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Forsaken of the Everfree 1x1 with Maple Bat


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In the sky above  the crystal empire Discord was staring at the Enclaves leader "So, Are you gonna tell me why exactly you don't like the way things are now or are we just gonna fight because I have a friend who might be able to show you why you're wrong and lets face it you won't beat me."


The mist had blanketed where Woody was laying causing him to wake up he saw Jack awake and in danger he used his magic to freeze the unicorn in place "Jack over here!" He yelled "Where's my sister?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked Woody with a surprised look.

"Thank Celestia it's you, Woody! I thought for a second more the Red Enclave were coming."

He then frowned "I, unfortunately, don't know where Maple is, that Leader had been consuming my entire magic supply, I was out cold during what happened..."

"But I was right, after all, we are not going to be able to stop this tyrant, not even our combined strength from the 3 of us will be enough to stop him."

"I hate to say it, but this might be the end for Equestria, I could feel his spirit when he drained me..... he is NOT alone..."


The leader looked at Discord with a smirk.

"You are right, I cannot beat you Discord. But then again.. I don't have to, I have already won."

"Tell Luna that her old friend Crimson Vision is anxious to see her again."

The Enclave Leader's body vanished into the shadows.



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Woody had arrived in time to see the enclaves leader disappear into the shadow and see his sister fall from his grasp as he left Discord caught her. She was out cold because of all the dark magic that flooded into her mind during that time. Discord dismissed the fog wondering how that unicorn got away with it still here.

"Thank goodness." Luna said seeing Maple was alive however she wasn't well "What's wrong with her?"

Discord looked at his daughter "I don't know. She was grabbed by some sort of thing and when that stallion apparently named "Crimson Vision" left she was freed

"Did... It can't be there is no way that is true." Luna responded with great fear "Did he say that he set a plan in motion."

"Not exactly that but he did say..." He changed his face to look like Crimson Visions and mimicked his voice " "I Have already won." "

"That is it my sister cannot sit around any longer she will join us otherwise equestria will fall." Luna said "I'll make sure she joins the fight."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Then I will be fighting too." Jack said as he came walking towards the group.

"I may not know alot that leader but i do know his aim wasn't to nessecarly destroy the Crystal Empire. While one of his targets was the Crystal heart, his main target was something he had found in the deepest dungeons of the city. But what surprised me the most is that he was specificly after me once he became aware i was at the Crystal Empire to. He started draining all of my magic and then placed somethig inside of me... I don't know what..."


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Luna looked at the small unicorn "Why would he drain your magic? Perhaps you are hiding something" She said eyeing him suspiciously

Woody looked up at Luna "Maple would have noticed if something was wrong with him." He said to her "After all this is her kid."

Discord looked around nervously "We do have more pressing matters one our hands or will mine to be precise." He said holding Maple out in front of him.

"Very well to Canterlot our medics will know what to do with her." Luna said flying off

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack looked around the Crystal Empire, the battle had been over. With the Enclave's leader's retreat, some of his soldiers had vanished away to, but most of them had found their death. But the Crystal Empire itself was in really bad shape.

He looked around some more before turning around to the others.

"It might be best if you all head back to Canterlot, there is something I must do here." Jack said as he walked back into the direction of the chambers where the Enclave Leader had battled Maple before.


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Woody nodded to Discord "I'll go with him. You go take care of Maple." He nodded and took off for canterlot with high hopes of these medics being able to help Maple Woody turned around and started to follow Jack "So What exactly are you looking for?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I have made a rather disturbing but interesting discovery. Because when Crimson took me hostage, he did more than simply drain me."

"He was trying to wipe out the control over my body, I had been researching in dark magic long before your sister and I met, and this is probably what led to Crimson seeing me as a valuable target. Not because I am dangerous, but because of my latent ability to tap into Dark Magic without the bad side effects you see on ponies that perform that."

"I am probably going to be holding an expedition deep into the Frozen North because from what I can gather Crimson Vision was Sombra's chief advisor and sorcerer during the fall of the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago."

"I did had some ponies in mind who would be an insanely good help in my expedition, but if they rather refuse then i will be going there myself." he explained.


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"Wait" Woody said "He was Somra's leading adviser? Now why Maple lost makes more sense after all she's been training in combat most of her life." If Maple had known that she wouldn't have endangered herself. He thought angrily She'll be ok She's been through a lot worse than just an overflow of dark magic Woody then heard the second half of what he was saying "Let me guess..." He said thinking "Me and my sister?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack shook his head.

"No, while you 2 are amazing companions and friends, this expedition is will only work with specific ponies."

