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private "All that Shines" (1x1 RP between Platinum Gear and Raven Rawne)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare sighs "Well sadly we must go into the forest, as far is known, the Elven ponies are the only ones who know and have the antidote to the poison my father was poisoned with,..how-ever, if you know something about it, please do tell, the sooner we get the antidote to my father, the sooner he can recover, not to mention it'd go a long way with helping you in your trial later on" she says with a smile but then looks around and nods "Right, we aught to get to the ships and sends them off, come on dear" she says, quickly grabbing her fiance's hand, much to the surprise of most of the ponies around them except for shade of course.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


The noble thought for a moment, then nodded. "It's not much, I know, but there's a place where they tend to camp, near the edge of the forest. I could send somepony to show you the way. I'm not really fit for long walks..."


As the princess turned back to the village, holding hands with the other armoured mare and the second princess in tow, Golden Wheat shook his head in dissaproval and walked back into his carriage, so he may be taken inside the Cove. His entourage was murmuring something in hushed voices.


As soon as the mares, and the noble's carriage, entered Flounder Cove, they were greeted by the Sargeant, who seemed to be observing their talks. He approached the princess and bowed slightly, then walked beside her. "If I may, your highness, the sloop is ready to set sail, and we are anxsious to be in pursuit. The fleet also requested orders, and mentioned something about low water level. My best gues is that they don't won't to sit on their hands when tle low tide comes and closes them off on the shallow waters. Do you have any orders to pass for us?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"That would be appreciated Golden Wheat" Clarissa says before they reach the docks and she nods to the Sergeant "Very well Sergeant the sloop may set off, as with the fleet, but give Sir Dustyhooves time to say goodbye to his family first" she says as she looks around the normally quiet cove "I feel bad, all of this damage and destruction all because of me" she says, heaving a heavy sigh

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks


The Sargeant nodded and went to spread the word. Crystal Clear noticed a pegasus messenger flying towards the battleships soon after.


The carriage behind the mares stopped and Lord Wheat climbed out of it. He took in the view and said to himself. "Lot of work in here..." He then nodded at his herald and they went to the side,  talking about something.


The pegasi infantry boarded the sloop under their own wing power,  since their supplies were transfered yesterday. A boat awaited for the newly appointed knight to take him on board the vessel. The guards that came in the sloop were popping up here and there, standing watch or getting to know the area. They were ordered to station in the Cove for the time being.


The three mares observed as the troops reorganised, and Crystal gave her fiance a reassuring hug as they did so. "It's not your fault. They would try to get you no matter where we stayed. You really can't blame yourself for things you couldn't possibly predict,  you hear me? We need you focused on the task at hand. "


Sir Dustyhooves went out of the inn and took course on the docks, nearly running in his armour. Seems he really wanted to start the rescue mission as soon as possible. Crystal waved at him: "Good luck on your search!" She added quietly: "We'll all sure need it..." The knight waved back and reached the boat. A couple minutes later,  it was all over as the sloop set sail and slowly navigated the waters away from the shore.


An echoing, bass note rolled over the water. Then another two.  The fleet was also departing.  The crystal mare took off her helmet and shook her head to fix her name a bit. "Seems like things are moving forward.  The knight cohort should be back soon, anypony up for a bite to eat? A cup of something? We should head out as soon as our escort arrives."

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@@Raven Rawne


"I think I'll go for a Zap apple juice and their catch of the day" Clare says as she sits down and looks around, she then smiles at Rose Petal "Don't worry sweetie, the others will make sure your brother and future sister in law return home safely, I trust those boys with my life, we trained with them after all" she says as she pats the filly on the head before putting her onto her lap, "I'm guessing Shaded went to check on our equipment and keep a lookout for the escort to arrive"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The crystal mare cocked her head a bit and hummed for a momen, thinking. She then nodded enthusiatically. "That sounds okay actually! Let's go get some."


The inn was quiet, but the mare saw that, for once, it wasn't completely empty. A couple of earth ponies sat by one of the tables, munching on a light meal. Travelling merchants, probably. Or just common folk en route to visit their family. Whoever they were, Crystal offered them a warm smile and nodded in acknowlengement, then walked to the bar to make an order. She just wanted to be on the road already...


