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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"That is what I worry about guys, we are really short on time, and by the time Maple has got her new body, it might already be too late, it is the reason why I came up with this plan in the first place. I am going to tell you guys something very important, the enemy is counting on all this extra time we are giving them. Because blowing up those conversion centers is good and all, but just think at the speed of how they can build them when we destroy one, they could have to build another one at a different location during that very time."

"But what worries me more... the longer this war will go on, the more Equestria will start to suffer from infestations. Because while we are fighting this war, they are very slowly gaining the upper hand by form of terraforming, it happens slow and subtly, but given enough time, Life on Equestria will start to become unstable, living conditions will start to become very bad. I know some of you are able to live under the most of hardest living conditions, but not everyone can, and that is going to prove deadly over the course of time. Mark my words, they are counting for every time we stand idle." Jack said


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"Alright. Then we do this now. Ember... You'll be the one to take him o-" Luna was interrupted when Fluttershy walked into the room.

She still had the axe ember had gave her but she had some armor on now. "I'll be joining the battle too, I've grow stronger since the thing with Montarion and now with a lot of training. I'm ready for this trust me." She smiled "I'll fight for the family I lost." She said planting the axe head into the ground, ready for this.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Fluttershy? Are you going to fight too? Wow, I didn't expect you wanting to fight, but the more the merrier." Jack said.

"We had best setup that plan as soon as possible, it sound a bit weird to wanting to execute this plan so fast, but i have a feeling something is going to happen soon if we don't act, i have seen such tragedies happen so many times by now, it has almost become like an extra sense to me." He said


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Ember nodded "Very well Fluttershy. You'll be the equestrian leader so Luna and Celestia can engage the enemy leader. I'll lead the dragons..."

"What about the griffins?" Celestia said "Another griffin can't then they'll only attack to steal things. They'll need a pony leader so, I will assist them. Luna can handle the leader better than I can for sure!"

Fluttershy sheathed her axe "I can lead as long as the troops trust me. I really hope they do... " Fluttershy stated. "I'm also... Really afraid of ... failing."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Alright guys, now that is handled, we need a location... How about ghastly gorge? It is a good place for an ambush, easy for the dragons to hide, and more specifically, its where I can easier lure the enemy to." Jack suggested


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Fluttershy nodded "There are some of those giant eels there I can convince them to help us too... Somehow.." She added "I can do something to get them to help."

Ember laughed "That you can Fluttershy those'll really help. As for when though, now!" She shouted Sheathing her blade running out the door ro get the dragons followed by fluttershy who went to get the guards. Luna flinched before following Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Indeed, we should go, time is of the essence, let's go, Celestia!"

Jack said as he followed the others.

"This is going to big battle to remember, though it can't be helped that i am acting as bait, i have done it multiple times in the past before, and the feeling never changes when you know the enemy can straight up shoot you where you stand." Jack said.


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"Well we won't let that happen Jack you know it." Celestia ensured. "This battle is one we have to win for the sake of everything."

A while later Luna, Chrysalis, Ember and Fluttershy all returned with their respective armies, There where many of them dragons, Changelings, All 4 pony races, Even the griffins, anyone who was ready for battle was clad in a armor heavy or light, Metal or leather, all of them equip well weapons in prime condition and new loooking. They all where ready and highly trained for combat.

Celestia looked over the balcony. "This is a war they started. And one we are goning to finish." She turned to the large army. "Let' begin our advance. And show them what we can do."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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'You know, in times like these i am starting to get hope again, seeing such large armies is a lot more reassuring than the low numbers he usually had to fight as.' Jack thought.

He then looked Celestia.

"A quick question, how are we going to get there tough?" he asked


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Luna walked over. "I knew about that problem but Rarity and AppleJack managed a simple solution the dragons can carry non-winged combatants to the battle They're just large boards to put it crudely but these sit on a dragons back and ponies can stand on it as they fly basically making them transport till removed since a lot of movement will knock it off Rarity made them comfortable to wear as well by using some sort of stitching technique."