"The ponies I had in mind are, Trixie for her talents in magic and her exposure to the Alicorn Amulet. And Princess Luna is perhaps our best bet since she seems to know even more about Crimson Vision then I do, from what I can recall they even battled against each other during the Fall of the Crystal Empire, Her knowledge and foremost experience in this expedition are going to prove really important.   My 3rd one would be someone from the Crystal Empire, perhaps if Flurry Heart would feel up to the task, or perhaps even Shining Armour or Princess Cadance. I am trying to make sure we get a good team for the expedition."

He then looked at Woody with a smile.

"And besides, you and your sister will have to lend your aid in the defence of Equestria, I have seen how strong you 2 are and there is no doubt that we have a chance of winning if we take every advantage that we can get."


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Woody sighed when he said he was strong "Maple... She is really strong I agree with you but me I just cast magic I think will help I'm not very good with out it. My sister she trains all the time and works really hard which is why she can stand hoof to hoof with Crimson Vision. No one in any of the 3 royal guards train as hard or often as her recently. Me however I just have a natural gift for magic which happens to be my singing. Nothing too special." He was smiling talking about his sister in such a positive light but wasn't too happy about his own skill.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack smiled. "Yeah, your sister skilled beyond belief, I may not have seen it with my own eyes but I had no reason to doubt her in the first place."

"Hey Woody, this may be a bit too much of you to ask but... Could you please contact the ponies I mentioned for the expedition? I want to head out as early as possible since we won't be having much time." he said with a bit of worry written on his face.


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"Yea hold on." His horns glowed "Hello? Princess Luna?... Yes I need to tell you Jack here needs your help..." Long pause "Alright thanks." He held a finder up as he used his magic again "Hello? Trixe? Yes It's Woody." He said "I'll need your help at the crystal empire. Yes I'll pay you for it." His horns stopped glowing. "Ok, So Trixie's on her way but Luna wants to be sure Maple's Ok so give her a bit longer."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks, Woody,"

"This expedition is going to be really necessary. Because when I felt that leader drain me, I could 2 energy signals from its body instead of one, and when Maple stabbed him straight trough its stomach, instead of bleeding like a normal pony, dark magic was leaking from his wound, who does that reminds you of? Sombra."

Jack said as they waited for everyone to arrive.


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Meanwhile in canterlot Luna had run Maple into the medical area of Canterlot castle "Help! Maple is unconscious because of dark magic She really needs help."

Discord ran in a bit after Maple had been examined a doctor pony walked up to him and told him "She'll be alright, Anymore however and she could have turned evil you are very lucky." He went back to preforming his treatment

Luna walked over to Discord "I'm needed by your grandson in the crystal empire I must depart please let me know if Maple-"

A loud gasp is heard all the doctors around Maple back up, She was sitting up "What happened? Why am I here?"

Luna smiled "Guess that settles that!" Luna walks off to head t o the crystal empire

"Maple!" Discord ran over and picked hugged her "I'm so glad you're ok!"


Around this time Trixie showed up at crystal empire "W... Why would the great and powerful Trixie wish to be here in the cold crystal empire to help this little kid again?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack walked up to Trixie.

"Thanks for coming, I was planning on starting an expedition inside the frozen north, and I have found some information regarding who have been attacking the Crystal Empire. We could really use your help in this considering your magic skills and your knowledge of dark magic."


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Trixie eyed him like he was insane "The great and powerful Trixie refuses to waste her time with a child's ga-" She stopped talking when woody picked her up with his magic.

"They're not games Trixie!" Woody yelled "My sister is in a hospital somewhere in canterlot because of this pony! Now You're going to help safe Equestria whether you like it or not!" He dropped her.

"I... I'm sorry I didn't realize how bad off this was does Equestria really need my help?" Trixie retaliated angrily

"Yes it does Trixie Lulamoon." Luna said stepping into the area. "Now then when do we start?"


Maple meanwhile was having a hard time trying to get up "Dad? What's going on?"

"Well since you don't remember Discord said it's better that you stay at home with your mother until this all passes over..." Discord said upset with himself.

"Dad I'm the only guards pony that can beat this enemy leader." Maple replied

"Wait if you remember what do you mean whats going on?" Discord was confused now.

"I mean why are there 4 doctor ponies trying to keep me from getting up!" She roared making them back off her She stood up like nothing had happened. "Now then Where is that stupid leader he's only going to be beat by one pony and that pony's me!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I suggest we head out right now unless somepony needs to gather anything before we leave. Normally I wouldn't be very fond of travelling straight into the heart of the frozen north but when that leader drained my magic I had felt something rather.. unusual. I have a feeling that they using something more than just dark magic, even know I can feel something.. leaking into Equestria. I don't know what it is, after the whole draining part I ended up getting some sort of physic connection with this energy, and I think that Crimson Vision and his followers have this exact same connection. We will need to find out what this energy is, and luckily I know where to look, but I don't exactly know where to pinpoint its exact location, from what I can surmise the location we will be searching for must be dating back all the way to the days where Starswirl the bearded still raised the sun and the moon himself with his magic."