Rose Petal poked her head from the kitchen to look who came, and aproached the princess, as the latter started talking to her - seems she liked her. The filly nodded as Clare laid things out to her.


Only once the pegasus mentioned the elusive unicorn, did Crystal Clear notice her absence. "Hmm, she's a strange one..." She said to herself as she took the plates, and shook her head as she came to the table. "You just have to take her on your lap every time you see her, huh?



Meanwhile Loed Wheat was walking all around the village, as his herald scribbled notes on what was needed to bring the settlement back to how it was.

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The crystal mare cocked her head a bit and hummed for a momen, thinking. She then nodded enthusiatically. "That sounds okay actually! Let's go get some."


The inn was quiet, but the mare saw that, for once, it wasn't completely empty. A couple of earth ponies sat by one of the tables, munching on a light meal. Travelling merchants, probably. Or just common folk en route to visit their family. Whoever they were, Crystal offered them a warm smile and nodded in acknowlengement, then walked to the bar to make an order. She just wanted to be on the road already...


Rose Petal poked her head from the kitchen to look who came, and aproached the princess, as the latter started talking to her - seems she liked her. The filly nodded as Clare laid things out to her.


Only once the pegasus mentioned the elusive unicorn, did Crystal Clear notice her absence. "Hmm, she's a strange one..." She said to herself as she took the plates, and shook her head as she came to the table. "You just have to take her on your lap every time you see her, huh?



Meanwhile Loed Wheat was walking all around the village, as his herald scribbled notes on what was needed to bring the settlement back to how it was.

Clare smiles "what? Can't I dote all over our soon to be little cousin?" She asks with a soft smile "she's just so cute and adorable. I mean, what if we're gone for longer than expected, if what Lord Wheat says about the Elven ponies is true, they could be very unpredictable. What if.." she shakes her head "it's nothing"


Meanwhile, Shade was keeping an eye on the local lord from the shadows.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The crystal mare took her seat opposite of her fiance and put down their plates. She smiled gently at the pegasi but frowned slightly as she finished her trail of thought. Crystal Clear pointed a fork at her and said seriously. "Exactly, nothing. There's no point in wallowing in some hypothethical scenarios where things go bad. We do our best and push forward, that's how I see it. You won't get anything from contemplating on all the possible bad outcomes that you can think of. Now I suggest you eat up till it's hot, our escort may show up any minute."


The noble walked a bit aimlessly amongst the houses, telling his herald to note what he thought was necessary. For some reason he didn't talk with anypony who lived there, either having decided that he can assess their needs on his own, or was afraid that actually asking will floodd him with demands. Or he was simply feeling awkward. Whatever the cause, he kept to himself.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clarissa nods and smiles as she eats up and closes her eyes "You're right, and the sooner we go, the better, I don't even know how much longer my father can hang on" she says and as soon as she opens her eyes,their knight escort walks in, comprised of their old commander and a few of their other old comrades who had graduated with them. "Well just in time, come on guys, we've got a forest to explore and an antidote to get from the Elven ponies." she says then looks outside as she straps on her sword belt "And if Lord Wheat's words are anything to go by, we need to be prepared for anything to happen"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Let's just do our best and not think too far ahead okay? Concentrate on the prey, not the horizon. Dad's wisdom." She looked up from over her plate as the doors opened, and was about to grumble something when an armoured figure went in, then another.  "Speaking of the escort..." Crystal decided to quickly finish her meal and take care of the finances as Clarissa headed outside.


All in all, their escort was made from 25 ponies - a single cohort with a commander. It was nice to see some friendly faces, correction,  crests. Most faces wore helmets. Funny how she saw one stallion who tried to approach her at the academy. Poor guy. Crystal walked outside and tossed her helmet playfully in the air, then caught it. "Alright, seems our business in this nice village is done for now. I'll go get the sour lord as our guide to Seven Ponds. Guess we'll sleep there and try our luck in the forest. Give me a moment."


Crystal Clear was away for ten minutes or so when she came back with the noble. He climbed back to his carriage and they were off. Ponies at arms around the wagon, and the Princess party at the back.  Each of their escort had a backpack with essentials,  like back at the academy. Thankfully they brought 2 spares. So the mares had food and drink, as well as basic bedding and some supplies to keep their gear in shape. 