"Well... that works" Celestia said surprised.

Woody walked over seeing all that was happening "I want to help too." He said firmly.

"Bro? Are you sure about that I mean you can fight but this is big!" Maple said through the still active magic.

"N... Now that you say it perhaps it's best I don't to keep you safe." Woody said brushing his mane with his paw "Well I still wish you all the best of luck. Jack return safe. We can do this." He lightly punched Jack in the shoulder not really hurting him but just pushing him.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks, Woody, you best of luck too." He said with a smile.

He then looked at the others.

"We should probably go now, the sooner we killed that tyrant the better because his death will not only aid Equestria but many other lives as well." Jack said.


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After getting the things set up on suitible dragons and loading all non-winged creatures onto them the army moved out. Before actually taking off there was a resonding "For Equestria" that resonated throught the whole castle.

Celestia and Luna both where impressed what they're army could manage. "Let's move." Celestia said.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Eventually, they all arrived at Ghastly Gorge, the terrain was very big.

"This is a perfect place for an ambush." Jack said as he looked around.

He wandered a bit off, and checked the surroundings, until he walked back to the others.

"You guys should all find suitable places to hide and prepare for the ambush, i will do the rest concerning in luring that monster over to here." Jack said


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Celestia and Luna nodded telling the other commanders that they needed to hide their forces. Fluttershy, Ember, and Chrysalis nodded walking to their respective armies. Celestia went over to talk with the griffins as well leaving only Luna there. "I'll hide." She said calmly as she moved not far seeing a large opening where she could fit. "Just shout my name when I need to strike! I'll be there in a snap."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack nodded, he stuck his sword in the ground and started gathering magic in his hands, only to thrust said magic straight into the ground.

It created a red mark on the ground that gave off a very red glow.

After a few minutes, a massive portal suddenly appeared, and multiple creatures came swarming out of it, they looked like infected creatures, but they were wearing very rusted but strong armour, and they had runes all over their body that were burning with fire.

They did not attack Jack, but rather surrounded him from every corner.

Jack had a tense look on his face but flinched when he suddenly someone else appearing out of the portal.

The enemy leader strode out of portal followed by many soldiers, who were taking up positions around all corners near the portal.

The leader strode up to Jack with a disturbing look in his face, the right side of his mouth was no longer there, which gave his face a rather disturbing look.

"Ah, I see... You decided to show yourself after all this time, hiding behind primitive aliens... How disgraceful.

I had expected something bigger, but all I get is the sight of a snivelling coward... This little game is over, but I must thank you at the same time, you were the very key I needed to find this place." He said with a smirk


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Fluttershy watched from a long distance she could be seen from where she was but only if the enemy commander was really paying attention to the background and only when she moved around. She laid still waiting for when Luna attacked to give the signal to the others since that was what Celestia had asked her to do. "They seem to be talking." She whispered barely moving her mouth to speak. "I'll let you know. When Promise."


Luna had two options to attack with when the time arose She could either use her blade to strike him or fire a shot from the Heart's Eclipse. She had recovered the weapon for Maple once her soul was safe but she didn't have her body yet so she was using it. In the end she decided to fire from the bow and move in with her sword if needed. She kept waiting Come on Jack... Signal.. She thought anxiously.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Jack glared at the enemy leader.

"Then you took your sweet time getting here, but it doesn't matter if you want me so badly, then you have another thing waiting!" Jack roared as he gripped the blade on the ground and made a backflip wich caused the blade to spin around straight into the creature behind Jack, which caused the other creatures to swarm him the very instant.

"NOW!!!" Jack screamed as he as he slashed at the others creatures desperately.


