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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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Woody fiddled with the artifact necklace and sighed "Well... I feel like we've waited long enough right sister?"

"Yeah, I feel like we should go fight too." Maple agreed "Let's go!"

Flurry tensed up "NO! That's way too risky we already lost one of the siblings we can't lose the other one."

Maple sighed "Fine."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Actually... I now have good news and bad news." Elorn said as he walked to them.

He then realised what he did.

"Sorry for the sudden surprise appearance, but I had to contact you guys asap."

"The goods news is, I know someone who is going to build your new body Maple, but the bad news is that he is on an entirely different planet, meaning we are heading to a dangerous place." He said while eyeing them.


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Woody sprang up from his laying down position "Really! Well, what are we waiting for!" He was glowing with happiness and was bouncing up and down

Flurry got up and walked over "Hold on there Woody! I know you said it was dangerous Mister but do you think I could go too I can do a lot on my own despite me being a younger alicorn."

"Well I'm a younger dragonequus and I've proven myself to be just as strong as my dad so I don't know why you couldn't be as strong as princess cadence. How dangerous are you talking though?" Woody asked Elorn "Because the last dangerous thing that happened got my sister infected."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I can tell it is going to be dangerous without a doubt because the environment is a lot more danger dangerous."

He thought for a moment, thinking about how to explain it.

"Think about it like the everfree forest, but twice as dangerous, because unlike Equestria where you can often find villages and cities, on most other planets you won't find any of that, perhaps very small survivor camps or a city ruin at the very most, but for the most part, it is one massive place of wilderness where the predators dominate the terrain, leaving only the strongest being able to survive."

"I admit when i first came here i was a bit suspicious about everything, how it all was still thriving at such a good rate, and even having a properly function government like that. You won't find these kinds of things out there anymore. Being here makes me start to sympathize with the others because they just don't have this luxury, which is one of the reasons why I became a soldier, helping those in need is something that gives me a form of..... happiness of some sort, and it grants me a purpose in this existance at the same time."

He then looked at Flurryheart.

"You are free to join us, tough i have a suggestion, from what i have heard, your father, Shining Armour used to be the captain of the Royal Guard correct?

How about he joins us in this mission? Having 3 people who have military experience is going to increase our odds of success, and i could even teach him a thing or 2 about my own experiences, because that could improve the defense of Equestria by even further." Elorn suggested.


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"I like your style Elorn." Maple said, "In a broken world you and Jack both try so hard to fix other people problems rather than worrying about your own."

"Dad went to help the Equestria army." Flurry said folding up her open wings. "So unless they all come back soon we can't bring him with us, Plus he'd be too defensive of me anyways, He wouldn't want me to even leave the planet, I know he's my dad and he's just watching out for me but you 2 don't have the same problem with your dad."

Woody laughed "Well our dad doesn't make sense to anypony, Should we get going then Elorn?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thanks. Many of us are actually like that, but perhaps have trouble showing it. And while it is a good call to many, it did leave us with worrying aftermaths, for one our species is starting to reach a dangerous number of survivors, with an estimation of leaving only around 3000 should it continue like this for the coming years." Elorn said

He then looked at Fluttery. "Alright, but i am going to give you guys an headsup, should we get into danger, follow my instructions and don't take any critical action in these situations without my permission, because at this point its going to get very dangerous, and to that extension i am still responsible for your lives, you all understand?" He asked.


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Flurry nodded "Ok I won't. I want to come with you though and it's not me asking permission."

"Flurry... He said you can come but don't let what has already happened to Maple happen again. Please." Woody pleaded "I don't have another artifact for your soul so if you get infected it's over for you."

"I won't." Flurry said "Promise! Let's go!"

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Alright, meet me at the edge of the everfree forest, I prefer to meet you guys there because I am drawing the wrong kind of attention being around those other ponies here, while I have no problem being around them, they do look a bit suspicious and sceptical towards me regarding this entire war." Elorn said as he walked away.


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"Alright!" All 3 of the ponies said, Flurry, flew off to go gather her things.

"See ya there" Woody added, "Maple what should we take."

"Don't think we need much just what's in your bags" Maple's Soul responded. "I wonder if Elorn can do this too? Guess I'll ask him next time we see him."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn was walking through the streets of Canterlot, many ponies were giving him mixed reactions, some looked at him afraid while others gave him a look of disgust or just a frown, which most of them were the nobles in that last one.

He, however, paid no mind to it as he continued forward.

He was heading towards the train station where multiple guards were standing, the security of Canterlot had been increased drastically during the war.