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@@Raven Rawne


Clare nods with a smile "Good to know they sent our old friends we can trust to escort us" she says as she holds Crystal's hand and they begin going to Seven Ponds, "Hey Crys, did you see Shade when you went to get Lord Wheat?" she asks, looking around to see if they could see the mage of their escort. "Oh never mind, she's probably skulking in the shadows or something, scouting ahead, perhaps"


"You'd be right there my dear" Shade says as she emerges from the shadows "We're in the clear, but I don't know for how long, so we really need to get going"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Crystal took her fiancé's hand happily and shook her head at her inquiry. "Nope. Not a hoofprint even." She wasn't really bothered with the stalker mare's sudden absence. She'll pop up eventua- "Snow and ice, would you pleeeease stop popping out of every nook and cranny? I'll get a heart attack, or something..." At least she wasn't the only one who got spooked - several of their escort reached to their sword belts. "It's okay guys, she's with us. Princess Shade Walker,  a daughter of the Royal Sister of the Night. And a skilled mage, stalker and cutthroat. Did I miss something? " She grinned sheepishly at the mage.


The road was long but light. The tracts were dry and good for travel.  All in all, they reached Seven Ponds on late afternoon, right for some late dinner. Crystal Clear noticed that the medium sized town was surrounded by well kept palisade,  with guard towers. Seems the proximity to the Forest made the Lord reconsider his policy about safety. There were actual ponds around too - natural but reconditioned to keep fresh water fish. Fields were spread in all directions, aside from South - a thick, dark wall of the Forest loomed in the distance.  The ground within a fair distance from it wasn't cultivated at all. Shrubs and tall grass found be seen growing there. Seems like nopony got even remotely close to it.


The group followed the Lords carriage all the way to his keep - a modest fortified stone structure, the only one in town.  Everything else was made of wood.  All in all, the mare didn't get the impression that the townsponies were poor or the keep super exquisite. The picture was in sync as far as she could tell.


"Alright,  seems we're there. Let's wait a bit for them to make a meal for us all and hopefully arrange some nice place to sleep." Crystal flexed her legs as the Lord climbed out of the carriage and ordered his ponies around. 

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@@Raven Rawne,


 Clare whistles at the view around her "Perhaps I judged Lord Wheat too hastily, this layout is pretty well thought of, but I think I now know why the ponies of the cove were too nervous and scared to even approach him, these walls certainly would be something that would give off the message of "Keep Out", so perhaps we ought to approach him about having a more..open looking layout, so that the common ponies wouldn't be so scared to come to him for any sort of aid" she says thoughtfully.


She then walks over to Lord Wheat "Uhm, Lord Wheat, sir, I have to apologize to you for my automatic assumption that you were one of those selfish Lords based solely on what the citizens had said about you." she says sincerely but then also looks at their surroundings "I can understand your misgivings about being so close to the forest, but as a suggestion, perhaps you can do something to show the citizens that you are not as selfish or mean as they think you are. Maybe show them that you are approachable and will listen to them" she suggest with a soft smile.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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 The crystal mare shrugged. I grew up in a menacing looking castle and yet ponies had no issues with approaching my father when they had trouble. There must be something more to it.." She looked around, as if some clue would present itself to her. Nope, nothing she could pick up.


The noble saw the princess aproach with the corner of his eye, and turned to face her. He leaned on his cane which he also liked to use to point at things. Crystal knew some ponies who used theirs to beat ponies, but it was too much to pin to the stallion without any evidence. Lord Wheat smiled sadly atthe mare who offered her apologies. "Ehh, it's alright. I've never been much popular around my subjects. ecpecially after the damn Forest broke my life... A story for another day. Maybe I should make some more effort to get out to them, let them see the pony behind the crest... I'll think about it." He looked away at a couple servants who huried around the courtyard. "I've ordered to prepare something warm to eat for you and your retinue, Your Highness. If you wish to, I can arrange some safe space to sleep, although I must admit, we lack space to house you all in decent conditions..." He ran a hand through his beard, pondering about his options to house the guests. "Anyway, let's not stand on the courtyard. Please, come inside."


The stallion led the mare to a flight of stairs, and looked at them with contempt. He slowly ascended them and held the door open for his guest.


