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We stand united 1x1 Maple Bat


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"Interesting, I was also thinking we could start on a smaller body in the form of a pony first, that way she will have a body and a very fast one at that while we work on the second one will the easier part will be done." Caerson suggested.

"Say, do you think you could fetch one of those pony mannequins? It would be nice to use one of those as a template for the body structure. Those mannequins are used what you call *dresses* corrected?" he asked.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus


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"Yes that would be correct. Should take me too long to get back with one." Twilight dashed off and came back about 30 minutes later "Took a bit of convincing but Rarity decided to let me take one. Though she said it'd be preferable if she could get it back." She noted lifting some of the metal over with levitation.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Thank you, now we should build the metal structure over the Mannequin since it might take a while even with the both of us, i have a drone available who can help us with this." He said as a drone flew over to them, which was making some mechanical beeping noises, scanning Twilight to increase its databank.

"Would you please be so kind to hold the metal plating in place with your magic around the mannequin? I and the drone will start connecting the individual parts together.


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Twilight nodded "That's easy for me." She levitated several pieces of metal selecting a bunch of different ones, once she had placed all the metal against the mannequin it had fit perfectly around it "There we go you two go ahead and attach the pieces." She said smiling. Flurry walked back into the room nervously and quietly she didn't say a word when she got inside, she just started watching the two work.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson nodded with satisfaction as he and the drone started welding together the metal.

After about an hour, the metal pieces had been attached.

"Good, and now give those body parts some manoeuvrability... That is something we could work on later, but there is one thing, we are going to need something very specific. Those mech's that the enemy tends to use, their power cores... We are going to need 2 of those in order to give this body a proper function power supply. It is going to be a problem as i have no spare ones, and taking down one of those mech's is never easy either." Caerson said with a frown.


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Twilight pondered this for a second, "Is it possible for us to make something that could work like that? Rather than try to get one due to the danger of it."

Flurry walked over. "Auntie Twilight..." She said chiming in "Perhaps Woodland once he gets back could go get one with my help. Plus a few others, Luna, And my parents... I think we could do it." She smiled.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Flurryheart is correct, if all of them combined couldn't do the job then you would not have lived this very day in the first place, I might, in fact, have to join this attack as well since removing those power cores is no easy task. And at the same time, I have taken down plenty of vehicles back in the day, my weapons are specifically good against machinery in the first place." Caerson mentioned.


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A small portal opened up a bit behind Caerson, Woody fell out of it and saw the engineer He quickly hid him self behind the metal covered mannequins and slipped his cloak back on before anyone actually registered his presence there That was close he thought. He looked at the thing he had just hidden behind "Well looks like it's coming along nicely." He said startling the others since he kinda just popped up out of nowhere.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Caerson raised an eyebrow at Woody's sudden appearance.

"There is something I have to wonder about before we escaped, you were still at my encampment, and decided to go without the teleporter, and here you suddenly pop up out of nowhere. If I may ask, did you somehow learn to manifest the energies from the demon realm? Because it is not possible for any being to perform such a feat unless traversing the parallel realm of darkness is involved." Caerson asked. his right hand started to twitch for a few seconds.


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"No. I didn't travel across this 'Demon realm' You speak of I don't think I know what exactly you're talking about anyway." Woody said shrugging, "I'll tell you at a later date if you are still curious at that time, for now, I'm here to help again."

Flurry walked over. "Did you kill that giant machine thing? I think that's what it was a heard stomping around outside that bunker."

"No unfortunatuly not even I'm that strong." Woody said "I mearly protected the base as you guys left."

"Dang, Well we need a power core to get Maple's body working and only other mechs have those so I was kind of hoping." Flurry said.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Well, getting that power core is very important, and if need be, I will try to take one of those down myself, no need to risk your lives on something that I require. " Caerson said he grabbed his weapons.

"Tough perhaps you all could target another one, having 2 of those cores is better than one in our circumstances," Caerson said as he walked out of the room through the hallway.


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Woody nodded as Caerson left "I'll go get Luna and the others." Woody said leaving the room taking the necklace from Flurry on his way out.

After a little bit, Woody got back with Luna and Cadence "You two ready?" He said taking off the cloak

The two nodded and the 6 of them walked into another room where Woody had some reports laying around and picked up one that mentioned something about giant footprints somewhere near las pegasus. So that was the first place they'd check. The group took flight heading to the place where the prints where last seen.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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After a few hours, Caerson was walking through a forest.

His method of getting out of Canterlot had been rather orthodox instead of a common way to leave the city, he instead climbed the mountain of Canterlot, which is an impressive feat for someone in his current condition.

He was walking through the forest with an emotionless expression, never even taking off his hood once.

His pace of walking was rather slow tough, but he did not seem to mind.


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The 5 alicorns and dragonequus landed near where the report came from, Woody heard a loud *boom* "Looks like we're close then." He pointed to where the sound came from "Let's go that way."

Luna was skeptical "How do you know it went that way?"

"I'm the only one of us who's seen it. I wouldn't lie would I?" Woody said flying off. With the other following.