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Luna had made a slight recovery and was leading the others back to canterlot, after they had driven back the enemy forces Luna planned on chasing them but after finding out all that happened from a small dragon who followed Festus, he witnessed the whole thing with the others going through a portal, she called for retreat I must warn the others Luna thought to herself. I hope they're all ok. 


Woody and Flurry had gathered their belongings and left "We must not waste time I want my sister back." Woody said as he took of flying to the forest

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn was waiting for them at the edge of the everfree forest when he saw the others arriving, he stood up from where he had been sitting.

"You guys ready? I have a teleporter ready that should be able to lead us there, but once we arrive we still have to walk a few miles before we reach him." Elorn said as he gathered his weapons.

"And one more thing, when we meet up with him, please try to be civil, I know you guys are that by nature, but he has been through alot. At one point he had a near death injury that had destroyed some parts of his body, but how he managed to pull himself together through such an  injury is beyond me, though he did use the opportunity to fake his death, which meant he had managed to stay under the radar for many years, because he is at this point a hero, not because of his fighting experience, but because of his extraordinary skill regarding technology, the moment he is going to build Maple's body, you can expect he is not going to get sloppy anytime on it."


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Woody remembered how negatively Jack reacted to Chaos magic. "W... Wait hold on!" He teleported away and reappeared a second later wearing a black cloak he had a hood but it wasn't on yet. "Alright don't want him to freak out when he sees me. Given how your people see chaos I can't take any chances."

Flurry looked at him "Wait wh- Nevermind just do as you see best fit Woody. Let's-" Something else just hit her "I'm sorry but did you say teleporter?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn gave Woody a thumbs up.

"Good initiative, eventually after he knows you better you could do without the cloak, but for now this would be the best course of action." Elorn said.

He then looked at Flurry.

"Indeed, i use this device to travel between planets, of course it is not nearly as accurate regarding a warp gate with its landing position and for the fact that it has a pretty limited range, it does work sufficient enough to do the job, ironically the person who we are going to visit made this device." Elorn said as he held a strange boxed device in his hand and put it on the ground.


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Woody slipped on his hood "Alright let's go. Ready Maple?" Woody with the cloak and hood on appeared to be a brown earth pony, with a black colored mane with a gray streak, and an odd Fang. The glow of Maple's soul inside the artifact contrasted the cloak nicely 

"Yeah. Let's go." Maple responded, "Oh hey Elorn how long will it take for the body to get built?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"It is going to depend on how well he will be able to build it. I am going to mention an important factor though when we do meet him, I would prefer if we take him back to  Equestria so he can build your body there, not only will he be safer in Equestria, but back where he is now, he will probably lack the resources to build it."

"Because if am being honest, I worry for the old man, he has been secluding himself from anyone for the last couple of years and only makes contact via voice masked communication devices. But I fear he will not last much longer his current state, he is already weakened considerably which means he as to rely on his machines to protect his encampment. But should he die, not only will Maple stay without a body, but our survival chances are going to drop considerably, even though he is secluded, many still depend on his help, because he provides many survivors with weapons and technology in order to increase their chances of survival. His death will mean the death of thousands by that extension."

"It might be rather selfish to ask this of you guys, but out of the many old and veteran heroes that have fought during the entire span of this war, he is one of the only survivors, and as you might be able to understand, our enemies would send in everything they have should they found out he is still alive, considering how valuable he is to others." Elorn said, his expression frowning slightly.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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"Absolutely he can come here!" Flurry said. "Anything he needs he can have as long as it gets Maple back."

Woody sighed "I don't think that's a good idea."

"Huh? Why?" Maple responded, "He's a friend."

"I mean... He's safer where he is in hiding, Equestria's overrun with forces we can barely understand ourselves." Woody said looking around the forest "He is much safer where he is now than here where enemies are ever present. If he needs things I will personally get them for him."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You are wrong Woody, I would normally agree with you on this one, but your comparison with Equestria's current environment is inaccurate. Should he had been safe there, I wouldn't have been bringing this matter up."

"Equestria still holds dominance over its defense, and its vegetation is still as pure as ever. In most other planets the truth is far darker than presented by most, food is very scarce because the enemy is actively trying to exterminate the ecosystem of planets by drastically changing the temperature and eliminate things such as food and water sources.

But what is even worse, is that instead of leaving cleansed planets, they instead gain a foothold, and start constructing mass amounts of factories, conversion centers, and many other things in order to keep their conquered planets into a grip. In fact, many of the survivors inhabit already dangerously conquered planets, because they are trapped like rats and have no other way out. While most of the infected creatures that room the planets are feral without any form of physic link nearby, it much worse than that."