The inside was rather typical for a local lord dwelling. A stone keep, four storeys and basement, no doubt. The doors led into the hallway that separated the Great Hall from the kitchen. "To the left, the meal should be ready soon. I'll excuse myself to my chamber for a moment, if I may. I shall be with you shortly." He went into the Great Hall and onto the staircasethat led to his chambers.

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clarissa nods "Of course, there are many underlying reasons as to why they are afraid to approach, but you are correct, it is getting cold" she says as she walks inside the castle with Lord Wheat and the others. As he lead them around and to the Great Hall, the mention of a decent, hot meal made Clarissa salivate a little. "It's been almost a couple of days since we've had a decent meal, so I am sure that a nice, hot meal will put all of us into a better mood" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The crystal mare picked a cue from her fiance to get inside. She looked back at their retinue with a smile. "Seems like it's dnner time guys. Come on, let's get inside before we rust shut from all this water around here." The group followed the princess's hoofsteps and made themselves relatively comfortable in the Great Hall. As much as their heavy armours would allow anyway. The backpacks were stacked neatly by the wall, along with helmets and gauntlets.


Servants started showing up, setting up tableware and first dishes. Crystal noticed the silverware was old, but well kept.The same could be said about the plates. Really, everything inside had that kind of feel to it which was... weird, considering how richly dressed was the noble himself. Another mystery, it seems. The princess took a seat on the Host's right, and they left the one on the left for Shade, who, of course, disappeared somewhere. Crystal Clear sat on the next seat to the right, being the princess's fiance and all. The Hall was big enough to set the tables in a horseshoe and accomodate around seventy guests, but the tables were set in a straight line and had just thirty seats total. Lord Wheat didn't look like a dancing type, so maybe he just didn't have that may guests to warrant the huge table? Speaking of whom, the noble showed himself again, having climbed down the staircase. He changed his attire into something more modest, soldier like even. A throwback from his past, no doubt.


The stallion rested his hands on the back of his chair and looked at the assmebled ponies. "Been a while since I had this much guests... If only the circumstances weren't so dire. Seems like we're almost ready to start but... where's Princess Shade Walker? She said she'll skip the meal?"

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  • 1 month later...

@@Raven Rawne,


Clarissa sighs as she looks around "I think she may have found something of interest" she says and looks at the stallion, "she'll be along soon though I wager" she says and sips on a glass of sparkling strawberry juice. "She is a mysterious mare that one" she say.


"Your defense mechanisms are amazing lord Wheat" Shade says as she walks into the realm "They actually put the defenses back home to shame, I am sure mother and aunt Tia would be delighted to discuss a trade plan with you, I could hardly get past any of your guards or mechanisms" she says and sits down next to Crystal "Back home, the guards are getting slack and the defense mechanisms are primitive at best"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The noble nodded. "So I've noticed..." - He was about to take his seat when the mare in question showed up out of nowhere. Everypony's heads turned at Shade Walker's sudden appearance, except Clarissa who no doubt was already used to it. Crystal noticed she opted for a seat at her right, not at the noble's immediate left, which was more honorable. Nevertheless, sne nodded politely at her table companion.


Lord Wheat took his seat while nodding humorlessly. "I take that as a big compliment, although, truth be told, I wish my guards didn't have to be so good at their job. The Forest is a troublesome neighbour, and we learned the hard way not to let our guard down in it's shadow. But I guess you're tired and hungry, not wishing sor some more rambles of an old stallion..."


He motioned at his guests to begin the meal.

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@@Raven Rawne


As Shade begun to eat, she nods to his remark "Well hopefully, I can have a talk with the elvish ponies and see if we can work something out." she says with a smile "Mmm I must give my compliments to your chefs, their cooking is on par with those at the palace" she says as she gets seconds.


Clare chuckles "I guess eating would give us the energy we need, and I would have to agree, this is wonderful, yet it has a home-cooked feel to it, which makes it even better" she says, eating some chicken and looks to her fiance. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The Great Hall was fillef with sounds of ponies eating, and accasional scrape of plate as the knights bumped elbows and such. There was no time to take off the armors, aside from helmets and gauntlets that is. Crystal for once decidedthat her new, lightened up was perfect for the job. Even if it was still to be tested in battle.