Shining armor was talking with Moonshadow about what happened recently and teaching him the basics of commanding when he noticed a cloaked cat person. Moonshadow saw them and he thought that the person was the assassin who had attacked him and Maple in the crystal empire blaming his loss on the Assassin he changed into his changeling form and chased after the cloaked person, Shining ran after him.

Once close Moonshadow shouted at the cloaked figure "Remember me!" as he tackled them both of them rolling a bit down the cliff then stopping once they hit an outcrop "You... Attacked us at the crystal empire." He scoffed "It's time for payback."

Edited by Maple Bat
  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You are wrong, just because I am wearing a cloak doesn't mean I am with those monsters.. and I don't think I would be assassin considering  my appearance, I only have half 3/4 of my body left.." Caerson deadpanned with an empty stare.

"But if you feel to take your fury out on me, then I won't stop you, we will have to pay for our sins once in our life times." He said calmly, not trying to fight against Moonshadow's grip.

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After examining Caerson for a second he let go of him "Sorry, it won't help hitting you, This Assassin has taken a lot from me I want her dead... You, however, have done nothing wrong. I just... Lost someone really special to me," Moonshadow transformed back into his Earth pony form and looked away from the person he just attacked "Maple... I'm sorry."

Shining slid down from the top of the mountain to where they were "Oh gosh." He said looking at the two "What did I miss?"

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"You are forgiven, grief is a powerful thing, it can be very hard to yourself, but some use this method to harness all the rage in them, and focus that rage on our enemies. But it can also be damaging to ones very personality." Caerson said.

He then noticed Shining. "Nothing, in particular, your friend mistake me for someone else, which is understandable regarding this entire situation." Caerson explained, he then looked back at Moonshadow.

"Your grief won't be there for much longer however, as i am infact building her a new body. Tough i have been out here to collect the materials needed for it."

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"W...What!" Moonshadow said wiping the tears from his eyes "Well, in that case, let me know how I can help then, I'll do my best to help out." He said retrieving his heavy spear, which he had dropped upon tackling Caerson.

"Though why in particaular are you travling by yourself?" Shining asked "I mean theses enemies are quite deadly to someone who is alone."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Some did offer to instead of me but I preferred to get this one myself, I don't feel comfortable when others have to risk their lives to get something that I require but at the same time, I guess it's a test for myself to see if I haven't become too weak and old for these type of things as some tend to claim, back in the day I was forced to fight my way through countless of these dangers without any form of support or even outside help, setting my honour straight is an opportunity I cannot decline." Caerson said.

He then looked in the distance.

"I have been trying to hunt down one of their mech's because their power cores are the exact thing I need to finish your friend's body. Granted that they are hard to take down, i do appreciate if you guy would want to help out. The only problem is that trying to find one of those is hard without fighting lots of their soldiers at the same time. Wich means it is going to be tricky." Caerson said.

Edited by Mickey Adaptus
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"Well leave the soldiers to me." Moonshadow said, "While I look like an earth pony I still have a good degree of magic and I can fly since I'm still a changeling underneath the illusion."

"And probably the only changeling I trust to get such a task done," Shining said. "That means I'll be helping you with the extraction of the core. Which I don't mind."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Sounds good, i was hoping they would be patrolling somewhere around here, because should a mech be in their patrol group, we could ambush them and take down that mech. But so far i haven't had any luck, i don't exactly know Equestria from a map perspective so i just ended up wandering in this forest for quite some time." Caerson said.

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"Well, a map isn't exactly something we can just carry around. Though I think if they were patrolling they would be closer to one of their centers, Over near Baltimare would probably be a good place to start." He pointed in a direction "I... think it's over there at least."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"Good call, with enough luck, we could find a good spot to ambush them. When we arrive at our desired location, we should setup up a camp and wait for the time is right to ambush, while the 3 of us make a strong team, it is still debatable if we will remain unscathed after this attack, a 3 man army is not an ideal thing attacking a patrol of that size, but i guess we have no choice regarding that matter." Caerson mentioned.

"Let's go."

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Woody, Luna, Twilight, Flurry, and Cadence all were heading in the same direction they were following the loud sound of footsteps until eventually, they saw a large squadron of soldiers with one of those giant mechs, Woody turned to the 4 alicorns "Right so what's the plan?"

"The plan is simple, Woodland, We go in and destroy that thing." Luna said valorously.

"I thought that it would be that easy but the one I fought before..." Woody said downed "It took virtually no damage from anything I did to it. It even managed to out smart me in some ways."

Flurry looked at Woody "Hey... It's ok you've got us to help take it down this time. Also I do have a stratagy you and me are gonna attack the soldiers around the bot, while the older memebers of our group take on the robot!"

Woody nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Let's go."

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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The soldiers where walking trough the streets.

A group of ponies where trying to run away from the soldiers, but they where not fast enough as the enemy soldiers started chasing them, while firing their weapons towards at the same time.

Some of the ponies fell death to the ground while some others tried getting away.

The big machine meanwhile was making its way trough the city, buildings where crushed under its feet as it seemed to crush anything that stood in its path.

When it notices the fleeing ponies it started attacking them with rocket barrages, because of the machine's size, it was capable of spotting the fleeing ponies from afar.


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