his family."

The cakes hung their heads in remembrance.


(So... can we time skip to Pinkie arriving at the farm?)

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Plasma started to have a sad look on his face.

"Well, im sorry to hear that. If anything Pinkie Pie is just about the only family i truly have, if anything i wouldn`t know what i would do if i lost her in my life." Plasma closed his eyes & shed a tear.

"Can you guys keep a secret fr right now?"

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Pinkie opened her eyes to the colorless fields of rocks she looked at Plasma and gave a weak smile she walked towards the house surrounded by the fields of nothing but rocks




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Clyde was looking out the window. He saw his daughter and a strange pony walking toward the house.

He opened the front door and stared at his daughter, who he had not seen in years. He just stood there, staring, thoughts racing in his head.

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