The noble chewed a portion of his meal, nodding. "Glad to hear that, Your Highness. I'll make sure the kitchen staff knows of your compliment." He thought for a moment, then continued. "I sure hope that you manage to actually talk to them. Nopony went within bow range of the Forest in years. Too many casaulties. A shame really since the land there is easily the most fertile, perfect for crops. If you really do talk to the Eldeer, please, try to stand up for us. I can vouch for my ponies that we won't step a hoof into the Forest, but would love to be able to move freely near it."


Crystal Clear had to admit, the food was good. A few months in here would probably mean some adjustments to her wardrobe, and not the shrinking kind. So maybe it's best it was a brief visit... She found herself playing with the ring instead of emptying the plate, and a side glance revealed she was being watched by her fiance. The crystal mare smiled at her. "Still hard to believe, you know. But I think I'll manage to wrap my head around it soon." She bumped elbows playfully with Clarissa. "I'd take you for a moonlit walk around town but, I guess we had enough leg work for today. Maybe watch the stars in some cozy spot, hmm?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Shade smiles and swallows her food "I hope so too, if we can organize a treaty with them, it'd open a lot of trade routes and possibilities as well. We'd even be able to trade with this town, giving the ponies here a better chance at living, though I'm sure my friend Clarissa here has already thought of that" she says with a chuckle.


Clarissa smiles and nods "I will be Queen one day, and it is my duty as such to think of these sort of things. I've watched and learned from how my father has ruled our kingdom so far, he may be strict but he is also fair. I want to make him proud, I want to make the guys here proud of me as well" she says, sweeping a hand around to everyone at the table, as most of them were her peers and trainers at the academy. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Crystal tisked and refocused on her meal. Royal duties and stuff. She wasn't in the mood for lofty ideas.


The assembled ponies all nodded at the end of the Princess's little speech. Their host sighed, but nodded too. Seems he had something on his mind.


The Countess ate at a moderate pace, occasionally looking around at some more interesting pieces of furniture or decorations.

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@@Raven Rawne,


"But enough about that, we can discuss this sort of thing later, we have a much more pressing matter to attend to" Clarissa says "and it is imperative that we get it dealt with as soon as possible." she finishes and sips on her mead "what do we know about the Elvish ponies? Aside from the fact that they are distrustful of strangers?" she asks, still sipping on her glass of mead.  


Princess Shade nods and tents her fingers "From what I've managed to gather, they are protective of their kingdom, hidden deep within the forest. Their magic is of an older age, older than even myself, and the reason that they are the only ones who know of the antidote to your father's ailment is because the plant grows in their ancestral lands." 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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 Crystal Clear raised an eyebrow at the "even than myself" part. Just how old was she?! Anyway, the countess occupied her mind with the impromptu briefing. "Any roads that you know of? Or useful intel that you can pass, your lordship?"


Their host looked down at his injured leg. "I'll tell you what I know, but it's not much. the Eldeer -for that's how they call themselves - seem to be hellbent on keeping the Forest in it's natural state. That's why they shoot anypony who just as much as comes close. So we won't start gathering firewood, pick berries, nothing. They also don't affect the landscape in the way we ponies do. My family lives here for generations and even the oldest tales don't mention ever seeing a building, or a road, made by them. Although they use rather conveniently shaped trees for observation, so they have to affect their growth, somehow. Over the years, my ancestors or their subjects sometimes tried to venture into the Forest, usually with poor results." - He glanced again at his leg - But I have a map with some useful information, like ponds, terrain, even some strange grove.. Should help you decide where to enter."


The crystal mare thought for a moment. "That grove sounds like a good forst shot... Speaking of which, could I buy a shield in a pinch? My last one got bashed into toothpicks by a minotaur, eheh." - She chuckled a bit nervously atthe memory. That was a close call.


Lord Wheat smirked at that, but noded. "We should have something at hand, yes."

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@@Raven Rawne,


Clare chuckles "And was that the one at first attack or the last one?" she asks, recalling both events then she suddenly saddens and sighs "I failed them, I failed my father and I failed my sister" she says then stands up "W-will you please excuse me" she says and gets up, and as Princess Shade gets up, the Knight Commander Devin gently places a hand on her shoulder.


"Let her go dear, she gets overwhelmed at times, and the best thing we can do is give her some time and space alone. I can understand how she feels, having lost loved ones in my lifetime as well" he says and looks to the countess "Countess. after the meal, I will need you tell myself and the others what exactly is happening. If you would"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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