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"Well lets set off then" Luna said "After all the sooner we save equestria the better."

Woody looked at Jack then back to the north "Are you sure you don't want me with you so you don't freeze to death..."

"Don't worry Woody." Luna said "As much as we could use your songs Maple will need them in the future when she leads the army into battle soon. I will be able to use my magic to keep us warm."

Flurry heart approached the Group "Woody... I'm... Sorry this is... was my kingdom and I did nothing to protect it. So I'm going with you to help your sister Lead the Equestrian army to victory."

Woody nodded "Alright we'll need all the help we can get. I'll see you around Jack and good luck!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack gave him a smile.

"I wish you good luck to Woody, and do the greetings to Maple for me alright?" he said.

He then looked at the others.

"We should leave now, it's going to take a long time before we reach further into the frozen north." Jack said


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Trixie looked at Woody nervously and nodded, Luna also nodded and started to follow Jack

Flurry heart and Woody then took off towards canterlot Woody used his magic to talk with Maple "Sis? You ok?"

Maple on the other end heard Woody and touched her hoof to her father who was still next to her since she can't do magic. "Yea, Woody, I'm fine what's the matter?"

Woody, relived, replied "Well you're going to need to lead a combined force of all 3 of the equestrian armies. The Day guard, Night guard and what's left of the crystal guards. Flurry just told me as well that they are all in canterlot Celestia has already gathered them."

"Alright I'll see you around." Maple moved her hoof "Sorry dad when Woody does his magic call thing I need to touch someone capable of using magic in order to reply back."

Discord shrugged it off "Doesn't really bother me... Hey 'Tia."

Maple hadn't noticed Celestia standing in the door way,Celestia said to her "Maple are you truly ready for this? You will be the only leader for our line of defence because Discord Cadance, Shining, and myself need to keep the peace here. You'll need to give a rallying call to the armies before you head out to inspire them as well."

Maple nodded "I'm as ready as I'll ever be 'Tia." She said leaving to go meet the armies.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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It a few hours later as the group travelled trough the Frozen North.

Jack was wearing his usual cloak, but it was filled with blood stains and it was covered totally in snow.

He eventually sat down.

"We are getting closer, tough it's going to take a few more days, it's further away then I had expected." he said with a sigh.


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The entire time they had been walking Luna had been channeling a spell to keep them warm "In that case Trixie could I pass this off to you so you can cast it for a minute... I'm getting tired."

"It would be an honor for the great and powerful Trixie to cast a spell for you princess Luna." Trixie's horn started glowing after she finished that sentence and Luna's stopped when her's started.


Maple meanwhile was standing there in front of 3 armies. She had to give a rallying call to arms for them, Flurry heart and Woodland Orchestra where at her sides. She walked up to the edge of the platform she was standing in she should see all of the ponies that would be helping her "Attention everypony in one of the 3 royal armies. I'm sure all of you have heard of this new red enclave and their leader, but I have personally wounded the enclaves leader this shows that anypony can win a fight if they try hard enough I stand here before all of you today adressing this situation because I will need everyone's strength with me as we protect equestria and it's citizens from the danger that the enclave presents. If they think they've won this battle they are wrong I... We are still alive and ready to fight. Who's with me?"

There was a huge reaction from the crowd Maple didn't know how to handle it, however a night guard got on the stage next to maple and said to her while taking his helmet off "Maple, you've grown a lot in the years I've know you. I trust that you won't lead just the night guard but all of Equestria with what you do today. I wish you the best of luck and I'm following you till the end."

Maple nodded and yelled "Everyone steel yourselves for battle this one we will win. For Equestria!" There was a loud echo of "For Equestria" as the guards went to go get things.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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As they sat down for what seemed to be 30 minutes, Something popped up in the distance.

A Hydra had appeared from under the snow.

One of the heads shot a frost beam towards Jack, he in turn quickly teleported away.

He reappeared a few meters above the Hydra and landed on one of its heads.

He drew a knife and stabbed straight into the head he was standing on.


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"Trixie, We will protect you just keep that spell up." Luna said She casted an old spell of hers that gave her armor and a sword the same equipment she used against sombra all those years ago. She drew the sword with her magic flying up to the hydra Slashing a head that was about to shoot another beam of ice telephoning to slice it's leg quickly after causing it to fall. "This is what we live for!" Luna said happily in her royal voice.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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