"What Equestria seems to uphold is a compact defense, and that is the very sole reasons how it is faring better than most currently are, you all have the strength and numbers to uphold such a defense, but most out there lack the numbers for that, most groups ranging in a number of 20 at the very most, but as you might be already aware, the enemy uses this physic link as a form to give orders to both infected and their soldiers. But this method of theirs is truly a danger to most out there because, with this method, they are able to hunt survivors at a very concerning pase, all they have to do is connect their link to one of the infected creatures should they notice resistance is going on. Your friend might not have told this in such a great detail, but this is the reason why so many are already dead, should it have been so safe as you mentioned, then we wouldn't be reduced to this level of crisis."

He then looked him in the eyes.

"I know Maple understand this matter of crisis all too well because she is a soldier, it is her duty to protect the citizen of her nation from harm. And so am I, and as a soldier, it is my duty to protect my people as well."

he placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I know you doubt my words, Woody, but once things start to get even worse, you will need to rely on the word of others, you have an opinion on your own, and feel free to voice it, but don't let it influence the plans of others in such situations, because with arguing, there will come more arguments, and if it is not resolved, it will place lives in the line that you are trying to protect. I lost my family because someone had his own opinion about something, and he tried to voice it with so much force, that it ended up in a bitter fight, which costed the lives of many. Your honesty is appreciated, but in such dire situations, there cannot be room for arguments, cooperation is the only thing that keeps a group stable and be able to function at its best. Don't let more of your family fall prey to our enemy, but trust in the words of those who try to help you, because in the end truth is a very difficult concept, you can only either trust the word of someone or follow your own path, both lead to something different."

"Even though this doesn't have to do much with what we talked about a few minutes ago, this is going to be important for your future, I got to know you better when you talked to me after the events of that conversion center, and i know you have good intentions, so please, do this one for me alright?" he asked


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"I do have good intentions," Woody said getting upset. "That's why I want this guy to stay where he is he's safe there!"

Maple had gone quiet "W... WAIT! This guy," She said in a panic as she realized something You said the 'hive mind' was looking for him right? Wh... What was his name? B... because if it's Cearson... They know where he is."

Flurry jumped once Maple started to panic "Wait how do you know."

"When I got infected I was unconscious for several hours before my soul was pulled from my body. I heard these voices... thousands of them... His name was mentioned. They said they found him! We've got to hurry."

Woody backed down from the argument. "Nevermind I stand corrected, Let's go!

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn was silent for a few moments.

"Yes, yes it is his name, and this bad news, because he will not survive an assault from the magnitude that the enemy will throw at him now that they realise that one of their main targets from 20 years ago is still alive." He said with grief.

Everyone stand close around it and i will set in the coordinates." Elorn said as he looked a bit absent.


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Woody and Flurry both nodded "Alright." They both said in unison.

Maple spoke again "They were only discussing it when I heard it, but my corruption was nearly 2 days ago so there's no telling what's happening now so you may want to be ready for a fight. Elorn please hurry." She said calmly.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Agreed, time is of the essence." Elorn said as he started the device.

Eventually, they teleported.


They arrived in a desert environment, the place they were at was filled with wrecks of vehicles like destroyed tanks and other wreckages, lots of containers and concrete walls were there too, but they seemed to look almost ancient as vegetation had started to grow on most things.

The climate itself was rather hot, which could be expected from being in a desert.

"Stay here for a moment, I am going to check this place out." Elorn said as he drew his pistol.

The area had an apparent weird smell, very dried blood could be smelled, but at the same time also that of very old fuel that leaked out of the vehicles years ago and had dried up.



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Woody started to sing protecting the 2 ponies from the environment its self. It was a simple spell that flurry could do to so it wasn't chaos magic he just kinda wanted to do it.

"Woody..." Flurry said concerned. "Are you getting bad feelings from this place too. Seems almost uninhabitable."

"Which is why it's a perfect hiding place" Maple chimed in. "Let's just hope this Cearson will come with us before the enemies show."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Elorn eventually returned.

"Sadly I could not find much, though on the bright side infected are not swarming the place here.." he said.

"I suggest we start heading North, his encampment should be in that direction." Elorn said as he started to climb over the wreckages.


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Woody sighed "Alright. Let's get a move on and get him out of here before those infested show up to kill him and us." He moved his paw up to the artifact and said very quietly "Don't worry sis, We'll get that body soon."

Flurry looked around still feeling uneasy due to her surroundings but followed Elorn anyways

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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