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Luna heard him call stepping out of her hiding place she drew the Heart's eclipse aimed and, Fired straight at the enemy leader The arrow flew true to the target glowing a dark red as it flew towards him. Luna drew her sword she reflected sunlight back at Fluttershy, Then Charged. Followed swiftly by the full might of equestria's army! Luna simply land in front of the nemy leader "Hello there. I am Princess Luna, Princess of the Moon. I'm here to protect my homeland from you." She said as she finished she swung at the leader's side

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader frowned as he suddenly saw the arrow coming straight towards him, he destroyed it with a fling of his mace.

The enemy forces started to advance straight towards the Equestrian army, the infected charging towards them in massive hordes as the ranged soldiers kept a distance and starting shooting their weapons towards the Equestrians.

The leader quickly parried Luna's blow with his mace, ending in a struggle between the weapons.

"Protect? You have done a lousy job protecting it from how many I have murdered, I could hear them scream, waiting for their *princesses* to rescue them, only to be abandoned and left to die. How does it feel to be responsible for their deaths?" The leader said with a smirk.

Jack was in a struggle against 3 of the elite creatures who were attacking him at the same time.

He managed to hold his own for a while but was slowly starting to lose the struggle against 3 of such strong creatures at the very same time.


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Luna locked eyes with the leader "You... Dare!" She yelled She never let his weapon move away from hers she fired a strong beam attack from her horn. "I am going to make you regret that!" She said as she fired another beam from her horn.


Without really noticing it Celestia had also been the commander of the ponies too leaving fluttershy to do whatever she wanted. After seeing Jack get pushed back She went over to help, Once she got closer she hoped over Jacks head Swinging downwards hitting one of them in the chest. As last time she used the weapon the swing was followed by lightning so if the axe impact did kill the creature the energy that came from the axe did.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader saw Luna's horn glowing and quickly reacted by quickly ducking, and following up by letting go of the struggle to dodge the second beam, but he turned in such a way that he let his mace gain momentum with the 180 rotation, intending on striking Luna with alot of force from the weapon itself.


While Fluttershy was attacking the other ones, one of them was going to attack her from behind, Jack noticed this as he quickly shot a weak magical blast at the sneaking creature.

The blast was not meant to do much damage but more to stun the creature for a few seconds, enough time for Jack to deliver a couple of blows towards the creature, the sword, however, had not yet penetrated the armour, but it did dealt considerable damage to it.

The creature charged Jack again, only this time he was prepared, and made the creature tumble to the ground by intercepting its feet, only to strike straight at the creature's chest, this time the blade went right through it, killing the creature.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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Luna saw the mace coming and flew over it to avoid the mace swing she realized that she could use flight in the narrow canyon to her advantage. She started darting around in different directions trying to confuse the enemy. She then darted at the leader right before she was in range to swing she teleported behind the brute slashing at his back.


Fluttershy noticed Jack save her "Thanks!" She said, then she faced circle of foes that had surrounded Jack. "Hey! Over here!" She shouted drawing their attention away from Luna. "Come and get me!"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader snarled at Luna when the blade snarled at his armour from the back, while it did manage to damage him, the armour proved to be off to be very strong material.

But he did a dirty move by performing by headbutting against Luna with the back of his head, only to follow up by an another strike from his mace.


"No problem." Jack said but then he noticed Fluttershy trying to draw away the attention of the creatures.

"Hold on, we had best strike them with reinforcements instead just the 2 of us, could you quickly fly back and gather some warriors? I will distract the creatures while you are gone, it is not better not to take a big risk." Jack said.


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Luan was knocked off balance by the headbutt. She got smacked by the mace in the ribs she felt a few of them crack She rocoved from the hit and teleported right in front of him using a blast of magic to disarm him, If he was gonna play dirty then so could she.


"Alright just be safe until I get back then." Fluttershy said before flying off to go get others.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The leader stumbled back from the hit, his mace flang out of his grip.

"Does it hurt alien? Face it, you are going to tire out while I keep on fighting. And when that happens, I will destroy everyone dear to you, including these fools." The leader said with a devilish grin.


Jack nodded and stood ready as the creatures came charging at him.


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